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USD: ~3 months after Hot Rescue return from Hades.

Location: Meltisar, Mil-1A, Meltisar High Command, Tia’s Office

Tia slammed her hand on the desk, frustration evident in her voice. "Every chance they get, they drag us into the mud using events like what's being broadcast on the news as ammunition! The opposition is relentless."

Alex could sense Tia's anger in the air as she stared at them. Her clenched fists and furrowed brow showed that she was growing increasingly frustrated. The tension in Tia's office was thick enough to cut through, making Alex feel slightly uneasy.

Alex’s eyes were drawn to the decorations Tia had filled her office with. Mostly tasteful elegant pieces of art, but they were all flanked by electronic consoles and devices that a NAI could easily manipulate while at work.

The meticulously organized room contained a large, polished desk that reflected the soft light emitting from the ceiling panels above. Behind her were rows of neatly arranged bookshelves lining one side of the room, while to the side stood a large communication device and holographic display that mirrored the others in the CIC.

Thea, seemingly unaffected by Tia's anger, shrugged nonchalantly and said, "I made my own news of a potential assassination to counter it."

Tia fumed, her face reddening as she exclaimed, "It's easily determined to be fake! You just smashed the reporter's face in!"

Laughing at Tia's reaction, Thea replied with a casual wave of her hand, "People who already support us will believe it anyway, while those wanting NAIs removed will think the worst regardless."

Tia glared at her through narrowed eyes and retorted sharply, "That wasn't what I wanted."

Unfazed by Tia's glare, Thea leaned against a nearby table. With an air of defiance, she told Tia, "As the leader of a system, you need to pull out all the stops or we're all screwed."

Hearing this exchange between them filled Alex with unease. She shifted her weight from one foot to another before speaking up. "I'd prefer to be honest, when possible," she interjected quietly.

Both women stared at her for a second, momentarily taken aback by her interruption. Alex decided to change the focus of the conversation and addressed Nameless directly.

"How can they write 'newsreels' in real time, while I’m stuck scrambling to figure out what the heck we are doing?" she asked.

[Notice: It is unlikely that this unit and Avatar will ever share the same type of configuration as the other NAIs, due to this unit's creation occurring decades before Avatar's. Other NAIs often have their MainComputer develop in sync or shortly delayed after.]

Alex felt her hopes falling when he suddenly continued.

[Informative: Avatar's growing assortment of computronics is now capable of supporting virtual spaces between Avatar and sub-cores.]

Alex’s eyes fell on Tia as excitement warred with annoyance. "Why couldn’t we just talk over comms or do that?" she demanded.

Thea’s ears perked up at the mention of computronics. "You three are hogging them all and only giving me a few dozen," she complained.

Tia cleared her throat; she addressed Thea first, telling her firmly, "You don't need more. The demands of running the system are multiplying as threats and issues grow." Then eyes moving back to Alex, she explained the necessity of in-person communication. "We need to talk in person because discussing the current status of things in detail without risking a leak is crucial."

Alex nodded with a frown and asked, "Shouldn't my sister be here too?"

Thea playfully poked Alex, teasingly asking, "Do you have a siscon obsession?"

Embarrassed, but not rising to take the bait, Alex shook her head and clarified, "No, I just think Elis is important and should be involved in any decisions made."

Tia shook her head in response to Alex's suggestion. "I already spoke to Elis. She said she didn't want to make big decisions or be involved at the highest levels. You can ask her about it later."

Feeling confused since Elis never mentioned anything like that before, Alex accepted Tia's explanation but made a mental note to discuss the matter with Elis later when she returned home.

Tia motioned for them to follow her to the command center so she could fill them in. They trailed behind her into the CIC room, where Tia gestured towards the main screens. With a wave of her hand, they came alive with information and light.

The four major factions appeared on separate screens: The Imperium, The Corporate Systems, The Solarian Federation, and The Ertan Republic. A fifth screen displayed the Interstellar Forum of Ruling Bodies logo, something Alex had not seen since Dedia IV. The memory of her invoking the Octanis accords during those events to deal with the colonial government made her feel uneasy.

"First," Tia began, "as we know, Alex has happily sent the Corpos and Solarians packing this month. I'm expecting that the Imperium Delegation will arrive in much the same way by the end of the month. Recon has shown no activity so far; so, they might take longer. They could come through Beta Antliae and we wouldn't have as much notice, but I seriously doubt it. We'll have advanced warning."

Alex asked cautiously, "Is it going to be a problem? The others sent fleets, but they weren't that large."

Tia frowned and replied, "It could go either way. Mother might send a small fleet like the others to probe or a massive one to try and force things her way… The Imperium has the most military forces of any of the big four and has ships to spare."

Thea pulled out a chair and sat down, straddling it backward. "And do we have enough ships to deal with that?" she inquired.

Tia nodded confidently. "I've seen to it that shipyards here on MIL-1A have accelerated production as well as those in outer yards throughout the system. The Meltisar Navy will have more hulls in space than it has ever had in its entire history."

