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Yolani peered at the small mirror they had found in the burnt-out building, holding it around the edge of the alley to scout the street.

Nothing moved, except for a few spots of smoldering debris that had burnt itself out. It had been a while since they’d heard any gunfire or spells, but the smell of smoke was pervasive.

The group had remained hidden for hours instead of trying to make a break for it, much to her disbelief. Henri had obviously been overly worried about her safety, and Gaston had listened to him.

It was true they weren’t well armed, but Elania was with them. Except her friend went silent and just nodded along with what Gaston had ordered.

It was like she was a different person.

Yolani frowned and rotated the mirror, scanning the opposite direction.

Maybe the thought wasn’t fair. Elania’s transformation into a Darkwalker always had a big effect on her personality, so why would it be different for her seraph form?

It was just that the emotionless stoicism on display was so different from the Elania she knew.

“It’s clear,” Yolani said, before looking over her shoulder. The others were watching her intently... except for Elania. She was staring at the cavern’s ceiling.

Gaston nodded. “Alright, let’s go.”

Yolani folded the mirror back into her pocket and then followed Gaston out of the alley. There was still a long way to go until they reached the dividing wall between the Conclave district and the Watch Fortress, and they were going to have to pick up the pace if they wanted to make it before the light stones went out.

A frown crossed her lips, and she glanced up. Would they work normally now, actually? The artificed constructs relied on the way stones for their dimming function, and if the Guards’ telepathy was nonfunctional...

There was a real possibility the city would remain under constant daylight conditions until things were fixed.

That wasn’t really the end of the world, but it meant that sneaking around at night was going to be a lot harder. She glanced at the back of Gaston’s neck. Maybe the lieutenant had taken that into consideration when he finally agreed that they should move.

The street was empty, and the only sound was the echo of their footsteps. It was eerie, and the feeling of being watched was strong.

The entire avenue was fire-blasted. The seraph’s attack had come close but not actually dug into the area. That just being near the destruction had set stone to flame was terrifying.

Yolani shivered and then looked at Elania. She didn’t seem to be paying attention, and her wings had shrunk down to a small size that wrapped around her like a cloak. But they still glittered.

Was she okay? The question had been asked, but it felt like it was dumb.

Were any of them really okay?

“Wait,” Gaston said, holding up a hand as they reached an intersection. He peered around the corner, then looked back at them with a frown. “People.”

“Lightbringers?” Henri asked.

Gaston shook his head. “No, looks like civilians.”

Yolani moved up to look for herself. There was a half-dozen men carrying bodies and setting them out in rows while throwing cloth over them.

“It’s the fastest way to the Watch,” Yolani said. “We can’t avoid everyone forever.”

Elania suddenly stepped out from behind them and walked toward the group without a word.

Panic filled Yolani for a half second as she thought Elania was going to slaughter them, but she shut the uncharitable thought down. Elania was still Elania, and she wouldn’t do something like that.

Before Gaston or Henri could react, she followed Elania and caught up to grab her arm.

Two golden eyes casually glanced at her. “Are you alright, Yolani?”

Yolani blinked. “I’m fine. Just following you.”

Elania nodded and continued without missing a beat.

Henri followed next, and then Gaston and his monk friend.

The group of people handling the bodies jerked to a stop when they saw them approaching, but when they realized they weren’t under attack, they went back to their work.

It was freakish at how fast things had changed in just a few hours of conflict. It was far, far worse than the riots had been.

There were undoubtedly far more people dead and missing...

Her grip on Elania’s arm tightened slightly. She needed to avoid thinking about everything until they made it somewhere safe.

Maybe the nervous thought somehow transmitted itself to Elania because she glanced at Yolani and then paused.

“Let’s reform a new contract,” Elania said matter-of-factly.

Yolani blinked. “What?”

The rest of the group came to a halt and their reactions ranged from frowns to Henri spluttering an objection.

“Let’s make a new contract,” Elania repeated like the question had been because she hadn’t heard.

“Do you need energy? Are you low on [Power] right now?” Yolani asked.

Elania shook her head. “I’m fine, and Magister Bannon gave me a new mana shard, so we have that. I just want to be able to find you if we get separated again.”

Able to find her? Yolani blinked. That wasn’t something she knew that the contract could do.

It had taken them hours to make their first contract, and they had spent a lot of time making sure it was safe and equitable. “Are you sure this is the time and place to do this?”

“Yes,” Elania said. “I’m sure.”

Yolani hesitated, looking at the heat crisped streets and the people working to clear the bodies. “Alright. Maybe let’s find some cover first?”

“I have it ready already,” Elania said. “You just need to agree.”

