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Hi guys! I may soon change my username to Alyta3D on all my socials. It's a more sfw name (ironic bc I'm very nsfw) for other platforms and I like that it's a little more personal for me to use that name instead. :) Lewdality is such a legendary name though so I'm still on the fence of changing it T^T


Tanner Whitaker

You can always use that as your user name, and Lewdality could be like your "stage name" ya know

Tanner Whitaker

Yeah that's true as well haha, I guess you'd know who's been here long if you do change it and they still call you Lewdality


Being an avid fighting game player, the MK inspiration will be missed. But the new name is cute so idk. As Tanner said we can still just call you Lewd 🤷🏿‍♂️ At least you’re giving a heads up about the change instead of just doing it and saying nothing lol

lewdality (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-27 14:11:36 Thank you, Welfare T^T <3 I'll miss it too
2022-06-24 21:12:07 Thank you, Welfare T^T <3 I'll miss it too

Thank you, Welfare T^T <3 I'll miss it too


I'm gonna miss the name 😭 But I'll still call you Lewdality. Just such a good name