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The LIRUs led the way deeper into the jungle, past the destroyed remains of the Blue platoon—or company? Talia wasn’t entirely sure on the numbers or how the Blues would divide their combat formations.

Her HUD displayed her own unit’s progress, the green dots inching closer to the nest. She glanced at Dapple, perched on the edge of an APC that had pushed through the jungle terrain without getting stuck.

“Is there a nearby entrance to the Nest?” she asked.

Dapple chirped affirmatively, her legs tapping a rhythm on the vehicle’s hull. “Right-Way-Go!”

Talia felt a flicker of relief. They were on the right path.

Her attention snapped back to the HUD as a squad of Blues appeared. The IRUs engaged swiftly and cut through the enemy ranks. This time, the Blues fell with less resistance.

[Observation: First engagement likely involved first-line enemy forces.]

Talia nodded. “And these are their regulars?”

[Affirmative: Likely scenario.]

She frowned. “Hopefully, they don’t all end up like the front-line ones. Those power-armored units were as tough as our heavier IRUs.”

[Warning: Raxion’s story partially confirmed. There is potential for more advanced and heavier combat units to enter the battlefield.]

Her frown deepened. “Beyond the anti-munitions and anti-air capability they already started showing?”

[Affirmation: Yes. Potential for units that could challenge the Slim Girl.]

Talia’s stomach tightened at the thought. “Let’s hope not.”

They entered a small clearing under a Giant Jungle tree. The air felt heavy as she scanned the area. Evidence of a fight lay scattered around—the ground scorched, foliage torn apart. It looked eerily similar to the scene from Dusky’s distress message.

Her heart sank. Was this where Dusky had been captured? The thought gnawed at her, but there was no way to confirm it now. Even if it was, Dusky wouldn’t still be here... would she?

Hot Pink chirped excitedly, “Nest-Tunnel-Secret-Enter!” She scurried ahead to the base of the tree, pulling away a rock to reveal a narrow hole.

Talia mumbled, “It looks tight.”

Dapple clicked reassuringly, “Get-Bigger-As-Go!”

Talia took a deep breath. “Neo, organize the IRUs to keep cleaning the surface. I’m going down with the spiders.”

[Acknowledgment: IRUs will maintain surface operations.]

[Warning: Entering the nest alone is a bad idea. Splitting forces is also unwise.]

Talia frowned, the weight of his words pressing on her. “We need to clear the surface and enter the nest simultaneously. I’ll take a full IRU squad with me. The rest can handle the surface.”

She glanced at Hot Pink and Dapple, their eyes reflecting determination. They had come this far together; there was no turning back now. Talia adjusted her exo-suit and prepared to descend.

[Notice: This unit will create an operational plan for surface units. Entering underground will degrade connection.]

She sighed. “Right. Is there any way we can maintain a relay with the surface units?”

[Suggestion: Placing LIRUs along the tunnel could maintain real-time communication despite interference.]

Talia considered the implications. “That will weaken our combat force, but it’s worth it. Do it.”

[Confirmation: Acknowledged.]

Hot Pink and Dapple scurried into the hole, their urgency palpable. “Hurry-Quick!”

Talia steadied her breathing as she followed. “Slow down. We’re going in as a group.”

Two MIRUs took point. The rest of the squad fell in behind Talia as they entered the tunnel. Her tactical HUD displayed other IRUs advancing through the jungle, clearing Blues with methodical efficiency.

Resistance was weak, almost too easy. Another trap? Were the Blues falling back on purpose? Had they already taken what they came for?

That gnawed. “Fuck,” she muttered under her breath.

The tunnel walls closed in around them. Dapple hissed, her legs tapping a frantic rhythm on the ground. Talia’s gaze followed the sound, landing on a charred spider corpse slumped against the wall. Plasma burns marred its exoskeleton.

“They came through here,” Talia said, her voice steady despite the churn in her stomach. “Stay alert.”

