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Additional Content that is going into Book 1:

Chapter 15B – Trap and Rescue

USD: ~Twelve weeks after awakening

Location: Unknown Yellow Dwarf, L4 Lagrange Point, Debris Cloud #32, nearby Federation Heavy Cruiser wreckage

Alex stood in the CIC, her eyes scanning the reports on the numerous screens before her. The soft hum of the Shrike’s systems filled the air around her, creating a steady rhythm to which she had grown accustomed. 

As she organized her plans and prepared for another long day of work beside Nameless, a red flashing icon appeared on her console. An insistent beep informed her that a communication request was blaring through space on high-band.

Tense anticipation gripped her chest as she realized someone was sending a message. She decided to accept immediately, but not without precaution. A laser shot out from the Shrike to one of the drone buoys she had left behind as a relay and scout; a preparation that was proving its worth at keeping their exact position hidden in case answering the message was a trap.

The computer chimed indicating that a connection had been established even as the drone was marked in red—its position now considered compromised and dangerous to rendezvous with, in the future.

Her fingers tightened around the edge of the console, her focus entirely on the desperate faces on screen. Two Federation naval personnel appeared worn and haggard on the screen. They looked back at her with hope and fear. Their voices were strained, cracking with emotion as they tried to maintain their composure under dire circumstances.

“This is Tom and Larry, from CV-38!” Larry said quickly. At least she assumed he was, since that was what was written on his nametag.

"Please," Tom begged, his eyes watering from exhaustion or fear – Alex couldn't tell which. "We need assistance."

Alex hesitated for a moment before responding to the broadcast. "This is Alex from Shrike II," she said cautiously. "What's happening? Can you give us more information?"

Larry chimed in with a rapid question: "A corvette? Is it working?”

Tom added quickly, “The drones… They're acting strange. We don't know why or how it happened, but they've turned on us."

"We've lost control over them completely. They're attacking everyone who is being woken up and compromising our systems,” Larry explained.

Alex furrowed her brow as she processed this new information. A flurry of questions swirled in her mind; who were these people? How many people were awake besides her and Elis? She grappled with confusion while trying to maintain focus on their predicament.

"How many of you are left? Where did you come from?" Alex asked, trying to keep her voice steady despite her racing thoughts.

"We don't know exact numbers," Larry admitted with frustration evident in his voice. "A signal started reviving us from cryostasis a few days ago. We’ve been setting up life-support to handle the extra revivals."

"We're sending you our coordinates now," Tom said desperately. "Please hurry!"

Before Alex could respond or ask more questions, their connection was lost abruptly, leaving an eerie silence that lingered in her mind like a haunting echo.

She couldn't shake the feeling that she needed to do something – anything – to help these people who had reached out to her for assistance. 

"What do you think about this distress call? We can't just ignore them." Alex said.

[Notice: Tactical analysis indicates high likelihood of a trap.]

[Recommendation: Ignore distress message.]

Alex bit her lip. “I understand it could be a trap, but what if they really need our help? We haven’t seen any other ships other than the drones. We might be the only ones able to assist.”

[Informative: Empathy is a common human emotion that can cause irrational behavior.]

[Recommendation: Prioritize Shrike and ShipCore safety and objectives over those of unknown individuals.]

Alex let out a breath of frustration. 

She couldn't deny the validity of his points, but the desperation in Tom and Larry's voices prodded her. Could she really leave and ignore them like that? She struggled to make a decision.

"I should tell Elis about this," Alex suggested tentatively. "I want to know what she thinks."

[Notice: Trusting the prisoner with command decisions is a serious security issue.]

[Informative: Prisoner will advocate for benefits to prisoner’s position to the detriment of ShipCore.]

[Recommendation: Do not forget the potential risks associated with Avatar’s choice of course of action.]

Alex stood up, making her decision. “I’m going to go ask Elis. She might know them or have ideas.”

Alex hurried through the shrike to Elis’s quarters doing her best to push down her uncertainty and collect her thoughts. She needed to present the situation clearly and honestly.

Elis’s head popped up from reading a book when Alex knocked, the door sliding open a second later.

"We received a distress call from two Federation naval personnel – Tom and Larry. They claim their ship is being attacked by rogue drones."

Elis raised an eyebrow in surprise. Her initial response was curt. "That's… unexpected."

Realizing that Elis might need more context, pulled up a recording of the conversation. She pulled up the file and played it on the room’s main console.