"They already had a lot," Alex commented, trying to gauge their chances. “We have a lot.”

Tia nodded, "The issue is just about every older ship needs to be refit, to close loopholes and issues in their systems that were purposefully left. Actually, the only ships that aren’t compromised are the Aegis, the Iron Horse, and the few squadrons that have already been through drydocks."

Thea frowned. "So, our entire fleet is a joke?"

Tia shook her head, "Not necessarily. As long as we are present, they don’t have any way to outrank us in NAI terms and can keep them blocked. The issue is any detached elements could be turned without a fight."

Alex studied the map of nearby systems. "We should make sure our scouts and forward units are refitted first. We can’t be everywhere."

"Agreed," Tia confirmed. "I’ve already started that process; there are replacement units moving into position to relieve what was already on station. So that shouldn't be a problem."

Tia waved her hand, and the screens began to display threat estimates and fleet numbers. Startlingly, Meltisar had the largest fleet of any faction, and Alex’s eyes were drawn to the yellow bars showing hull numbers and estimated power ratings.

"The issue isn’t any one faction," Tia explained. "If we wanted, we could probably storm Solaria and The Corporate Systems and win a two-front battle with them."

"Oh… ho… Princess, that is very bold of you," Thea said slyly, her eyes lighting up. "I can give you a very good rundown on security and defenses of Hydrae. Punching through the fortress system would be fun."

Alex frowned but was halted from speaking by Tia raising her hand.

"No, no," Tia reassured her gently. "Alex, it's fine; I wasn’t planning anything like that. The problem I am getting at is while we have enough strength to defeat one or two factions in a fleet engagement, all four of them working together would plow us over. That’s not even considering what could happen if they involved their capital units."

Thea sat up straight, a frown appearing on her face. "Battlemoons don’t move. Solaria’s little moonlets could, but I doubt any of them could be used offensively; they are population centers with trillions living on all of them."

"If they feel like their existence is threatened, they might act," Alex interjected cautiously. Tia and Thea both turned to stare at her as she tugged at her collar feeling self-conscious. "With our Omega here, they might just."

Thea tilted her head. "Who thought a young, innocent and naïve NAI could cause so much trouble?"

Alex bit her lip. "I'm not…," she cleared her throat. "We are keeping that a secret for a reason."

Tia nodded in agreement. "I've thought of something partly convincing for the upgrade bit to feed them; I’m not sure how well they will swallow it, and they might just try to break us anyway to avoid a fifth PSI power."

Alex swallowed hard before asking, "Do we have any intel on 92 Pegasi? They might have a sixth… seventh problem too."

Thea giggled and then laughed out loud. Tia let out a pained sigh and shook her head. "No news from there. It's going to throw a wrench in things, but I have no idea how we'd get any units over there to even know what was going on."

"What about building a wormhole device?" Alex asked. Thea's eyes lit up like she had scented a particularly tasty candy.

Tia frowned, "You have a battlemoon laying around?"

"It didn't need a battlemoon when Elis and I escaped the graveyard system. Nameless?"

[Informative: A large asteroid can act as sufficient anchorage for a proper wormhole generator. However, the cost and expense to produce a slipstream module is calculated to be very high, and would interfere with current construction priorities, as well as be a highly noticeable and hard-to-conceal project.]

Tia shook her head, "We are already having shortages just supplying the population with all our ongoing needs."

Alex frowned, "I guess we should move on to internal issues?"

Tia nodded. "Admiral Anderson is still raising support in New Brisbane; there are a considerable number of civilian officials from the previous government that were anti-NAI supporting him now."

"Can't we just kill him?" Thea asked nonchalantly.

Tia's eyes slipped over to her, and Alex sensed that Tia might have agreed to that. But the Princess shook her head no. "He is better served gathering those who oppose us into the open, I think. We've already taken measures to suppress their 'plots' and plans. It's been very helpful in isolating and dealing with the ones who would be an actual danger to things."

Thea leaned back; her chair balanced on only two legs. "That works until it doesn't. Even with the surveillance capabilities of Mr. Nameless, something is bound to sneak by with the sheer number of things."

"Killing our political opponents should be our last choice…" Alex mumbled.

Thea let her chair land on all four legs with a punctuating crack that echoed through the quiet CIC. "Oh dear, if only that was possible."

Alex nodded, she'd already resigned herself to that fact and faced reality during the crackdown they had performed after taking over. But still, she didn't like using it carte blanche. "I didn't say we wouldn't. But we should still make it the last option."

Tia looked at her, then raised her hand up to the monitor. A list of names appeared. "There are several low-level NAIs that have been located in Meltisar. According to our plans, we've left them alone and simply monitored them, but there is now a problem."

One of the names at the top of the list highlighted, and then a profile appeared. A middle-aged male was shown with his arms wrapped around two dressed-up ladies.

Thea tilted her head, "He's feeling up the local ladies? What's the problem? What if I want to feel up the local gentlemen?"

