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Talia sat down at the console and activated the machine. The hum of electronics filled the air.

The inside of the Bootstrap module was eerily unchanged from her last time inside—dark lighting, soft sounds of machinery, and a coating of dust that had materialized thanks to the sand she had probably tracked in at some point. Everything outside had changed dramatically, but not here.

[Query: What would User like to work on?]

She leaned back, the seat groaning under the weight of her exosuit. It hadn’t ever really been designed for a suited human.

Neo’s question was a good one. So much needed attention. The vaccine, fortifications, the precursor egg. It all came down to fighting the Blues and rescuing the spiders first, though.

A chime interrupted her thoughts—another call from Dapple. The screen opened with the video spinning.

“Call-Talia-Me-First!” Hot Pink chirped.

“No-I-Call-First!” Dapple replied.

Talia’s confusion grew as the two spiders argued. They wrestled with each other, seemingly unaware they had connected the call.

“Umm, hello?” Talia said. She tapped her helmet’s mic, trying to get their attention.

Dapple let out a victorious chirp. “Talia-Talk-Me-First!”

After another minute of spider wrestling, they finally confirmed that Dapple had called first and got to talk. The video settled down, and Dapple poked her face right up close to the camera. A little too close.

“Spiders-Return-Big-HEM-Now-Ready-and-Angry! Fight-Takers!” Dapple pulled back, and the video settled on a giant pile of crates that other spiders were still in the process of making larger. A line had formed as they dropped more boxes off their backs one by one.

Talia stared at the cache. She had not expected them to bring much back considering how they had turned around to defend the Nest when it was attacked.

“Dapple, great job,” Talia said, her tone softening as she addressed the spider. “Can you keep the others from going out, though? It’s not time. Everyone needs to wait until I get back.”

Hot Pink chirped loudly despite not being on the screen. “Stop-Angry-Sisters-Hard!”

“I’m going to bring things—we need to get harnesses and shield belts for them before they go,” Talia explained.

Dapple tapped her own belt eagerly. “Shield-Good-Keep-Sisters-Safe. Will-Tell-All!”

Talia glanced back at the crates. “Neo, did they get more than we expected?”

[Notice: This is the partial amount collected. A large volume will continue to arrive for some time.]

Her eyes widened. “That much?”

[Report: Approximately 22% of the HEM prepared for transport was collected due to the sudden retreat of spiders back to the Nest.]

Talia shook her head, trying to wrap her mind around the numbers. “I don’t understand how they got so much, then?”

[Report: Approximately 12,324 Tch’Llik departed to collect HEM, resulting in 3,243 crates collected.]

Biting her lip, she felt the weight of scale pressing down on her again. She was losing her grasp on just how vast their operations had become. Had there been that many spiders? It didn’t seem like it. The sheer number of spiders involved boggled.

“Dapple, Hot Pink,” she said, switching back to the call. “I’m safe and back at the old nest. I’m getting things ready and will return soon with more maker-things to help with the fight. Just keep the Nest together until I get back.”

Dapple chirped enthusiastically. “Keep-Nest-Safe, Wait-Talia-Yes! But-Sisters-Want-Go-Now.”

Talia frowned. “Do your best, Dapple.”

Hot Pink’s side came into view, the spider twisting and bending backwards, trying to get her face into the picture. “Hot Pink-Too!”

A smile tugged at Talia’s lips. “Yes, Hot Pink, I know you’re helping and doing your best.”

The spiders chirped happily before she ended the call. A few seconds later, another call came through. Hot Pink’s face filled the screen.

“Hot Pink-turn-to-call!”

Talia shook her head, holding back a laugh. “I appreciate it, Hot Pink. You’re doing great.”

Somehow, she managed to end that call a bit quicker.

[Notice: Auto-bases have relayed several requests for User review.]

It didn’t seem like she was going to be allowed to figure out what she wanted to address with all the interruptions. She shook her head. Still, if it was important enough for Neo to bring it up, she had better reply. “Okay, what are they?”

[Notice: First auto-base request: User to retreat so industry can build up and re-engage with a faster work cycle.]

Talia’s brow furrowed. “That’s an easy one to deny. We can’t retreat now, and we can’t delay.”

[Acknowledged: Denying request.]

She drummed her fingers on the Bootstrap module’s console. There was something wrong with the auto-base alignment if they wanted to abandon the spiders.