As the audio unfolded, filling the room with the sounds of desperation and urgency, Alex could see Elis's expression shift from confusion to concern.

With the recording finished, Alex looked back at Elis expectantly. "I can't be sure if it's genuine," she admitted, running a hand through her hair. "Nameless thinks it could be a trap, but it seemed real to me."

There was a thoughtful silence as Elis considered the situation more deeply. Finally, she offered a slightly longer reply: "We should help them."

As their conversation continued, Elis gradually opened up more, sharing her insights and concerns about the potential risks involved in responding to the distress call.

"We should go in dark and use recon drones to scan things. You could… you could send me alone also.”

[Notice: High chance of prisoner escape.]

Alex sighed as they determined exactly what they needed to do.


USD: The next day

Location: Unknown Yellow Dwarf, L4 Lagrange Point, Near Debris Cloud #32, Federation Wreckage

A day had passed since their initial conversation about the distress call. Alex and Elis had spent hours discussing the best course of action, eventually settling on a plan that balanced caution with their desire to help those in need. Now, as they stood together in the CIC, Elis couldn't help but feel a mixture of trepidation and determination.

Alex leaned over the console, her fingers flying across the controls as she set their approach vector. "We'll run silent until we're close enough to get a better look at the situation," she explained, her voice filled with focus and resolve.

Elis nodded in agreement. Her eyes were glued to the display in front of her, mentally preparing herself for whatever they might face. She couldn’t help but shake the worry of working with Alex, and thus Nameless, which she was sure was a NAI’s computer. Alex was the Avatar, but she was unlike any she had ever heard or seen herself.

She found herself comparing Alex's emotions and empathy to the cold, calculating nature of the NAIs she had fought against in the past. It was unnerving to consider that such a stark contrast could exist. 

Her console crackled as Alex’s ‘Nameless’ informed them of their progress.

[Informative: Proximity alert activated. Silent Running at 100%, all radiators have been deactivated. An 18 hour heatsink oversaturation clock has been set. Approaching target location.]

The announcement from Nameless sent a shiver down Elis's spine. As she peered closer at the screen, what came into view was a wrecked carrier made up of multiple vessels welded together – including several cruisers and a battleship wreck attached to the carrier – indicating substantial damage from previous conflicts.

"Looks like they've been through hell," Elis murmured under her breath, trying to imagine what horrors had unfolded on that ship.

"Yeah," Alex replied grimly. "Let's hope there are still survivors we can save."

As the wrecked carrier loomed larger on the screen, Alex frowned, noting something odd about the situation. "Didn't they say in the distress message that they were running out of time? This looks like it would have taken a long time to weld all these ships together."

[Informative: This configuration of wreckage would have required a significant duration of work to construct. Long-duration habitation is suspected beyond the confines of a few days reported in distress message.]

Elis furrowed her brow as she considered this new information. "Things don't quite add up, do they?"

Alex hesitated for a moment before responding with steely determination in her voice. "No, but we're here now, and if there's any chance we can help, we should do our best to find out what's going on."

Elis nodded in agreement, surprise going through her at Alex’s resolve to help. Elis examined her own feelings and felt that she might not have been as eager to help those who might want to kill her if their places were reversed. The nagging feeling that something was off about this entire situation couldn’t be shaken off.

[Notice: Deploying recon drone for closer scans.]

As Nameless sent a drone towards the wreckage for a closer look, Elis watched the live feed from its onboard camera. The twisted metal and scorched hulls of the various vessels spoke volumes about the devastation that had befallen them.

As they watched the drone's progress on the display, Nameless finally broke the silence with an update on his findings. 

[Informative: I have detected power signatures aboard the carrier wreckage. Life-signs are present within a module; however, the rest of the wreckage appears to be powered down with transient signatures.]

Elis leaned in closer to the screen, her heart quickening at the possibility of finding survivors. Alex asked about what they had detected. "What about those transient energy signatures you mentioned?"

[Clarification: The transient energy signatures indicate some type of low-level activity throughout the wreckage. It is difficult to determine their exact nature at this time.]

Before they could discuss this new information further, a message pinged their console – audio only. Tom's voice came through, tense and strained as he urged them to hurry up. "Please… we don't have much time left."

Elis exchanged a worried glance with Alex. The conflicting information and mysterious energy signatures had them both on edge.

"We should proceed with caution," Elis suggested, trying to keep her own anxiety in check. It was the exact opposite recommendation she should have been giving, but she couldn’t help it. 

