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Talia held on tight as Neo maneuvered to keep the APC in formation with the others.

Dapple and Hot Pink clung to the roof. Hot Pink, usually bouncing with energy, remained low and steady. This wasn’t a game or a joyride. They were ready to fight.

The other fast vehicles kept pace, multiple Panthers following along despite the terrain. Neo had insisted she needed better protection if she left the Slim Girl.

She had listened, bringing what she could, even if it wouldn’t be entirely useful in the jungle. They needed to hit the Blues near the jungle as well.

[Notice: Formation holding steady. ETA to jungle perimeter: 15 minutes.]

Talia bit her lip. The Blues had taken Tch’Llik prisoners before. The substance they sprayed Dusky with appeared non-lethal. That was something to cling to, and she refused to consider the possibility that Dusky might be dead already.

A realization struck her hard. The spiders were more like family to her than anyone else.

Talia’s fingers drummed against the Pegasus's control panel.

What was she worrying about building a ship for? It shouldn’t be her primary or even secondary objective. Taking them off planet with her wasn’t sensible.

Besides, what was wrong with staying on Sigma 16? At least there weren’t overbearing mega-corporations or people like her father, trying to dictate when and when not to breathe.

She tapped a command and opened a channel to Dapple and Hot Pink. “Keep low on the roof. We don’t want to make ourselves targets before we arrive.”

The spiders chirped affirmative responses and held on, bellies tight against the roof.

The other option had been keeping them inside the APC, but that would prevent them all from getting out easily. And they were going to the fight.

She took a deep breath and hoped that their shield belts would work well enough against the Blues’ plasma weaponry. They had been tested before, and she had done some minor upgrades on them, but they weren’t miracle devices. They could only activate a few times at full power before burning out their capacitors.

[Notice: Contact detected near jungle entrance. Light resistance expected.]

“Understood,” Talia muttered. Light resistance could mean anything—a scouting party, perhaps, or a small detachment meant to delay them.

She glanced at the map display, noting the positions of her units. “Neo, what’s our best approach?”

[Recommendation: Utilize Panther units for initial engagement. APCs should provide support fire from rear positions.]

The tactical monitor blinked with new hostile unit positions as her scouts spotted them. Talia’s hands curled into fists. “This doesn’t look ‘light’ at all,” she hissed.

[Notice: User heavy units moving into position. Lighter elements will hold back.]

The APC braked and slowed. The spiders hopped off, looking around in confusion. Talia opened the comm. “Get back on! We’re just pausing for the other units to engage.”

Raptors flew in from the north, but hot metal spewed into the air to meet them. The enemy wasn’t far—just a hill or two away. A Panther pushed past the APCs between two hills and opened fire. An explosion blasted its front, sending it swerving.

“Dammit,” Talia cursed under her breath.

[Notice: Supporting artillery strike is on the way.]

She watched as mid-air explosions scattered high explosive discharges.

[Warning: Anti-munition defenses detected.]

“I see that,” Talia snapped. “What are our options?”

[Notice: Resistance upgraded to ‘medium.’]

Talia bit back a retort.

More Panthers arrived, spreading out on her tactical map to take up positions for a wide attack. Talia’s eyes darted between the icons.

“Maybe we need to send in the infantry as well,” she suggested, her voice tight.

[Notice: If IRUs are lost at this point, jungle capabilities will be insufficient. Preserving light units here will maintain jungle operations integrity.]

Talia let out a tense breath, nodding. “Okay.”

Explosions rocked the APC lightly, the sounds of battle filling the air. She watched as units on both sides exploded, enemy icons disappearing faster than hers. But her losses tightened the knot in her stomach.

Zooming out on the strategic map, she noted other IRU units already entering the jungle far to the north so they could make their way south toward the nest. There were more unit gathering at the bootstrap base to wait for mechanized transport as well.

The auto-bases were pulling more than their share of the weight. It hadn’t been long since she had agreed to build them, and they were pumping combat units out like crazy.

Was it going to be enough?