Hot Pink’s hiss echoed in the confined space. “Kill-Takers-All-Takers!”

Talia nodded, though everything shouted at her they needed to remain cautious. She positioned herself in front of the spiders, ensuring Dapple and Hot Pink stayed behind her. She didn’t want them running ahead and getting ambushed.

“Stick together,” she reminded them. “Don’t get separated.”

[Warning: User’s current actions are highly dangerous.]

“I have to go with them,” Talia replied, her voice firm but hollow. “I might need to explain to the spiders that the IRUs are friendly.”

She knew it wasn’t strictly true. Hot Pink or Dapple could communicate just as well. The real reason was more personal. She didn’t want to send them down alone. Maybe that made her a bad military commander, but then again, she had never signed up to be one.

The tunnels twisted and turned, narrowing at points but never becoming impassable. There were a few points where the HIRUs had to climb with Dapple and Hot Pink in order to make it through because the ground level narrowed that much. Her LIRUs stopped at periodic intervals to do their job as relays.

Faint light flickered ahead, and bits of metal hinted they were nearing Spider-Town. Hot Pink shrieked suddenly, startling Talia. The spider bolted forward.

“Wait!” Talia called out.

Hot Pink stopped at the metal entrance to the nest, shaking visibly and continuing to cry. Talia hurried to her side, along with Dapple, and peered inside.

The sight was devastating. Rubble and damaged buildings littered the street where the tunnel emerged. Dozens of dead Tch’Llik’yzz’Lrr lay mingled with eviscerated Blues in destroyed power armor.

Her heart sank, a mix of sorrow and anger swirling within her. What had happened wasn’t just a battle; it had been a massacre.

Talia swallowed hard as the two spiders released their anguish. The noise echoed outward in the otherwise stillness.

[Warning: Loud noises could draw attention.]

“Quiet!” Talia yelled, her voice sharp. “We need to stay quiet!”

The spiders turned to her, their eyes reflecting fear and sorrow. She could almost feel their pain. When had she started reading their expressions so clearly?

“We need to keep it together,” she said, trying to steady her voice. “Other spiders might need our help. Making noise will make it harder.”

Dapple’s legs twitched. “Must-Help-Nest-Sisters.”

Talia nodded. The MIRUs moved into the chamber, taking point with weapons ready. Talia looked up. Smoke filled the top of the chamber, adding to the oppressive atmosphere. Smoke trails continued to rise toward the larger cloud, hinting that fires were still burning.

She approached a HIRU, pulling a small drone off its arm. “Neo, run a recon with this.”

The drone buzzed to life, darting into the smoky air. The group pushed down the street, Talia’s eyes scanning the destruction.

“It looks like the spiders took out a lot of Blues during the attack,” she mumbled.

[Observation: Blue attack would likely have faced more intense resistance if bulk of Tch’Llik’yzz’Lrr had not departed.]

Talia winced. Part of that plan had been hers. She couldn’t shake the feeling of being partly responsible. If she hadn’t directed the Tch’Llik away with the offer of the HEM deposit, would they have been safer?

“Any connection to Rosetta?” she asked, her voice tinged with worry.

[Negative: No contact.]

Her heart sank further. If Rosetta was destroyed, they were in deeper trouble than she thought. The translations weren’t complete, even if the work done so far was passable enough to speak with the spiders and Raxion.

[Warning: Enemy forces detected.]

Her HUD lit up with a tactical map. Enemy positions clustered around Spider-Town’s edge, near the tunnels. Anger flared within her.

“We need to deal with them,” she said, her voice hardening.

[Recommendation: Squad must remain together. Enemy positions might be fortified.]

Talia nodded, pushing down the anger. The emotion wouldn’t help them win. But one thing was certain—she would make sure the Blues paid for what they’d done so far.


Youri A.

Nemesis is calling, justice awaits!

Chris Panagis

The fact that no worms are helping the nest is confusing to me, that is apparently their whole role