Alex nodded firmly. "Agreed. Let's see if we can find out more about those energy signatures while we move into position."


They’d planned for several hours on how to enter and perform the mission. The drones would be pivotal in assisting with everything. Elis and Alex would run point through the wreckage while Beeper and Booper provided security overwatch. Other drones were armed and would also provide evacuation services by hauling life-support containers that Nameless had custom built for the mission.

Each bullet would hold one or two people in a cramped space that kept them alive while they were hauled back to the Shrike. 

As Elis followed Alex into the armory, her eyes flickered between the various armaments and equipment. In the back of the armory a set of power armors suits sat in shadow.

Elis had asked about them, and to her surprise Alex had been excited and more than happy enough to put the suits into action. Elis felt a knot in her stomach form. With one of the advanced suits the Shrike II carried she’d even be able to put up a fight or take out Alex and the NAI inhabiting it. 

Thankfully, that wasn’t a temptation as she informed Alex that the suits required constant maintenance and without it, they would quickly become unusable without a full refurbishment. 

On the ship’s speaker the cold AI voice gave Elis pause.

[Warning: I must reiterate my extreme concern regarding prisoner presence in the armory. The potential danger she poses cannot be overstated.]

She couldn't help but feel a pang of regret as she met Alex's gaze, realizing that she had been thinking what Nameless had just warned them about. Instead of viewing her with suspicion, Alex smiled at her and gave a thumbs up. “No worries, we are here for a mission after all!”

Trying to focus on the task at hand, Elis helped Alex equip Beeper and Booper with double gauss rifles. Alex quickly put on a flight suit and body armor before selecting a pulse rifle for herself. She then handed Elis a pulse pistol and an EVA suit.

At this action, Nameless's agitation intensified.

[Alarm: This decision is highly inadvisable. Arming prisoner is an extreme security risk.]

Alex remained calm as she addressed Nameless's objections. "If Elis betrays or kills me," she said evenly, "you can blow up all the survivors." She smiled at Elis. "I hope that's okay."

Elis felt numb as she registered Alex's words, understanding both the trust being placed in her and the unspoken threat that accompanied it. She nodded hesitantly, trying to push aside her unease. Slowly a solid plan formed in her mind, one she was accomplished at: Focus on the mission, everything else later.


Elis and Alex stood side by side in the hangar bay, their eyes locked on a screen displaying the carrier wreckage. The drones, fully armed and prepared for whatever they might face, lined up in formation, ready for deployment. Beeper and Booper beeped and booped at each other in anticipation; their mechanical voices added an almost playful atmosphere to the tense situation.

As the Shrike edged closer to the wreckage using its RCS thrusters, Elis's pulse quickened as more detail of the damaged hulls that dwarfed their own ship in size came into view. A small lit-up area on the massive wreckage marked their destination – the powered section where Nameless had detected life-signs.

[Informative: We are now aligned with the powered section of the wreckage. I detect no hostiles in our vicinity.]

The first wave of drones deployed from the Shrike's hangar, their metal bodies glinting as they launched themselves toward the outer hull of the wreckage. Like insects clinging onto a behemoth, they took up positions in preparation for any potential conflict.

[Confirmation: Drones have secured landing positions on wreckage.]

Alex turned to Elis, her eyes brimming with determination. "Are you ready?" she asked, her hand outstretched towards her.

Elis hesitated for a moment but then grasped Alex's hand firmly. "As ready as I'll ever be," she replied, steeling herself for what lay ahead. No matter how uncertain she felt about her own role in this mission or what might happen next, she knew that she couldn't turn back now.

With her flight suit engaged, Elis stayed in formation with Alex as they propelled themselves toward the airlock on the powered section of the wreckage. Beeper and Booper followed closely behind, their movements so precisely synchronized that Elis realized they were perfectly positioned to place themselves between any incoming fire and her and Alex in an instant.

As they approached the steel catwalk in front of the airlock, Elis felt a mixture of anticipation and anxiety. They landed with practiced ease, their boots striking the metal surface with a dull thud. The airlock door stood before them, sealed and unyielding.

Elis stepped forward and tried inputting her codes into the security system. To her frustration, the panel flashed red and refused entry – reporting out-of-date codes. She cursed under her breath, knowing that their mission hinged on gaining access to this derelict ship.