The thought gnawed at her. Every decision felt like a gamble. Maybe that was because of her inexperience, but with Neo’s help it shouldn’t have felt that way. Plus, she’d messed up.

The Blues had underestimated her forces before; this time they had taken advantage of her complacency in thinking that was still true. She couldn’t make that mistake again.

She watched the tactical map as her units finally eliminated the enemy blocking their path. Icons blinked out, signaling the end of the skirmish. She exhaled, but her relief was short-lived.

More enemy units appeared to the south, moving in a spearhead formation to intercept. Her armor unit shifted to intercept.

Fusion shells were out of the question. They were so close to the jungle it would probably retaliate. Heavy attrition it was, then. Each lost unit would mean another piece of their defense chipped away.

[Notice: Path for mechanized unit to enter jungle created.]

“Good,” Talia muttered, her eyes scanning the map. Aerial recon showed light enemy forces lingering at the jungle barrier. They would have to deal with them on arrival. “Let’s go.”

She opened the comm to Dapple and Hot Pink. “We’re moving out now. Stay sharp.”

The spiders chirped their acknowledgment, their forms visible through the APC’s external video feed. She checked the combat unit roster of the IRUs. Everything looked green.

The ride grew bumpy as they pushed through the sandy rock hills outside the flat beside the jungle wall. A single Panther led the way, its tracks kicking up a dust plume that rose into the air like a signal flare. Talia’s grip tightened on the handrail inside the compartment.

[Notice: Engaging light enemy force detected at jungle barrier.]

“Understood,” Talia replied.

The Panther crested the last hill and opened fire, its railgun unleashing a hypersonic crack. The APCs didn’t stop, barreling down the slope with relentless momentum. Talia held on, feeling every jolt and bump as they descended.

Blues rushed into the jungle from a burning opening held open by some type of plasma flamer device, scorching the massive wound back to prevent regeneration. Talia frowned.

“Neo, how long has that been open?” she demanded.

[Notice: Duration unknown.]

Dapple and Hot Pink tapped their feet frantically on the roof, trying to get her attention.

Before Talia could ask what was wrong, a giant jungle worm exploded out of the ground. Its massive jaws chomped down on the Blues who hadn’t yet entered the breach. The worm’s body then smashed the plasma device keeping the opening scorched before it rushed after the rest of them.

“Dammit,” Talia cursed, her frustration boiling over. “We need another entry point, or we’ll be worm targets.”

[Suggestion: North. The south is barricaded by hostile forces.]

Talia gritted her teeth. “That’s another delay,” she muttered, glancing at the tactical map. Red units still swarmed to the south and had engaged her panther group. No choice then.

“Alright, we’ll angle northeast,” she decided. “Two kilometers should be enough?”

[Recommendation: Five kilometers would improve safety margins. Under current circumstances, two is likely the minimum acceptable.]

“We can’t keep delaying,” Talia argued. “We’ll do two.”

[Confirmation: Adjusting course.]

The column angled northeast, her spearhead panther leading the way with the APCs following close behind. The terrain was flat just outside the jungle making for a quick and smooth ride. Two kilometers disappeared in a flash.

The APCs came to a halt at the jungle’s edge. Talia unbuckled her harness and stepped out, the desert sun lashing at her exo-suit. Hot Pink and Dapple immediately hopped off and ran to the jungle foliage to screech.

Talia winced at the noise. But it was effective. Leaves and vines retracted, creating a tunnel larger than anything she’d seen before.

IRUs dismounted from the APCs, their movements precise and mechanical. LIRUs rushed through the newly formed tunnel, taking point. The jungle seemed alive in its retreat. The hole felt too large compared to normal, and she worried about a jungle worm coming to investigate, but she just had to trust the spiders knew what they were doing. This was their domain, after all.

[Notice: User’s exo-suit is combat capable but vulnerable to concentrated plasma fire or high-velocity rounds. Recommend remaining secure.]

“I’m going in,” Talia said.