Tia cleared her throat. "He's feeling up the local ladies and then murdering them. Local authorities haven't been able to do a thing; he's an Upsilon, escaped from the Ertan Republic. Previously 'Proctor'-ranked according to their doctrine. The first time, I sent him a warning; he's stepped up his efforts since then. Normally, I'd ignore this because dealing with it won’t actually help our progress, but…"

Eyes moved to settle on Alex, whose fists were clenched as she watched the screen slowly flipping through pages of victims with bodies mangled, strangled, or even their heads ripped off. Fury filled her and burned within her core. "Eliminate him," she demanded.

"Oh, how fast we change our minds about murder," Thea mused while maintaining her sharp gaze on Alex.

Tia nodded in agreement before continuing, "I considered assigning you to this one, Alex, but considering Elis, I thought she might insist on going with you and she needs to continue her recovery." Tia turned to Thea and asked, "Can you take care of it?"

Thea grinned devilishly. "Of course! Murdering people who actually deserve it is something I enjoy."

Tia stared at her for a moment before saying hesitantly, "I'll keep it in mind."

"Sweet of you," Thea chimed in happily. "Please see that you do and don't forget our agreement."

Tia nodded and then turned back to Alex. "For you, there are the envoys."

Alex groaned upon hearing this new assignment. "What? But I have to study for my makeup exams."

"Consider this an etiquette course," Tia offered as consolation. "You'll have Thraker and Westlake to help you."



The continuing adventures of the blueberry airhead. Worrying about exams as the galaxy teeter totters on oblivion.. 😂


> "Murdering people who actually deserve it is something I enjoy!" Girlfriend material right there.

Jonathan Wint

Innocent Alex "Eliminate him," she demanded. And Moma Entity lives!

Philipp Gawol

I can see that a face-to-face confrontation is the only way to prevent a large-scale slaughter of civilians, but walking in on an NAI's home field is kinda retarded. No offense, okay a little offense, as a treat. They should at least locate his core before even approaching him, even if it costs civilian lives in the meantime. It's gonna help nobody if their fight kills a bunch of people and then he pops out of a random sewer-entrance afterwards. As disgusting as it sounds, they should maybe have one of their units pose as one of his victim's profile and 'seduce' him into kissing her. They could entirely prevent further civilian casualties at the cost of someone's dignity. Also, Alex should really be upgrading the authority of everyone.


Or, you know, just quickly assasinate the avatar, then locate the core that has to be relatively close by during the time it's disabled by its avatar's death and be done with it? They have literally all the resources of a powerful nation. A special operation of this magnitude should be nothing, especially if lead by a high ranking ex-corpo NAI with most likely plenty of experience in such matters.

Philipp Gawol

Not every NAI just carries around a loose core like the MC, he's likely built up a sizable force and is confident that he can make any confrontation with himself too bloody to be worth stopping a single deranged killer. He knows their capabilities yet he still rejected their warning. The least they should expect is a massive buildup of drones which can quickly exterminate large swaths of the civilian population, preferably in a highly visible gruesome manner (flamethrowers, explosives). The method also depends on what he was doing before the MC took over. Worst case scenario he was an undercover operative tasked with conducting a terror strike in case the planet decided to declare independence, to show what happens when you aren't under the umbrella of [Insert empire name here]. An NAI with time to build up is the worst enemy imaginable and you can only win efficiently against them by taking them with their pants down. Also, taking out his avatar doesn't do shit if he has drones, which he 100% does.


He has to have some computronics nerbay tho and if they find it when he's down after avatar's death it may be possible to hack it and take his system over, effectively taking control of all the systems he might've prepare to do damage

Jonathan Wint

Forget about drones we know the most dangerous weapon he has he just has to have planted a bunch of nanites in colonies under his control hidden all over the place possibly some of them sleeping even inside people then when he dies they go rampant he might even have them quietly digging down to the planet's core. It appears to be legitimately crazy or unto someone's power and legitimately evil. Could be that he doesn't want to kill anyone but a PSI or someone higher rank has commanded him to spread Terror of NAI and drones why would he bother with drones we already know the most effective shock troop he could have are alpha cores he could kill one woman and make another his slave and then set her as a alpha core to protect him along with 500 other women for all we know remember if this is a serial killer or someone under the control of a high Authority he would have no reason not to be creating hundreds of alpha calls which are apparently a hell of a lot more easier and more dangerous than a drone with the added advantage that they are also a hostage. No they'll be lucky if he has drones really doesn't make much sense that he would even bother with drones when he could have NAIs . It might even be possible he might have all his victims alive in VR but that would probably require a lot of storage. But he could have a couple imagine a serial killer able to kill you over and over again like a video game and no matter what he does to you if he doesn't want you to die you won't and it could bring you back to life. Now that would be grim!

Diego Rossi

His limit is how much cores he has. He need cores to control nanites, and he need resources to buy and/or craft cores.


So I've got a question, though I could have missed it honestly: Has anything up to this point been said about the Iron Horse and it's status since Alex was supposed to get it once it's repairs were done. I know with the current situation it really doesn't make sense for her to use it to get back to the other star system, can't think of it's name, to check on SR but I just had this thought and wasn't sure.