Alex moved to take over without hesitation. She pressed her palm against the security reader, an air of confidence about her despite their current predicament. A moment later, a spark leaped between Alex's hand and the reader. The panel flashed green as the airlock began to cycle for them.

With a thumbs up and a silly smile, Alex turned back to Elis. "Used to doing this," she said with a laugh. "Nothing likes me, but nothing turns me down, either."

Despite the tension of their situation, Elis couldn't help but smile at Alex's joke.

As they stepped into the wreckage, Elis and Alex were confronted by a scene of utter devastation. The corridors were in shambles, with ajar hull plates and exposed wiring hanging ominously from the walls. It was clear that something catastrophic had taken place here.

Alex glanced around the disarray before commenting, "This place reminds me of the Shrike when I first found it." Elis couldn't help but feel skeptical – while their ship had certainly seen better days, it was nowhere near as trashed as the carnage that surrounded them now.

[Notice: While the atmosphere is technically breathable, I detect trace contaminants present. Remaining on suit oxygen is advised.]

Elis and Alex complied with Nameless's recommendation, ensuring their suits remained sealed against any potential airborne hazards.

As they made their way toward the powered section – the source of the distress signal – they began to find disturbing evidence of blood stains and signs of violence. The sight set them both on edge; instinctively, they armed their weapons and proceeded more cautiously through the wrecked station.

Soon enough, they saw light up ahead – a bright white glow emanating from what appeared to be a more maintained compartment. Despite its inviting appearance, something about it made Elis feel like they were walking straight into a trap.

Undeterred by her apprehension, Alex confidently led them to the door. They exchanged a tense glance before Alex confirmed they were going in. “Opening it.”

The door hissed as it cycled open, revealing a room that should have been pristine white but was now painted in a gruesome shade of scarlet. Elis's stomach churned at the sight of a dozen mutilated corpses strewn about the space. Among them, she recognized Tom and Larry from the distress message – their lifeless bodies impaled to a console by metal rods driven through their seats.

As they took in the horrific scene, Alex's usually cheerful voice was flat and emotionless. "We need to investigate this," she said, her eyes scanning the room.

Elis nodded her agreement, suppressing her immediate reaction to retain her cool professional detachment. "Yeah, let's see what happened here.”

They moved cautiously through the carnage, trying not to dwell on what had transpired. As they reached the console, they found a security log and activated it. The video replay showed combat drones – ones that Elis recognized as Federation models – mercilessly slaughtering the survivors.

"They didn't stand a chance," Alex added grimly as they watched the drones also destroy cryopods with ruthless efficiency. Glancing over her shoulder, Elis confirmed that the cryopods were entirely dismantled.

Alex looked over to her. "Let's gather any evidence we can find and get out of here."

Elis moved to the console and began to download the recording.

Clearing her throat, Alex addressed Nameless. "Are you sure this is the only powered section?"

[Confirmation: This is the only powered module remaining.]

With a sense of defeat filling them, Alex turned to Elis. "We've done what we can here; it's time for us to leave."

Elis nodded solemnly, unable to shake the images of the brutal massacre from her mind. She grabbed a data chit containing a recording of the security footage and slipped it into a pocket on her suit.

As they began their retreat, the sound of their boots echoed through the blood-stained room echoed heavily in Elis’s mind.

When Nameless's next message arrived, Elis's introspection was wiped away, replaced by a heightened sense of alertness.

[Warning: Transient signatures confirmed to be combat drones.]

Elis and Alex exchanged worried glances as they realized the imminent danger approaching them. Both cursing under their breath, they prepared for the worst.

Nameless's synthesized voice filled their ears again. [Alert: Beeper and Booper are under attack by combat drones at the airlock. Proceed with caution and hurry.]

A beep and boop erupted on their comms, and Alex's voice rang out with urgency, "Beeper! Booper! Stay safe!"

Elis checked the safety of her firearm, and scanned their rear for hostiles. Shades of gray and darkness gave the impression that something could sneak up on them at any moment.

Alex glanced at Elis, her eyes wide with fear. "We need to get back to them – now."

Elis nodded grimly. "I know. Let's move."

As they rushed through the corridors, they could feel a sudden change in pressure – whooshing air indicated an airlock breach. Elis felt her boots losing purchase on the metal grating beneath her feet, and she reached out to grab Alex's arm just in time.

They clung to each other tightly as the remaining air was sucked out into space, both shouting over the deafening roar of escaping atmosphere.

