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Talia’s eyes darted between the various elements on the CIC’s main screen. The tactical display showed enemy units in full retreat, scattering like ants from a disturbed nest.

“Neo, speed all our elements up,” she ordered. “We need to crush them while they’re in disarray.”

[Notice: All enemy units were in full retreat before the artillery strike. Current positions confirm this.]

She frowned. “They started to retreat before we took out the first column? Are they trying to draw us after them? A trap? They got overconfident?”

[Analysis: Enemy began retreat upon first contact with our scouts and was prepared to begin evacuation on first contact.]

Talia’s eyes scanned the map again. “Are the current positions accurate?”

[Confirmation: Current positions visually confirmed. Hostile fire is attempting to prevent further observation by scout units.]

“Something’s weird,” she muttered, eyes narrowing. “Stop all our groups from approaching.”

[Warning: Encirclement will be incomplete if units stop.]

“Begin a fusion artillery barrage,” she decided, her voice firm. “Saturate their axis of retreat and estimated path.”

[Notice: Slim Girl nuclear fire mission requires User authentication.]

“Confirm nuclear fire mission,” she said, her tone leaving no room for hesitation.

The Slim Girl’s heavy artillery thumped out a dozen shots, four per remaining enemy column. Talia watched the trajectories on the main screen, each arc forming a diamond that bracketed the hostile positions. The impacts registered on the map, painting swathes of red across the terrain.

The Crawler rattled slightly and the sound of distance thunder reached them despite the distance.

[Informative: Impact confirmed. Remaining fusion shells: twenty-four. Replacement shells will begin production.]

“I don’t know what kind of trap they were trying to make,” she mumbled to herself. “Neo, try to find out.”

[Suggestion: Send more scouts ahead on their retreat vector.]

“Agreed,” Talia nodded. “Regroup our entire ambush force into one combat division.”

[Confirmation: Units vectoring toward Slim Girl.]

“We’ll wait for them at our current position,” she decided.

She opened her mouth to plan the next phase of the attack when a red alarm blared through the CIC. A crimson light flashed on the main screen.

[Notice: Emergency message received.]

The strategic map appeared and then blinked away before Talia could read anything on it. Dusky’s face replaced it, her distress apparent in her posture.


Before she could say more, the camera spun out of control and Dusky’s panic-filled chirps erupted. When the spinning stopped, the video feed landed on Dusky locked in place with some type of quick-hardening glue.


Talia’s hand clenched into a fist, the metal of the command chair screeching in protest. The video feed cut out.

“Neo?” she whispered before swallowing, her throat suddenly dry.

[Notice: The attack westward was a diversion designed to lead our forces away from the jungle, allowing the Blues to attack the Tch’Llik’yzz’Lrr without interference.]

Talia’s eyes narrowed. “Why are we only finding out now?”

[Explanation: Connection is spotty in the jungle at the current time. Some margin for missed communication checks is allowed—these checks were long enough for the Blues to exploit.]

She tried to calm her breathing, her fingers tapping her console hard. “Neo, divert the Slim Girl toward the jungle immediately.”

[Notice: Slim Girl redirecting. Vector set to east.]

The massive vehicle pivoted, its treads grinding against the terrain as it began its new course. Talia’s heart pounded. “We need to hurry and help the nest. How fast can we get there if we go full speed? With APCs and IRUs only. I’ll take Dapple and Hot Pink.”

[Warning: Rapid response with mechanized infantry could place User in undue danger. Effectiveness may be compromised.]

She clenched her jaw. “Our tanks and artillery won’t work in the jungle. The tanks will get stuck, and artillery might trigger dangerous reactions from the jungle itself.”

She tried to consider their other options, but they weren’t great either. “Air units are out too. Raptors can’t operate in the jungle, quadcopters lose signal inside, and solar scouts can’t see through the canopy.”

[Notice: Activated units along the jungle border are facing hostile action.]

“They were hiding just beyond our scout range,” she muttered, frustration bubbling up. “The Blues must have a detection system. They knew where we were.”

Her thoughts churned. If the Tch’Llik’yzz’Lrr could spot her units, why not the Blues? They were dealing with technology they didn’t fully understand.

“Fuck,” she hissed, slamming her fist on the console.

A tapping jerked Talia’s attention to the roof. She tapped her helmet, and the video feed on her HUD swapped to the exterior monitor. Dapple and Hot Pink were running around on the CIC module’s exterior in a panic.

“How do they know something is wrong?” she mumbled to herself, biting her lip.

She stood up and headed outside. The spiders hurried down to her, their movements frantic.

[Query: User’s plan?]

“Keep us moving toward the jungle,” she said. “I’m thinking.”

Dapple’s eyes widened as she approached. “Talia-Not-Fine?”

Hot Pink chirped, “Talia-Not-Hurt?”

Talia shook her head. “I’m okay, but there’s a big problem.”

The two spiders tilted their heads, their concern palpable. She wasn’t sure how they knew something was wrong. Could they feel her emotions?

“The nest is under attack,” Talia explained, her voice somehow remaining steady. “It looks like the Blues captured Dusky when she came out to send a report.”

[Notice: The time for the strategic report was early. Dusky was likely attempting to warn us that the Tch’Llik’yzz’Lrr needed help.]

Hot Pink stood up on her legs and hissed. “Must-Go-Defend-Nest!”

Dapple tapped her foot on the metal deck. “Must-Save-Dusky!”

Talia swallowed hard and nodded. “I want to help too.”

She had gotten overconfident and rushed after the Blues, blasting the first sign of them like some stupid hothead. Really, they had to do something. “Neo, we’re taking the APCs and IRUs to help the nest. The rest of our units can move to support.”

[Warning: Blue operations are a step ahead. They will likely expect this response.]

She clenched her fists. “We have to assist the Tch’Llik’yzz’Lrr and rescue Dusky.”

[Notice: Rescue might be impossible.]

Frustration and guilt gnawed at her. “Stop bringing up all the problems and help me find solutions!”

[Informative: Units en route to Slim Girl to prepare the attack. Supplemental IRU infantry from base areas are mobilizing. Other units will maintain at current front-line positions, fighting defensively and retreating where required.]

“Fine,” she snapped. “The IRUs shouldn’t be our main fighting force in the open desert, anyway. They need to be used for their specialized roles.”

[Notice: Multiple important roles for IRUs exist outside the jungle. However, User is correct that they are currently our most efficient jungle fighting force other than the Tch’Llik’yzz’Lrr themselves.]

“Then hurry things up! We need to get to the jungle ASAP.”

[Warning: Blue contact made across various areas of the front line, targeting forward solar scout units.]

“How many fucking Blues are there?” she cursed, reaching out to rub Hot Pink’s head. The spider’s soft chittering brought a momentary calm.

Dapple’s eyes met hers, filled with a mixture of trust and concern. Talia hoped they could make it in time.



Thanks for the chapter, looking forward to the next.

Chris Panagis

The fact that the spiders with the incredible scouting system didn’t see the incoming attack seems unlikely at best