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Working on a Cammy animation can you tell I really want to play SF6?




Still need to play me in sf5 😤


I really cant wait for SF6. Thats gonna be the last competitive game I buy for a while, its got literally everything


@0t4ku - Rashid/Gief main (though Giefs more secondary nowadays) Best* pocket characters: Necalli, Ryu, & Seth, but I can play a bit of Sagat, Alex, Bison, Mika. @Lewd - naaaaaaaaah, I’m a washed up old man now 😗🎶


Random thought: curious if any Kimberly models are floating around the internet yet


I play Chun mostly nowadays, I used to play Juri but I don't like how stiff she feels. I hope she feels better to control in SF6. I want to learn Rose but she seems kind of complicated to use..


They definitely will exist soon, people have already ripped the characters from the closed beta and modded them, so I think it's a good chance they'll be out soon. They probably want to wait so that they don't get attacked by Capcom