Once the chaos subsided and silence dominated once more, they checked their suits for damage before continuing onward – adrenaline surging through their veins.

"Are you okay?" Elis asked breathlessly, still gripping Alex's arm.

Alex nodded, determination etched on her face. "Yeah, let's keep going."

As they approached the location of Beeper and Booper, dread filled Elis when she saw that their drone companions were gone. Instead, a large combat drone with a saw arm and rifle loomed before them menacingly. The drone spun and its targeting laser moved between them.

Elis realized it was about to fire and thinking quickly, she pushed Alex into cover just before the drone could target her.

"Stay down!" Elis shouted, her voice filled with urgency.

She then opened fire on the drone with her pulse pistol. Each shot struck the sawblade arm, tearing through metal and causing sparks and shrapnel to fly everywhere. The destructive force disintegrated the arm, leaving the drone momentarily vulnerable.

As debris flew past her, Elis dodged and dived into cover herself, narrowly avoiding a sharp piece of shrapnel that embedded itself into the wall where she had been standing moments earlier. The bot advanced on her position, its remaining weapon spewing constant fire.

From behind cover, Alex called out to Elis, "Hang on! I'm going for it!"

With determination etched across her face, Alex popped up from her hiding spot with her rifle at the ready. Most of her shots went wide due to the sheer intensity of the situation; however, one found its mark and struck the drone's torso, leaving a smoking hole on the metal exterior.

The drone swiveled its gun towards Alex angrily as she ducked back under cover. Sensing an opportunity amidst this distraction, Elis aimed carefully at the exposed control module on its torso – this was their best chance to take it down for good.

With a deep breath and unerring focus, Elis fired an accurate shot at the module. The bullet struck true; sparks erupted from the damaged component and the combat drone collapsed lifelessly to the ground.

"Clear!" Elis shouted triumphantly but they didn't have time to enjoy their victory. Alex's urgent warning reached her ears just in time as she turned around to see a new threat looming.

"Elis! Behind us!"

Dozens of small drones armed with low-caliber weapons swarmed toward them like a hive of angry insects, their weapons blazing. The impacts of their shots against Elis and Alex's suits inflicted pain, and the risk of damage to their protective gear was all too real.

"Run!" Alex yelled, her voice laced with desperation.

With no choice but to retreat, Elis and Alex fled towards the destroyed airlock.

As they raced towards escape, a flurry of movement erupted around them. Allied drones flew in through the damaged entrance, engaging the swarm of mini-drones in a chaotic dogfight within the confines of the wrecked corridor. The buzzing and zapping of their zap sticks filled the air as they fought to dispatch their hostile counterparts.

Elis could see some allied drones taking hits from the small guns and falling out of the fight, but she knew they couldn't afford to stop and help. Their escape route was all that stood between them and being overwhelmed by enemy forces.

Just as they were about to reach the airlock, Nameless's voice rang out, urgent and commanding. [Warning: Halt! Beeper and Booper are pinned down outside the airlock under fire. Ship weapons cannot be used without risking Avatar and drone safety. Divert to nearby hangar bay.]

Alex glanced at Elis, her expression conveying both concern for their friends and determination to find another way out.

"Let's go," she said decisively.

Together, they took a branching corridor leading towards the alternate escape route suggested by Nameless. As they moved quickly through dimly lit passageways, Alex informed Elis that she had a map displayed on her HUD guiding them towards their new destination.

At one point during their detour, they stumbled upon a destroyed combat bot lying in their path. Without hesitating, Alex handed her rifle to Elis before crouching down near the wreckage.

"What are you doing?" Elis asked curiously, furrowing her brow at Alex's actions.

In response, Alex ripped off a piece of equipment from the fallen drone – an electrified rod still sparking with residual energy. To Elis's amazement, Alex wielded it like a baton despite its size and weight – her strength clearly evident in her grip on this makeshift weapon.

As electric sparks danced menacingly around its edges, Alex looked up at Elis, her eyes filled with fierce determination.

"We're getting out of here," Alex vowed.

Their progress was soon halted when a drone appeared ahead of them in the corridor. With no time to waste, Elis raised the rifle and fired shot after shot into the approaching machine. The drone shuddered under the onslaught but continued to advance until it finally collapsed mere feet away from them.

The sudden sound of metal scraping against metal alerted Alex and Elis to another threat emerging from a nearby doorway—a second drone charging straight at them. With only moments to react, Alex lunged forward wielding the electrified baton as if it weighed nothing. She swung it viciously at the drone with enough force to shatter reinforced steel.

