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Chapter 32

Marcus led them down a large street that left the central area of the waystation. It seemed to be one of the main drags for the inhabitants and there was a bit of foot traffic. Elania realized that it might be ‘nighttime’ as there were some large crystals hanging from the ceiling of the cavern but only one in five were lit up.

‘That makes sense if they do what I think they do. Who needs electric lights when you can have magic crystals you can turn off and on?’

The first hint at their destination was the sounds of people talking--- loudly. It sounded as if a party was in swing, and as they moved to one of the larger buildings it slowly confirmed her suspicion that this was the ‘inn’ that Marcus told them about. Yellow light spilled from open windows, and the cut stones of the building seemed more worn than the rest. Maybe it was an older building?

“There is an empty room in that?” Taniel asked, and Marcus laughed and nodded.

“Certainly! I’m sure there’s several. The Prancer is the largest inn here at Waystation Four.”

“Sounds like the most popular one, too
” Elania added, the front door was just a stone frame, and she could clearly see tables and patrons all drinking and eating together. It looked like the building was packed.

“Well, I already have a room paid for, so they will need one less for you all.”

It sounded like he had been waiting for them to her. She didn’t understand his motivations. He’d abandoned them, was he expecting them to still pay for his escort? The way Taniel had reacted told her they wouldn’t but then again, why were they following him to the Inn if the agreement was over? She wasn’t exactly privy to the details of whatever deal they had, but she expected she’d learn soon enough.

As she passed through the threshold, she felt a strange pressure go over her skin like she was being squeezed through some sort of high pressure air. Tanyan looked over and must have noticed the look she had made because he felt the need to comment.

“Don’t worry, it’s an anti-monster barrier. It’s tuned to permit demons though.”

Marcus grinned. “Owner has a pair of Ash Hounds, wouldn’t do if his pups couldn’t go out to piss.”

The atmosphere was boisterous, and the patrons barely even acknowledged the group’s entry. A young woman with her hair in a bob and a smile plastered on her face approached.

“Welcome back, sir. Party of 6 for the common room?”

Marcus nodded and she led them to one of the few tables with open seats left. There was a man eating alone on one end, but he didn’t seem to mind their addition. There wasn’t really enough space for everyone to not share.

What was a problem was the Monk’s baskets full of moss. There wasn’t any space for the bulky things in the common room.

“Will you all be staying here tonight? If so, we can have your things taken to your room before you order. Room is a silver leaf per night. Four to a room max.”

“That’s expensive for a single night.” Taniel muttered but fished out a large silver coin.

Elania was easily able to make out the silver leaf that seemed to be stamped on both sides. At least it appeared stamped, the artwork seemed too neat for the coin to be handmade. That seemed interesting to her; She’d already had hints by the clothing and gear, but maybe they weren’t entirely in the stone-age. If they had advanced metalworking abilities
 and they must have some crazy good engineering to have built those massive constructions like ‘The Wall’ then maybe they’d have at least some amenities?

She realized everyone was looking at her expectantly. ‘Four to a room max. Oh.’

Taniel, Tanyan, and the two novices. Elania looked to Marcus who suddenly was giving her a predatory grin.

“Haha, if you can’t afford a room, you can stay with me. Bed will be nice and cozy snuggled up together. Definitely more fun that being alone.”

Suddenly the restriction on numbers to a room felt entirely arbitrary to Elania and she grimaced at the ranger’s un-subtle hints.

“You know I don’t have any money
 and no thank you, I’d rather sleep in the gutter than in a room with you.”

“Ah, don’t be like that, girlie. Ye’ve not seen the gutter yet.”

Someone yelled for more ale from another table, and the Waitress seemed to becoming a bit impatient. “Can’t sleep outside in the waystation. Against the law.”

Even more arbitrary, although maybe there was a reason for it that made sense, but she had no idea. It seemed unfair to her though. Lodging had a price, but she realized she did not really need to sleep. She could just find a place to wait while the others did so. Elania felt a bit of panic. She was not going to sleep in a room with Marcus. Before she could think of an answer, Taniel spoke up.

“Here, she’ll have her own room.” Taniel fished out another coin.

“Ahh, you’re no fun, monk. Won’t your precious masters call you to account for wasting your funds?” Marcus asked.