[Notice: Second request: Time on the research module for a full redesign on various industrial units. Current designs contain intended obsolescence factors requiring maintenance.]

Talia puffed out a breath. “Isn’t that an issue for months or years down the line? We need to survive the Blues first.”

[Affirmative: Auto-bases are thinking more long-term than necessary.]

“Then why ask me?” Talia’s voice carried a hint of frustration.

[Explanation: By asking User, this unit can use User’s decision as an excuse to deny without negotiation.]

Her mouth opened, then closed. She remained silent for a moment before speaking again. “Being an AI organizer must be tough.”

Neo didn’t take the bait or respond to her statement.

[Report: This unit has completed a suitable system design for interfacing with spider nest computer via analogue inputs and recording. Installing device will allow full real-time surface monitoring of hostile forces for all combat forces as long as Tch’Llik computer is operational. It will also maintain real-time connection into underground nest area for User or allied natives.]

“We need that,” Talia said, nodding. “It’s the first thing we’ll do when we get back.”

She paused, looking around the Bootstrap module. It felt empty and cramped at the same time. She still felt like she needed to address the Auto-base priorities.

“Neo, my most important goal is to rescue the spiders, Rosetta, and Dusky. Make sure the auto-bases know that and are working toward that goal… not… whatever it is they were asking about?”

[Confirmation: User priorities noted. Suggestion: Increase priority of User survival.]

Talia sighed, rubbing her helmet. “I’m not suicidal, Neo. But we need to do our best to save them.”


There was something that would help with both those things. “Let’s work on a suit upgrade then,” she said, her tone resolute. “We haven’t worked on that for a long time.”

[Affirmative: User directed design initiated.]

[Notice: It has been a long time since User reviewed suit status sheet.]

The status sheet appeared on her HUD.


[ Suit AI, NEO: Level 1 ]

[ Health: 100%]

[ Oxygen Level: 100% ]

[ Suit Power Level: 100%, Integrated Power Unit ]

[ Hazard Protection: 100% ]

[ Nutri-Paste Reserve: 100% ]

[Suit Upgrades: Survival Tool, PAR Integration, Exo-Skeleton Upgrade, Drone Control Upgrade, NCS Canister MK1, Life Support Oxygen Extractor, Internal Capacitor Upgrade, Cortex Phalanx Personal Shield, Integrated Suit Scanner ]

[ Inventory: Medi-Gel Cylinder, Datapad ]

[ Located Equipment: Various Base Components, Bootstrap Module ]

[ Control-Link: Integrated Autonomous Control, Active ]

[ Cortex Inc. Credit Balance: Function Deleted ]

Talia grunted. “I was sort of enjoying not having so many status readout screens. Also, when are you going to level up?”

[Report: User engagement with their equipment is important to User effectiveness.]

“Yeah, but I don’t want a long list of upgrades offered by Cortex Inc or whatever. I just want the most effective combat suit available with the current capabilities of the research module that won’t turn me into a giant mechanized walker.”

[Query: What is the maximum bulk User will accept?]

Talia thought for a moment. “About as big as the oversized Blue using space-magic, probably.”

[Notice: That is a 250% volume increase over current user exo-suit.]

She blinked. “I didn’t…think he was quite that large?”

A visual recording played on her HUD, showing the Blue picking her up and slamming her into a bulkhead. She winced. “Okay, yeah, pretty big.”

[Query: Will User be engaging in melee combat with Blues again?]

“Maybe it could happen, so maybe account for that?”

[Confirmation: Less utility components will be installed and upscaled servo systems will be required.]

“I don’t really care, as long as it’s better and I can get into it before we leave.”

[Notice: Serious time constraints will require rapid development.]

“That’s fine.”

[Confirmation: Fabrication of new User Exo suit will begin. This will require a redesign of airlock systems before User can utilize the crew module on Slim Girl or Bootstrap module.]

Talia winced. “That’s fine. I’m used to being stuck in my suit.”

[Notice: Alternative development track exists. Integrated suit containment system might be more suitable.]

Talia tilted her head. “You mean… a suit for my suit?”

[Affirmative: Under current constraints and preferences, it would be the most effective. Note that external suit would exceed User size request by 10 percent.]

Talia pictured herself stepping out of a suit, while still inside her suit, and then getting out of her suit. “It reminds me of one of those horror movies with the creepy Russian nesting dolls. Maybe it will be good. Let’s do it.”