Each blow delivered by Alex was accompanied by sickening crunches as metal crumpled beneath raw power. Sparks flew wildly from shattered circuits and their once-imposing adversary became a mangled husk under her unrelenting assault.

The drone's frame buckled beneath one final, brutal strike, sending it crashing to the ground. Alex stepped back, panting, her face covered in sweat behind her suit’s mask, as Elis watched on in awe.

Their escape continued.

Elis followed closely behind Alex as they rushed through the winding corridors, her heart pounding and breaths coming in short gasps. The sounds of battle echoed around them, an ominous reminder of the danger they were still in.

Suddenly, they heard heavy impacts on the ship's hull. Nameless's voice came through their comms urgently. 

[Informative: Opening fire with ship systems to eliminate larger bots emerging from the hull.]

An explosion erupted in the distance, and Elis felt the vibrations travel through the ship's structure, sending a shiver down her spine.

Finally, they reached the hangar Nameless had directed them to, only to find a fierce firefight already underway between allied drones and enemy forces. They passed through the i-field which was somehow still active, and the sound of combat began to filter through her suit as they entered atmosphere once more. Bullets and tracer rounds flashed through the open space, illuminating the epic struggle between robotic combatants in stark relief.

Elis's eyes darted around, taking in the intense scene before her. Noticing that Alex was about to step out into a volley of gauss rounds without realizing it, she grabbed her arm and pulled her back – both of them narrowly avoiding being impaled by high-velocity projectiles.

"Alex!" Elis shouted over the din of gunfire. "Be more careful!"

Crouching behind cover together as bullets whizzed past them, Alex looked at her with surprise and shock. "Th...Thanks."

As the battle in the hangar raged on, Elis's heart pounded in her chest. More allied drones flew into the fray – these were larger models with heavier guns, acting like aerial fighters as they targeted hostile drone cover positions with high-caliber shells. The sound of metal tearing apart filled hangar, while shrapnel exploded in every direction, scattering debris throughout the area.

"Look at those reinforcements!" Alex shouted, her eyes wide as she watched their allies turn the tide of battle. "Let's make a run for it!"

Elis nodded in agreement, determination filling her as she grabbed Alex's arm and hauled her toward the outer bay. As they approached the edge of the hangar, allied drones surged forward to provide covering fire.

With a deep breath, Elis and Alex leaped into space beyond the i-field. Their suit thrusters roared to life, propelling them through the vacuum.

[Informative: Keep heading towards Shrike; covering fire will be provided.]

As they flew through space, Elis could see more allied drones swarming around them in tight formation. The turrets on these drone escorts fired sporadic bursts of gunfire at hostiles clinging to wreckage – ensuring that no enemy would come too close.

Up ahead, the Shrike appeared before them – its RCS thrusters maneuvering gracefully to rendezvous with its crew. Elis locked her gaze on their ship – their sanctuary amidst this chaos – and kept moving forward.

"Almost there," Alex whispered under her breath. "We can do this."

Elis nodded in response, a grim expression on her face as they both focused on reaching safety.

As they continued to fly towards the Shrike, Elis's heart pounded in her chest. She could see incoming fire from hostile drones tearing through space, and despite their escort drones providing cover, some were being destroyed in a hail of bullets and explosions. Fear gnawed at her mind as she realized their vulnerability.

Tracers streamed past them in every direction like deadly ribbons of light, weaving a tapestry of destruction that was both terrifying and mesmerizing. Elis clenched her teeth as the chaotic symphony of battle around her intensified when one of their friendly drones beside her was hit, veering off course before exploding in a brilliant flash.

Suddenly, the Shrike opened fire with all its PDC-Ks – high-caliber tracers blaring at rapid speed. Chunks of debris from the derelict carrier spewed into space as relentless volleys pounded the wreckage, obliterating any sign of drone activity or incoming fire. Lasers flashed illuminating the growing cloud of gas and debris surrounding them against the dark backdrop of space. The powerful beams of energy lanced the wreckage, leaving behind glowing molten metal.

In the chaos, an allied drone lost control and collided with Elis, sending her spinning helplessly through space. Her heart raced as she struggled to regain control of her suit's thrusters.

"Elis!" Alex shouted in alarm as she noticed her predicament. "I'm coming!"

