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Elania had retreated down from the roof and into the building to gather her things. She had no idea what was going to happen, but she wanted to be prepared. She was tired of always being on the run, or barely being ready when circumstance or things tried to kill her.

For all she knew, they'd try to kill her as soon as they saw her, like the paladin.

The new information from [Identify] once it reached level 5 was interesting, though. She had taken the chance to use it on them before turning away.

[Novice Monk - Human - Lvl 43]

[Novice Monk - Human - Lvl 39]

[Novice Monk - Human - Lvl 41]

[Novice Monk - Human - Lvl 37]

[Holy Monk - Human - Lvl 87]

[Martial Monk - Human - Lvl 95]

[Ranger - Human - Lvl 276]

Gathering up several of the Mushroohum spears she worked on, she slid them into the loops on her javelin harness and fetched an extra spear. They were much better than the ones she had made herself, although she didn't fault herself that much. She was sure the village had someone who probably spent all their time leveling their crafting skill on them.

They had left her one of the leather loincloths they seemed to use around their waists. That was better than nothing, but she needed something for her top as well. It took a little improvisation and a borrowed blade from their stocks, but she managed to cut the piece into two acceptable wraps. It was better than wearing nothing at all.

She looked over to the Mana Shard and scooped it up, going to put it in the new backpack they had given her. It had been a pleasant surprise and its craftsmanship gave it away as one of the items the Mushroohums imported. It certainly had plenty of pockets along with metal clasps to keep them closed.

She turned her attention back to the Mana Shard and [Identify] gave her some further information on it as well.

[Mana Shard (Condensed) 701/1456]

She frowned, according to that, it meant it had already used half of its stored Power. She didn't want to waste it; she'd have to figure out a way to absorb essence from monsters without the side effects. Maybe if she didn't go on a hunting 'binge' and avoided maxing her Power, it would help.

There wasn't anyone present, and Elania decided to wait once she was ready. The Mushroohums had been friendly so far, and she was going to have to put her trust in them, so she found a chair in a corner and sat down.

It was a while later when a knock came at the door, and then Skinner entered.

"Glua-glaa." He made a beckoning gesture as if he wanted her to follow him.

"Right. I guess it is time to meet the guests."

She had always been anxious when she had to go to the front of the class and give a presentation. She'd never been one of the social butterflies in school, but she was fine with her small circle of close friends.

Going to meet other humans that might or might not want to kill her turned out to be just as anxiety-inducing as one of those presentations she hated.

'Kidnapped to a strange world and given super powers, and they couldn't bother to cure nerves. The fucking gall.'

Mercifully, it wasn't far to their destination. The red-clothed Mushroohum was sitting atop a ramshackle looking wooden throne. She wanted to let out a quip about petty tyrants, but it was the man standing at the front of the party of humans that caught her attention.

There was a murmur of 'Glua-Glaa,' but the humans remained silent; instead, the man at the front was holding out some type of golden ball that was glowing. She realized that the Mushroohum chief had a similar item in his hand, although it was silver and considerably less bright.

Was it magic or an item? A magic item? Elania honestly couldn't tell because the magical hues around the orbs were so bright you couldn’t look at it for very long. What quickly became apparent as she watched was that it was letting them communicate. A fit of sudden petty jealousy blossomed in her that she forced herself to shrug off.

'I really needed one of those. I wonder how common magic items here are if they show it off so blatantly? Or is that just some type of show of strength?'

As she settled into place beside Skinner, the other members of the party began to notice her. The monks reacted like they had been prodded with a hot poker. One looked terrified, and the man beside him actually had to grab his arm to hold him still. Others pointed or gestured to her, and a quiet whispering about her made her ears burn.

She couldn't quite make out what they were saying, which was exceedingly annoying because she could tell they would have been words she understood! The few words she caught were bits and pieces of understandable English!

Two of the monks glared at her hatefully and as if they were ready to try and kill her at a moment's notice, and she was suddenly glad that Skinner was standing just in front of her. Even if she couldn't speak to them, the Mushroohums felt a lot safer than those two who were staring daggers at her.

Her attention fell back to the man at the front. The monks had brought packs of metal tools, like the ones she'd seen in the storage shed. Some type of trade was ongoing, and it seemed like there was an argument over price. The chief Mushroohum seemed more and more on the verge of anger as more baskets of moss were brought into the hall.

Elania's gaze fell back to the monks' seeming leader, and she realized he looked like he had little in common with the others. Whereas they had simple robes and a few weapons between them, he was plastered with belts and pouches and what she assumed were sheaths for knives.

Two swords hung on his belt, and he even had a bow strung around his back along with a quiver set behind her back. It was almost humorous; he looked like a video game character that fit the armed to the teeth trope. The fact that this wasn't a video game and he probably knew all to use all of them was a bit worrying.

He was older, maybe in his thirties or early forties, with that rugged look that made so many of her friends swoon. 'Alright, maybe I am not so impartial myself.'

He must have noticed her staring, and then eavesdropped on her thoughts because he chose that exact moment to glance at her and smile at her before turning back to the negotiations. Elania felt her cheeks flush. 'Fuck, you're an idiot Elania!'

More and more baskets arrived until finally, the angry Chief Mushroom stood up and shouted, "Glua-Glaa!" Then pointed directly at her. She felt the sudden weight of everyone's attention fall on her, and she shifted uncomfortably.

What, were they arguing about her??

Skinner's hand settled on her shoulder lightly and urged her to step forward. She let out a breath that she hadn't known she had been holding and did so. Looking over the party again, she realized they had all drawn inward and seemed to refuse to meet her gaze.

Except for the leader.

"They tell us you killed the Demon Darkwalker... and that you have a bit of a communication problem with the locals."

There was an awkward pause as Elania realized she had no idea what to say.

When she remained silent he continued. "I guess it intruded into your territory...?"

Her territory? Demons had territories? Maybe the area had been its territory, and when it had sensed her it had come up to investigate? She had her Aura on for a while without knowing what it did, plus the whole moss-fire escapade… she hadn’t really been subtle with her exploration and escape.

When she didn't answer and only looked more confused, the hint of a frown appeared.

"You do speak common, don't you?"

"Yes, I do."

‘Seems like English to me, but maybe that is what Universal Speech does, but why doesn’t it work for the Mushroomhums?’

Her curt answer seemed to take him back a bit, but the next tidbit was something she had been worried about. Other than skinner, she hadn’t failed to notice the wary looks of the local inhabitants, even if few were outright hostile like the chief.

"They want us to take you away. The chieftain doesn't want you remaining in the village regardless of however much you aided them."

Elania wasn't entirely surprised. She knew Skinner wasn't the one really in charge, and he had likely taken a considerable risk when he saved her from the spears. She owed him a fair bit for that. Causing any trouble would probably not be the best way to repay him.

Still, she couldn't help but turn and give an accusing glare at the red-robed Mushroohum. The asshole, and she was sure this trait extended to some Mushroohums just like humans, shrank in his throne and looked away.

"That's fine. I'll go. If you answer some questions for me."

The ranger looked at her for a long moment, as if he was measuring her and nodded, "Yes, I have questions for you as well."



Wednesday release? Yes!


So far that went better than expected.

James Walsh

Can not wait for more.