The lead panther pushed in behind the LIRUs, its bulk barely fitting through the tunnel. “It’s just going to get stuck,” she muttered under her breath.

[Notice: CRD-X9 unit is on standby to assist with terrain snags. IRU units may require support.]

Talia nodded, but she wasn’t sure how much that would help the heavy tank.

Hot Pink held her feet up at the jungle, waving them as if commanding the plants to stay back. Maybe that was exactly what the spider was doing. It had a somatic combined with the screeching, or was it just a gesture?

The tunnel widened as they advanced, her IRUs moving with practiced efficiency. Talia followed with the MIRU units in front of her and the HIRUs at her back. She scanned the surroundings for any signs of danger.

The APCs behind her rumbled softly, their engines a constant reminder of the urgency. Most of the APCs began to move north, ready to pick up other IRUs and drive them to the front line. A few followed into the new biome.

She checked her battle rifle, making sure its ammo was full. The PAR readout on her HUD blinked green, indicating readiness.

[Notice: Jungle terrain and interference will complicate scouting. LIRUs will undertake this process.]

“Yeah, that’s what they’re for,” Talia mumbled. The knot of tension tightened. It had been a long time since she’d used her rifle in combat. It was definitely what she needed, though. Getting close enough to use her survival tool was a bad idea.

The jungle enveloped them. Bioluminescent plants glowed with an intensity she didn’t remember. Maybe it was the presence of so many invaders—herself included—causing a ruckus. The thought nagged at her. What happened if things got to be too much for the jungle?

Her suit field kept the acid glow bugs at bay, but not all the IRUs had that modification. She frowned, considering the risks. This was an emergency, and they needed to hurry. There wasn’t time to retrofit every unit. The glow bugs seemed skittish today, which helped.

The LIRUs darted ahead, their lightweight frames barely making a sound. It was easy for them to move from giant tree to giant tree. They were perfect for this kind of terrain.

[Notice: Increased bioluminescence detected. Possible correlation with recent disturbances.]

“That makes sense,” Talia said quietly. “We’re not exactly subtle.”

She pushed through a thick cluster of vines, her exo-suit’s servos whirring softly. The jungle felt alive around her, almost as if it were watching. Dapple and Hot Pink moved to follow just behind her, remaining uncharacteristically quiet.

She couldn’t shake the feeling that they were being watched.

“Neo, any signs of enemy activity?” she asked.

[Negative: No immediate threats detected within current range.]

“I’m not sure that’s good. Shouldn’t we detect something at least?” she replied.

Dapple bumped into Talia’s back several times, nearly knocking her over.

“Hey! Cut it out, what gives?” she snapped, regaining her balance.

Dapple’s mandibles clicked. “Talia-Ride-Dapple-Faster. Go-Hurry!”

Talia shook her head. “We can’t rush in like that. We have to fight the Blues carefully so we can win.”

Both Hot Pink and Dapple whined but listened, their movements more restrained. The tension in the air was palpable. The jungle’s bioluminescence cast eerie shadows around them, making every leaf and vine seem alive.

A green flare of light erupted in front of them, illuminating the dense foliage.

[Notice: Hostile contact detected.]

Both spiders hissed angrily, their bodies tensing for a fight. The sound of battle rifles knocked away the jungle’s more peaceful chorus of insects.

Talia raised a hand and stopped the two spiders. “The enemy is ahead,” Talia said, her voice steady. “Our job is not to fight them. Our job is to help the other spiders while the IRUs fight.”

Hot Pink’s legs tapped urgently. “Find-Dusky-Fast.”

Talia led them forward over a stream, maneuvering around the fight. She realized there was blood running through it and winced. “We need to find an entrance to the nest,” she said. “Any ideas of a way in? We should be getting close.”

Behind them, a crunch echoed through the jungle. Talia glanced over her shoulder. One of the Panthers was stuck in the wet mud.

“I said that would happen,” she mumbled.

[Notice: CRD-X9-R unit is on the way to assist.]

“We’re not waiting for it,” Talia replied.

