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March summary:

The main video is ready, seems my internet is pretty slow, so right now im waiting for the upload, if there are no further issues the video shall be sent later on today.

Now that the main video is finished i'll be focusing in the pending gallery with Corey and the officers, there where a couple of issues since i wanted to re texture the scenario, but being one of the old original assets of the engine, the texturing ended coming with various small issues, so i think i'll be letting it as it is for this gallery and keep up with the re-vamp for a future content, if things go out smoothly the gallery would be sent during this weekend.

Coming up in April:

There will be some bonus content coming up from the latest main video, which will including it's respective discarded poses gallery and a bonus alternative scene (Beatrix slaves) just like Traps Life Ep.2.

After working on the mentioned bonus content, if there's enough time there may be an additional gallery, possibly a continuation of Ladies man or the Corey in Jail (the one coming up ).

April poll tentative poll line up:

  • Arschtopfers: Replaced (feat. Sascha)

  • Arschstopfers: Hands of Experience (feat. Maria*)

  • Arschstopfers: Toilette des Femmes (feat. Heike)

  • Bimboy: Black Anaconda

  • Traps Life Ep 01 (remake) (feat. Elise, Kaiylah)*

    So that's pretty much this month close up and some plans for April, as always feel free to share your thoughts



Arschstopfer : remplaced Sacha !!!!!


definitely cant wait to see Sascha back in action