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** James Fighting Starships – GSD 64 **

| Grazhdanin|

|Class: Super Freighter-Troop Transport|

|First Production Year: GSD 63|

|Categorization: Military|

|Sub-Cat: Mass Transport / Troop Transport|

|Outer Hull Length (Bow to Stern): 2860m|

|Outer Hull Beam: 590m|

|EST Effective Operation Duration 36 months (4 months loaded)|


|128x Single 22mm Point Defense Cannons, AP rounds |

||Configuration: Dorsal: 20| Ventral: 20 | Amidship: 40| Bow: 28| Aft: 20||

|64x Double 6cm Point Defense Laser Turrets |

||Configuration: Dorsal: 10 | Ventral: 10 | Amidship: 24 | Bow: 10 | Aft: 10||

|1 Aft AMLS – 20 Tubes, 1066.8mm Light Missiles|

||Aft Missile Magazine: 4 – 30x 1066.8mm rack, including autoloader||

|24x Triple HV 308mm Rail Turrets, 5kg projectile|

||Range: Orbit-to-Ground Bombardment Configuration Only ||

||Configuration: Dorsal: 2 ||

|4x EWCLS|

||Configuration: Aft: 4||

||Magazine (EST): 12 EW Drones, 128 Chaff Clusters, 128 Smart Flares||


|Bow D-field: 2048cm A-lens|

|Four Plasma Fusion Reactors, 12 Rod Configuration, Large|

|Military 1-Waveform Tunnel FTL Drive|

|Single-phase Military Class Linear Drive|

|Gas Thrust Vectoring System, Class VII, Ports: 2208|

|Amorphous Carbon Radiator Array - Retractable and Inlaid|

|Crew Berthing: 5,418|

|Troop Capacity: Approx. 200,000|

|12 Pressurized Hangars, 48 shuttle capacity|

|Capital Class Pressurized Cargo Bays|

|2 Army Corps Equipment Capacity|


The Grazhdanin super capital class transport/troop transport is the Solarian Federation’s answer to a growing need to move its main army units between the various worlds under its control. Designed to be capable of deploying two Army Corps of up to 200,000 men, this colossal vessel dwarfs most other ships in space.

Being a hybrid the ship’s size had to expand enormously to house all the life support and various systems required of it. A vast honeycomb of berths make up the majority of the ship’s belly, while two massive pressurized cargo bays are capable of housing all the equipment and armor for its army passengers.

The same space can be used to ferry civilian passengers in security or lift strategic amounts of cargo when not being used in a military function allowing the ship to remain useful even outside of conflict periods.

The ship has a sophisticated point defense suite that is calibrated for anti-ground missile fire to support landings on possible rebellious worlds. It also possesses a heavy cruiser’s worth of missile weight and a massive 24 turret triple barrel railgun bombardment system that can land kinetic impactors on target from medium orbit.


Jonathan Wint

Very Dangerous new ships they have a habit of blowing up!


Where is the sass about how its actually useless?


Written post collapse, journalists get thrown in prison for bad mouthing the government now. :scream:

Jonathan Wint

@Erios909 hmmm I really stayed up thinking about this... These three ships would be very easy for her to destroy. See here the Problem it does not Break down very well in Game logic but in Air combat Speed is just too big an Advantage even with more firepower and Numbers.. Additionally Electronic countermeasures and Plain Hacking this ship would have a lot of problems. 48 shuttle capacity if they are Combat Shuttles and they are faster than her ship they have a chance but you see her ship is smaller and physics kick in. She can make tighter turns and outrun nearly all the other ships weapons and shuttles...And has the ability to still do real Fatal Damage with better Ranged Weapons. Grazhdanin Super Freighter looks impressive as SH!T but in 3d Space Numbers just do not matter. Her ship even Now with Antimatter in enhancement is what 4 times fast? Even with a weakened Hull Alex would just straight up overpower them. Add in the AI Hacking and other surprises assuming you could fully harden the ship..(blinding it). Nameless would destroy them quickly in a one-sided battle..All three ships would need to be Networked to not destroy their own Weapons and shuttles so Airgapping Not going to happen... And My Guess is Nameless would be a Millipede fighting 3 one legged Men in an ass-kicking contest. The speed by itself and its smaller size allowing better turning would make the difference and be an unimaginable Advantage. Add in the Better Weapon Range Advantages and Even Bogged down weaker hull she Slaughters them. THAT IS ASSUMES CAPTAIN WALKER IS NOT OVERCONFIDENT AND NOT STUPID.

Jonathan Wint

Oh I forgot if they ditch the cargo and turn off the transponder the ships stealth kicks in it be invisible... Now it's just butchers work...


The problem is too however that while she could win the fight eventually, her actual goals are to reach the planet and deliver the goods, help save lives and so on. And actually destroying those 3 ships would take a fair bit of time.