That redoubled the hostility of the others, but Yolani ignored them as she read the shimmering words that appeared in front of her.

[Contract With: Elania Reyes]

[Contract Essence Draw: 0.0]

[Configuration: Custom]

[(Contractor: Elania Reyes), (Contractee: Yolani Aetherhart), (Duration: Indefinite)]

[Requirements/Contractor: Contractor is Contractee’s friend.]

[Requirements/Contractee: Contractee is Contractor’s friend. Essence draw provided to Contractor is variable and may be modified by Contractee.]

[Penalty/Contractor: Contractor waives any rights or penalties related to the contract. Contractor may terminate the contract at any time.]

[Penalty/Contractee: Contractee waives any rights or penalties related to the contract. Contractee may terminate the contract at any time.]

It was very barebones and probably had only taken Elania a few seconds to set up. She wasn’t sure why Elania was insisting on it now, but she trusted her friend.

“Agreed,” Yolani said. There were a series of muted protests from Gaston and Henri as she reached out and touched the shimmering words.

The contract vanished, and Elania nodded. “Thank you.”

Yolani arched an eyebrow. “You’re welcome?”

“I hope you know what you’re doing, Ms. Aetherhart. Demons can play tricks. As much as you trust her...” Gaston said, his words trailing off.

Elania’s wings suddenly flared out of her back, the shimmering energy coursing over them as she turned around. It felt warm and tingly, and Yolani felt it cling to her skin gently, like it wanted to protect her.

The others shuddered and took a step back. Maybe not receiving the same sensation? Yolani shook her head. She wasn’t sure.

“I have no use for souls, and I’m Elania, not some random demon. I’m mostly concerned with making sure Yolani is safe, and to a lesser degree Henri and then you,” Elania said. “I’m not going to do anything to harm her.”

“You blasted the city and likely killed hundreds, and started this entire mess,” Gaston muttered. “You’re dangerous.”

Elania tilted her head, and Yolani was afraid she was going to lash out, but that didn’t happen.

“I don’t think I started this mess. It was already brewing long before I arrived. I just accidentally lit the wick to the powder-keg someone set out in a bad spot,” Elania replied flatly.

“I know people died because of the fighting, and that my powers can be dangerous for those around me. I don’t intend to hurt or kill anyone by accident or otherwise, but I don’t intend to let anyone hurt or kill me or the people I care about, either.”

Yolani felt her cheeks heat slightly. Despite the emotionless delivery, the words ‘people I care about’ had been said with a certain amount of emphasis... and she was sure that Elania meant her, specifically.

“Even if it means killing innocents?” Gaston asked.

Elania’s eyes narrowed. “Don’t give me that self-righteous bullshit, Gaston of the Guard. I’ve seen what the Watch does to innocents that get in their way. I’ve seen them beat and kill people for no reason other than they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. There’s not black or white in this entire cursed city.”

Gaston grunted. “Fair enough, but many won’t see it that way. They will only see the scale of damage you’re capable of causing, and have caused and it will be put on you.”

“Fortunately, I’m very strong,” Elania stated.

“We need to keep moving,” Yolani muttered. She grabbed Elania’s arm and pulled. The other girl followed, and then the rest of the group did as well.

The civilians had all stopped to stare at what she realized was a very public argument, and Elania’s wings weren’t helping, either.

“Why are they out again? They’re making us visible,” Yolani asked. “The cloak was better.”

Elania glanced at her, slightly confused. “What?”

Yolani pointed. “Your wings.”

Elania blinked and looked back. “Oh. Sorry, they have a mind of their own.”

“Can you make them go away?” Yolani asked.

Elania frowned and bit her lip. They shrunk and became less visible, but there was still a faint golden outline in the air. They curled around to tuck around the both of them. “That’s the best I can do, I think. It depends on how much [Power] I’m holding on to.”

Yolani nodded. “Alright. Let’s keep moving.”

Despite how dangerous walking through the streets felt, they only encountered small groups of people who had been caught in the fray.

Corpses were everywhere, along with damage and rubble. They found a squad of guards that had been ambushed and killed, along with a half dozen monks that looked like they had been shot down from a distance.

When the gate to the Watch Fortress finally came into view, Yolani felt a surge of relief.

They were almost there.

The nightmare that had started in a little sandwich stop was going to finally come to an end.

There was no sense of falling as she realized Elania had caught her before she hit the ground.

She was just so tired.


Jonathan Wint

Oh YESS the Monks going to pay! With their SOULS!

Luboš Hemala

I wonder how she transforms back to human. It would be nice if it became easier and easier with practice.