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Dapple and Hot Pink chirped at the other spiders rapidly. Talia waited, her nerves on edge. Suddenly, Dapple’s forelimbs lifted her off the ground, holding her up in the air.

“Hey!” Talia protested, squirming slightly.

Hot Pink moved forward toward the other spiders. “Talia-warm-nice-friend! Not-taker! Help-fight-kill-Takers!”

The other spiders pulled back, clearly wary. Talia couldn’t help but wonder how Hot Pink could consider her “warm” since she was always in her power armor. Still, it seemed to work as the nest-spiders calmed further.

“Dapple, put me down,” Talia instructed.

One of the nest spiders moved forward and shoved the HIRU, trying to knock it over. Hot Pink turned on the spider and hissed, “No-Damage-Maker-Tools! They-Protect-Nest!”

“Yeah!” Dapple chirped, waving her legs.

The nest-spiders calmed down and seemed to mill about, confused at losing the target of their anger.

[Notice: In the absence of Big Red, the Tch’Llik’yzz’Lrr might not have cohesive leadership.]

Talia took a deep breath, considering the situation. She turned to Dapple. “The spiders should go to the surface and help try to rescue the captured spiders, if possible. And get rid of the Blues inside the jungle.”

The suggestion made her feel bad. Was she using them? But she needed all the help she could get in this fight, especially if the Blues kept getting stronger. It was the spider’s fight, too.

Dapple chirped and then translated, “Go-Kill-Takers-Save-Sisters-Help-Maker-Tools!”

The spiders milled about and chittered, discussing the plan before many of them climbed back up to the ceiling and out through the elevator shaft.

[Notice: Their cohesion is unlikely to remain, but sporadic assistance from the Tch’Llik’yzz’Lrr could occur.]

“I just need them to not get kidnapped as well,” Talia muttered. They were already going to have a hard time.

Talia turned toward the Nest Computer and scanned the alien console. The alien design was slightly intimidating. “Neo, can we figure anything out about the Nest Weapon? Maybe learn how to use it even with Big Red gone?”

[Analysis: This unit suggests User place hand on the console at the designated area.]

She winced and turned to Dapple and Hot Pink first. “Do you know how to use any of this?”

“Not-Know. Nest-Leader-Controls!” they chorused, their leg movements emphasizing their confusion.

Talia sighed. “I thought so.”

A flashing indicator appeared on her HUD, highlighting a cylindrical section with embedded metal. She frowned at it. “Neo, is it a good idea to put my hand in there? And what about the Blue equipment?”

[Report: Blue equipment appears inactive, designed for taking readings or recordings.]

Recordings. Right, that had to go. “Let’s get rid of it first,” Talia decided.

Neo directed the IRUs to dismantle and remove the Blue equipment. A few nest spiders joined in, chanting, “death-to-takers!” as they tore apart the devices.

Talia felt a slight relief. At least the spiders could distinguish between her units and the enemy’s gear. She turned back to the console, steeling herself. “Alright, Neo. I’m going to put my hand on this thing, but if it zaps me like in a bad holovid, I’m going to be pissed.”

[Reassurance: Such an effect is unlikely with User’s Exo-Suit on.]

“Here goes nothing,” she said, sliding her hand into the cylinder. Panels on her fingers opened, allowing circuits to connect. She held her breath, waiting for something—anything—to happen.


[Report: No response to any digital signals attempted.]

“That’s anti-climactic,” Talia muttered.

She turned and looked up at the big map on the nest computer screen, taking in the Blue positions.

A thick line of enemies were in the process of moving out of the jungle, south of the front line her combat units had established. There were still a lot of them around the jungle, too.

The blips representing the spiders were moving away from the HEM site and back to the nest. She tapped her HUD and looked at the transport report. Some had collected HEM, but not many, considering how soon they were already turning around.

She felt a knot tighten in her stomach. What did this mean for the nest weapon or defense? Losing Big Red was worse than she imagined. How would the spiders do anything without the only one of them that seemed to be in charge and know how to work the advanced technology?

[Notice: Evidence of Tch’Llik’yzz’Lrr kidnapping detected.]

Her HUD flipped to a video feed showing her a drone buzzing through the jungle. Talia frowned. “We have signal to that?”

Neo didn’t respond. The reason for the signal became clear: a giant gash in the jungle, half a kilometer long. Multiple dead giant jungle worms lay on the churned desert dirt. Dozens of large trucks with flatbeds had cages on them with spiders trapped inside.