Ahead of them, the MIRUs picked their way through the giant jungle trees. “If the LIRUs are handling it, then it must not be bad,” she reasoned aloud.

That, of course, was the trigger for all hell to break loose.

A barrage of green flame lashed out at them and the MIRUs in a massive wave. Hot Pink reacted instantly, knocking Talia backward behind a tree. They took cover as the flames scorched the ground where they had stood moments before.

She landed hard on her back, her suit absorbing and distributing the impact. Talia blinked up at the canopy, catching sight of Dapple scaling the tree trunk with astonishing speed. The MIRUs scattered, taking cover and returning fire against the Blues who had unleashed the plasma barrage.

[Notice: Enemy ambush detected.]

Grunting, Talia pushed herself up. “Thanks, Hot Pink,” she said, glancing at the spider. Hot Pink chirped in response before following Dapple up the tree.

She bit her lip, wanting to call them back but knowing she couldn’t afford to. They had their roles to play.

She stuck her rifle out from behind the tree trunk, using the camera feed to survey the battlefield. Armored Blues in exo-suits fired from behind a well-picked line of natural heavy cover, their plasma weapons creating deadly arcs of energy. Her MIRUs were exposed, pinned down.

A HIRU moved into position beside her, its shoulder compartment opening to reveal a battery of rockets. The guided munitions launched, streaking toward the enemy. Some exploded mid-air in fiery bursts as they met plasma, but others curved around cover and detonated behind the Blues, sending shrapnel flying.

Talia’s heart sank as she watched the explosions. The enemy armor absorbed much of the impact. These weren’t just any Blues; they had exo-suits too. She could feel her advantage was slipping away.

Raxion’s words echoed in her mind. The real enemy military would arrive. Well, it looked like they had.

“Neo,” she muttered, “we need a new plan.”

[Suggestion: Flanking maneuver with LIRUs to disrupt enemy formation.]

“Do it,” she ordered. If they could disrupt the enemy’s cohesion, they might stand a chance.

The LIRUs darted out, moving with agile precision through the underbrush. Talia used her suit servos to aim her rifle while remaining behind the giant tree’s cover, much like the MIRUs. She fired in controlled bursts to keep their attention divided.

Her eyes flicked to the tactical displays to note their progress.

The surrounding jungle seemed to pulse with tension, the bioluminescence becoming brighter and brighter until it wasn’t dark anymore. There wasn’t anything she could do to stop the engagement, though. She just had to hope that whatever was happening wasn’t going to zap them all.

Hot Pink and Dapple reached the higher branches, their forms blending into the foliage. The enemy hadn’t spotted them yet, and they jumped off the tree to glide with a parachute from tree to tree. Talia hoped they had a plan.

[Notice: LIRUs in position for flanking maneuver.]

“Execute,” Talia commanded, her voice steady despite the chaos.

The LIRUs moved in unison to target the enemy's flanks. Plasma fire erupted from the Blues, but the LIRUs were fast, ducking behind cover when targeted.

The enemy line wavered, their attention split between the frontal assault and the flanking attack. This was their chance.

“Push forward!” she shouted.

The MIRUs advanced, their firepower intensifying as they closed the distance. Multiple of them took direct hits as they did so, but the closing of the distance made their own attacks even more intense. The suppression decreased the amount of incoming plasma shots considerably.

The HIRU beside her, along with a dozen others, launched another volley of rockets, this time finding more success as enemy cover crumbled.

Talia’s heart pounded as Dusky and Dapple jumped down into the Blues line and began to scythe through them with their razor sharp forelimbs.

[Notice: Enemy formation breaking.]

The plasma fire died as the enemy turned and retreated.

A small victory, but one that gave her hope. They could do this. They had to.


Jonathan Wint

She should just use that Electronic signal that summons the Wyrms. She knows what the signal is she can duplicate it. Send in a directed Beam signal that breaks up into an area effect, yeah we can do that now. It would be a little bit like ventriloquism.

Eyes wide

Thanks for the chapter