Without hesitation, Alex flew after Elis and grabbed onto her arm. "Hang on tight!" she cried out as she took control of flying them both back towards the Shrike – since Elis's damaged thruster pack left her unable to maneuver effectively on her own.

As they raced toward safety amidst the chaotic ballet of violence unfolding around them, Nameless chimed in over their comms.

[Informative: Surface hostiles cleared.]

[Recommendation: Return to Shrike immediately. Large hostile units detected on intercept course approximately 5 minutes away.]


As soon as they reached the Shrike's hangar bay, Alex quickly helped Elis out of her suit and onto the floor. The drones that had escorted them began landing one by one, returning to their ship along with other assets. Nameless delivered an urgent message through Alex's comms.

[Informative: Hostile corvette burning hard towards us.]

Alex glanced at Elis, who seemed to be feeling ill from her spinning on the flight back. Her face was pale, beads of sweat formed on her forehead.

"Elis, do your best to recover," Alex said with concern in her voice. "I need to get to the CIC."

Leaving Elis behind, she sprinted towards the command center. Once inside, she hastily removed her flight pack and as she sat down her skinsuit clicked connected to her seat with a magnetic click. Tactical screens and holographic interfaces came to life around her as she assessed the battlefield.

Her eyes darted across the various displays – multiple hostile contacts within the wreckage were being dealt with automatically by the Shrike's defenses. However, Alex noted with alarm that they had already expended 25% of their PDC-K ammunition.

An even greater concern caught her attention: the large contact that appeared on an intercept course – a hostile corvette. Worse still, it was pinging on low-band comms and receiving responses from nearby signals; this meant that an entire drone group in the area could potentially be alerted and attack them.

Gritting her teeth, Alex made a decision. "Nameless, prepare for engagement with that corvette."

[Confirmation: Preparing for engagement.]

As Alex focused on the CIC's tactical screens, Elis entered the room behind her, looking pale and shaky but determined. Alex glanced back at her, concerned for her well-being.

[Notice: Allowing combatant inside the CIC during operations is a critical security risk.]

Elis frowned and looked to Alex. "Should I go to my quarters?"

She shook her head and gestured towards an open console. "Take a seat at the comms," Alex instructed.

Strapping herself in, Elis began working at the communications console. Alex, turning her attention back to the situation, quickly formed an idea that could help them gain an advantage.

"Elis, try disabling those drones using your Federation codes," Alex suggested.

Elis nodded without protest, her fingers moving to punch in commands on her console. It took several minutes to transmit the codes to the corvette. 

[Informative: Access codes transmitted. Awaiting reply.]

Unfortunately, they received an automated response – her codes were out of date. Frustration tightened Alex's jaw as she searched for another solution.

[Alert: Incoming missile volley detected - four missiles closing in.]

Not wasting any more time, Alex issued new orders to prepare their defenses. "Nameless, get PDC-K and PDC-L ready for anti-missile duty!"

[Confirmation: PDCs prepped and standing by.]

Alex's heart raced with adrenaline. She knew they had to act fast to gain an advantage over the corvette. Without hesitation, she gave the order. "Fire a missile volley at the corvette!"

From her seat in the CIC, Alex's focus remained steady as Shrike's PDC lasers and kinetics erupted in a barrage of fire. She watched with bated breath as they intercepted and destroyed the incoming enemy missiles one by one, each successful defense bringing them closer to safety. Despite the adrenaline coursing through her, an underlying dread gnawed at her insides.

The drone corvette responded in kind, unleashing its own countermeasures to destroy the incoming missiles from Shrike. The two ships continued their deadly dance, drawing ever closer to one another.

As both vessels entered laser range, beams of intense light lanced out from their respective hulls. The exchange was brutal; lasers tore through armor on both sides as if it were paper. Deep gouges appeared in hull plates while vital systems sparked and malfunctioned under the onslaught.

[Alert: Armor integrity compromised. Unarmored seams and hull patches have sustained major internal damage.]

Elis looked at Alex, concern evident in her eyes as she realized the severity of the situation. "What do we do?" she asked.

Determined not to let fear overwhelm her, Alex clenched her fists and made a decision. "We'll fight our way out," she said firmly.

As the two ships continued to pummel each other with laser fire, they finally entered railgun range – a crucial moment that could decide the outcome of this engagement. Gritting her teeth, Alex barked an order into her comms system.

"Open fire with our railgun!"