Blues reacted to the drone, shooting at it, but it dodged, flying through their lines toward the cages. It did a barrel roll, then yawed toward a specific cage. Talia’s eyes widened as she recognized a brass colored IRU in the cage—Rosetta! Beside her was a gray spider—Dusky!

The drone flew toward them, but near the cage stood a Blue in gold-gilded black power armor, more ornate than any she had seen them wearing before. It reached out toward the drone, and lightning suddenly flashed. The drone feed cut out.

“They are alive,” Talia whispered, her voice barely audible over the hum of her suit’s systems. The visage of the Blue in power armor burned was into her mind, its red glowing eyes making it look like a demon.

Still… they were alive. They had to mount a rescue.

“Neo, we need to move in now! The Blues are taking the spiders away in their trucks!” Her voice echoed through the chamber.

[Warning: Current engagement at maximum capability.]

Frustration bubbled within her. She looked at Dapple and Hot Pink. “Dusky and the other spiders are at the jungle edge to the south!”

The remaining spiders seemed to understand the translation and reacted instantly, letting out fierce yells before storming out of the room. Dapple didn’t hesitate, lifting Talia and placing her on Hot Pink’s back. They rushed after the others and she barely had time to process.

Had she just directed them all into a trap?

[Observation: User’s choice of words might have been better considered. This unit will investigate the nest computer with the IRUs.]

“What!?” Talia clung to Hot Pink’s carapace as they ascended the elevator shaft at a dizzying speed. The rush of air and the blur of walls made her feel dizzy.

The spider horde burst out into the throne chamber and then charged down the road toward the tunnels. The urgency in their movements was palpable. They knew what was at stake.

[Warning: Ongoing fighting on the surface.]

“I just got us reinforcements!” Talia shot back.

As they exited the tunnel into the jungle, chaos surrounded them.

The spiders had utilized a tunnel that emerged behind enemy lines, catching the Blues off guard. The air filled with the sounds of battle—clashing metal, hissing energy weapons, and the guttural cries of combatants.

Hot Pink’s voice rang out above the fray. “Save-Sisters! Kill-Takers!”

Talia struggled to keep her PAR steady as Hot Pink darted around in a frenzy. The spider’s erratic movements made aiming impossible even with her suit assistance.

“Hot Pink, stop!” Talia slapped the spider’s back, her voice sharp with urgency.

Hot Pink skittered behind a tree, her legs trembling. Dapple hurried over to huddle with them.

Around them, spiders tore into the Blues, who scrambled toward the jungle breach. IRUs advanced, firing at any Blue who dared to emerge from cover. It became a slaughter as the spiders flushed them out of hiding.

Talia’s HUD flickered as she accessed a remote view from one of the LIRUs. The breach came into focus, revealing Blue vehicles speeding away, dust plumes trailing behind. They had abandoned their comrades still in the jungle to die.

Anger surged through Talia. She clenched her fist and struck the tree beside her. Hot Pink and Dapple whimpered, cowering as the reverberations from the trunk echoed out into the jungle.

“Sorry,” Talia muttered, softening her tone. “We need to stop the other Tch’Llik from rushing out of the jungle. They’ll get killed without being able to help.”

Hot Pink and Dapple looked at her, confusion in their eyes.

“The Blues have long-range weapons,” Talia explained. “Without help, the other spiders won’t reach them. They’ll just get shot. We have to stay inside the jungle. For now.”

Hot Pink and Dapple nodded, hurrying away to relay the message to the others.

[Observation: User’s directive is logical.]

Talia sighed. “Neo, we need a better way to coordinate the spiders if they’re going to be directly involved.”

[Suggestion: Implementing shield belts and other enhancements could increase their effectiveness.]

Talia swallowed hard, pushing down the lump in her throat.

The Blues had taken Dusky and the others. They had pulled out more forces than she or Neo had expected. But what if she armed the spiders? Could they fight back?

She watched as the spiders dismantled the remaining Blues. There were so many of them—an army waiting to be mobilized.

“Neo,” Talia said, her voice hardening, “send as many scouts as it takes to watch the convoy. We need to know where they end up. And… prepare a factory module to be delivered to the Nest.”


Matthew Sekel

The rise of the spider army begins. I wonder if the military sent to find Talia will end up on the planet as well. Then she will have a real army to stop the blues and take vengeance for big red and all the sisters


If they come to help I just hope they do not crash somewhere, crashing with explosives seems like a bad idea.

Jonathan Wint

Hmmm I wonder if Talia takes Nap will she wake up with red Armor? Repainted or Plated by the spiders as new Big Red?