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I apologize for being absent this last days, it's been a pretty messed up month and it really screwed up my schedule, still right now im finishing the main video;

Technical stuff:

Im currently still in the video editing, there's 1 animated sequence and a long outre pending, im expecting to finish this stage in tue upcoming hours, the audio editing doesn't take as long as the images and video, i always upload after the month ends, but right now im a bit behind, im expecting to finish the whole thing by tonight, considering the normal render time for the high quality version takes around 6 - 10 hours, so i'll be preparing a provisional version (like Momma.K) since there may not be enough time to do the full checking and the full quality render, the whole edition usually takes 3 -4 days, but for this one it will be done in 1, im expecting to keep error at minimum but there may be one or two that slip in, whenever i upload let me know if there's any error or artifacts that need correction.

Texturing Beatrix room was way more time consuming than i was expecting, i was also testing some new materials, unfortunately due the engine instability i didn't added the 4k textures, i'll be doing some testing to see how it actually handles the 4k's and i will also be adding some additional things in the room that i couldn't for this release since the texturing took the time i had for the 3d modeling .

The theme:

Due the theme and being a Beatrix episode , towards one of the last sequences the plot may become a bit "darker" than usual, i personally do not think it went to far and reached a point of uneasiness and the need for a disclaimer, but each may have a different perception, and if you're to used to the silly mild tone of TGirlfriend and Bimboy this one may feel like it's slightly scratching the dark erotica territory, again i don't think it's too much, but i don't want you to get caught off guard.

I think the outro will be longer than usual, since it's basically the conclusion of a trilogy (ep 7 - 9), so expect lot's of stuff to read

Originally i intended to include several poses, but in order to keep it around the 15 min limit, the result was the normal 4 poses, on the bright side this one's intro is shorter and the action starts withing the first couple of minutes.

After releasing this one i'll be finishing the pending bonus scene (Beatrix tier), right now it's half done but i'll be focusing on the main video, time really messed up me this month

As for today, i think all the requested videos have been sent, if i somehow missed your request please let me know.

As always feel free to share your toughs




On my guard with sensitivity sensor tuned down