In a cataclysmic display of raw power and destruction, the first shot from the Shrike's railgun found its mark, striking the drone corvette with unyielding force. From her seat in the CIC, Alex couldn't tear her gaze away as she watched the lethal projectile bore its way into the enemy ship's bow. As if a cosmic force had plunged its fist through half of the vessel, it tore apart layers of metal and machinery with unstoppable momentum.

In that instant, chaos reigned supreme. The corvette spun wildly out of control, as if an invisible hand had seized it in a death grip and flung it into a maddening spiral. A myriad of debris erupted from the exit wound left by the railgun projectile, trailing behind in a macabre dance as it spread across the void of space in a rapidly growing cloud of devastation.

The symphony of violence came to an abrupt halt as the return fire from the drone corvette ceased immediately. It was as if time itself had decided to freeze for this singular moment in which Alex witnessed firsthand the overwhelming destructive capabilities at her disposal.

[Interrogative: Requesting confirmation to finish off the enemy vessel using lasers and additional shots.]

Alex hesitated, glancing over at Elis who was watching intently. "Is it okay to destroy it?" she asked her friend.

Elis considered their options carefully, weighing the potential consequences of their actions. She could see Alex's expression filled with determination but also uncertainty. Finally, she nodded and confirmed, "Do it."

With renewed resolve, Alex gave the order. "Nameless, finish them off."

Shrike's weapon systems sprang into action once more, lasers and projectiles tearing into what remained of the drone corvette until there was nothing left but wreckage.

"Accelerate out of here," Alex commanded. "And plot a roundabout course through the debris field back to the heavy cruiser we were salvaging before receiving that distress signal."

[Confirmation: Enemy unit destroyed; leaving engagement zone. A course has been plotted to return to the heavy cruiser wreckage.]

Alex leaned back in her console letting out a sigh of relief.

[Notice: Danger of prisoner remaining on CIC is elevated.]

She sighed with a wince before looking at Elis with an apologetic look. "Sorry, now that we aren't being shot at, would you mind calming him down?"

Elis nodded, glancing to the angry red camera in the corner of the room that tracked her movements. A mini drone that was subtly tailing her moved out of the corner of the room and followed.

From Alex's perspective, she could see the concern in Elis's eyes and hoped that someday, things would be different between them.

Their recent experience played through her mind rapidly, and she so very much wanted to work with Elis more. Even if the rescue mission had been a failure, she had never felt like part of a team so much before, and she hoped that somehow, she'd be able to bridge the gap to form a real friendship with the Federation marine.


Jonathan Wint

Seems rather grim at there being survors in hibernation other than elis and seems kind of strange that the drones would destroy cryogenic chambers that were out of date codes.


there aren't survivors for long -- the drones are murdering them all after being awakened


Great chapter! It provides a very interesting background to Elis's situation, namely, that her team was not a special case, but simply one that got lucky to stumble upon a friendly NAI (enemy) instead of a bunch of murderous drones (allies). Quite beautiful irony really. Now, to be picky about something, the line "Open fire with our railgun!" feels a bit off, considering it's said at the moment of entering the weapon's range. Like, it's more fitting for an order you'd give before engagement, while in a tense situation, such as here, when you want shots fiered right at that moment a shorter version like "Fire the railgun!" would feel more natural imo.

Merlin's Fan

I enjoyed the rare view from Elis in this addition, but you might want to make a bit checks back to earlier chapters. There's one I'm thinking of where Elis mentioned wanting to look at the armory logs after they've escaped the unknown system and she "discovers" the suits, might be a bit out of place now. There's now also Alex kinda blowing off the deaths of the 2nd and 3rd humans she's met, where she was pretty hard on herself just by losing Elis' mates cyropods, overall great story telling seeing Elis' view


I think the situation with Elis's team was a bit different. They died after Alex took them in and while being in her care. Here, those people died before she even got to them. I can easily see how the former could couse a way stronger emotional reaction.


That implies that someone or something is doing that. There shouldn’t be any reason for the Federation drones to turn on their creators.

Jonathan Wint

Several million survivors after the battle are cryogenically frozen by the time Elis and Alex get back with might be less than a hundred and only if they stayed frozen. Sounds like one of the drones became awake and took over


Yes the armory bit will need to be changed in book 2 to account for the changes in this

Jonathan Wint

I really hope some of them survive just so they can look at Elis who might be a NAI or cybernetically enhanced with nanites and best friends with essentially the monster's daughter. Ooh the Sparks that will fly! Oh God I want to see that!