[Notice: Fabrication of ‘User Exo-Suit MK2’ has begun.]

“Wait, don’t we have to… research it?” Talia asked.

[Informative: User departure window requires fabrication to begin immediately for this unit. A high degree of engineering is required, and a simple printing is not sufficient. A pre-configured and designed unit has been selected and modified with adapter for User’s current suit. Maximum capabilities have been selected, which increased fabrication time considerably despite accelerated process selection.]

“Just don’t turn me into a walking battle tank. Those are always goofy in the movies, and it’s better to just have a tank.”

[Confirmed: Selected exo-suit external module does not approach the size of User main battle tank.]

Okay, well, that was almost too easy. “Now, what about the spider weapons?”

[Report: Various considerations of Tch’Llik biology make the production of power armor suits for them questionable.]

Talia frowned. “Uhh, power armor? I was just thinking… gear or something?”

[Clarification: Power Armor for spiders would be effective. However, their extremely strong limbs mean increasing that capacity is not needed. Hydraulics and systems required to allow flexibility would be excessive and wasteful.]

Talia’s brow furrowed. “So, what do you suggest?”

[Recommendation: A suit allowing natural movements while protecting head and torso. Due to the spiders’ incredible carrying capacity, they can carry large power banks or even a micro-fusion reactor. An upscaled version of survival tooling would provide an effective energy weapon.]

She shook her head. “We need something easy to produce that will fit all the spiders. I was just thinking about something like their harness?”

[Report: Upgraded equipment could be designed. However, due to the lack of hands, human-styled equipment would be challenging.]

“They figured out how to use the survival tool,” Talia countered, frustration creeping into her voice.

[Report: It required a significant effort from User’s companions to put into practice. While their motivation remains high, current priorities would be better served if designs were created with Tch’Llik physical capabilities in mind.]

Talia frowned. She hadn’t realized just how hard Dusky, Dapple, and Hot Pink had worked to use the things she had given them. For sure, she didn’t think their sisters would put as much effort into things. Maybe.

They were motivated now to rescue the others, but Neo was right. They needed to reduce the friction of using the things she gave them if it was going to be effective.

The spiders weren’t just remote-controlled robots. Something she had started to take for granted with her current forces.

Talia frowned. “The current tools clip onto their legs and then they tap them to activate. What would work better?”

[Notice: Tch’Llik sub-vocalizations would make an ideal control process.]

Talia’s eyes widened. “Voice control? Wouldn’t that be slow?”

[Notice: Tch’Llik physiology has been a low priority study for the research module, however current understanding thanks to Rosetta’s research indicates that spider vocalizations are much faster than human capabilities. They can create these tones at viable reaction speed levels and on bands that correspond to wireless technology.]

Talia opened her mouth, then realized she didn’t know what to say. “Okay, okay. I realize I’m not qualified to design anything. Let’s go with what you think is best.”

[Confirmation: Initiating design protocols for Tch’Llik equipment.]

She laughed. “How long until we are ready to go back with the stuff?”

[Estimate: Initial prototypes, mobile fabrication equipment, and User suit upgrade will take approximately eight hours.]

Fast. Faster than she thought it would be. Things were ramping up. It was also long enough to get some sleep. “I’ll take a rest period.”

[Affirmative: Current conditions are quiet and ideal for user recuperation.]

Talia checked the strategic map. There was fighting going on constantly now, just at a low level. The fact that this was considered ‘quiet’ now was disturbing.

Her gaze drifted to the console’s readouts. Equipping the Tch’Llik would be crucial. The auto-bases were expanding rapidly, but it felt like they’d just started them too late.

Only time would tell, which annoyed her immensely. She wanted a guaranteed solution.

Which was one thing she knew she wasn’t going to get.


This week is being really rough on me, and probably will remain so until the weekend. Just things biting into my energy and not leaving much left for writing. Just wanted to let you guys know since we had some pretty steady daily releases for while and now they became sporadic the last few days. Should be done with it by Monday, though, so that's good. Plan is to continue to do the alternating Sigma and Lastia thing until both are done and then we start on ShipCore A5.



Thanks for the chapter, good luck with the rest of this week, hopefully next week will be alot better. I heard you liked mechsuits, so we build you a mechsuit within a mechsuit within a mechsuit.