“We’re obligated to get her safely to the city. Unlike you who goes off and abandons your charges, the Conclave does not.”

The novices and the waitress began to sort out the baskets and take them off to a hallway when Tanyan chimed in.

“That’s between us and the masters anyway. They won’t be missing a single silver leaf when we bring back an extra basket of the moss anyway.”

Marcus grunted and didn’t seem to have anything to add, and found a spot at the table while the rest of them followed suit.

“You’re the one who should be worried about the masters. Two of our group are dead. Do you think they will still pay you?” Taniel added.

“They’ll still pay. As long as they get their goods, they’ll still pay. Do you think they actually care about a set of lost orphans?” Marcus laughed and glanced away, looking for the waitress to return. Elania felt there must have been some truth to the ranger’s words because while Taniel looked furious he did not say anything else.

While waiting, Elania took a more thorough look around the room. The bustle and activity at the tables was still energetic and noisy. Most of the occupants were human and looked to be equipped as fighters of some sort. Everyone had a weapon, even if it was just a dagger, and she suspected most of them were combatants. They still weren’t to the city yet, so that made a bit of sense to her. The caverns wouldn’t be kind to anyone who couldn’t handle themselves.

Since the room was mostly a mass of humanity, it was the non-humans that caught her eye and she used her [Identify] to read them.

[Shadow - Felcat - Lvl 176]

[Bastion - Dwerv - Lvl 356]

[Arcane Archer - Elvian - Lvl 401]

Cat-person - Dwarf - Elf, Elania mentally corrected, and much to her surprise her [System] rearranged the identifiers to suit her.

[Shadow - Cat-person - Lvl 176]

[Bastion - Dwarf - Lvl 356]

[Arcane Archer - Elf - Lvl 401]

That was
 useful, but she worried that if she renamed too many things it might cause her to trip up if she needed to talk to someone. She resigned herself to only renaming things when necessary. The Cat-person went back to being a ‘Felcat’ but she kept the Dwarf and Elf rename, since those being so close to her ‘classical-earth-fantasy’ knowledge was going to bother her more.

Suddenly her gaze reached two sets of deep blue glowing eyes. She felt her breath catch. ‘Those must be the Ash Hounds.’

“Recognize each other? Maybe a set of lost cousins?” Marcus laughed as he caught her attention on the demon hounds. Elania ignored his question and the waitress and novices returned drawing away his attention.

The hounds were resting on two plush looking pillows, but they were staring directly at her. They didn’t look or seem bothered by anything else. That felt a bit unnerving, but if no one else had remarked about her demon-hood, they were. The waitress didn’t seem put out by her at least, but maybe that was because everyone here seemed to be very high level and she was in company.

“So, what’s the girl having?” The waitress asked, and Elania realized it was her turn to order. There didn’t seem to be any point in asking for a menu, so Elania just shrugged.

“Uhh, I don’t have any money, I don’t need anything.”

“That’s no good. Get the girlie a Firewater. I’ll pay for her.” Marcus grunted, and Elania shot him a wary look. ‘Firewater’ sounded dangerous.

“That’s---” Tanyan started to object, but the ranger cut him off.

“She’s a bonafide demon. Ain’t going to be drunk off a full Firewater, even if it’d put you under the table, monk. When’d you get so protective over ‘er anyways? You having regrets about not taking up with Yena and bed this one?”

Tanyan sputtered and Elania felt a bit of indignation, but neither of them answered his bait.

Their waitress was the epitome of efficiency though, because their drinks had already arrived and whatever response Marcus was waiting for was lost in the shuffle of large wooden mugs. The monks received a set of two, apparently they would be sharing, while Marcus had one large one to himself.

Elania eyed the one that slid down to her. It was the smallest of the lot, but something about ‘Firewater’ sounded
 well she hoped it wasn’t going to be like vodka or something.

She had never been a big drinker back on Earth, although she certainly had ended up with her share of hangovers, she really preferred a light beer and having fun with friends over actually getting drunk.

Taniel, Tanyan, and Marcus were arguing. The novices had their heads together and were talking quietly. The room was warm and as she took the first sip from her tankard, she felt her insides warm up, too. The drink burned and almost made her choke. She smiled weakly as Marcus laughed, but the light, sweet after-taste was pleasing. She took another sip as she retreated into her own corner and let the noise of the tavern room wash over her.


