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Today is the big day for Demoness!

Newly Summoned Demoness is now available on Amazon!


Formats include Audible, Paperback, Hardcover, Ebook, and Kindle Unlimited!

In a world where darkness lurks, one girl's fate will shatter centuries of stagnation.

Elania's life takes an unexpected turn when demon-worshiping cultists summon her to their world, aiming to revive their dead god. When their hated foe strikes, she escapes into Eladu's darkest depths.

Amidst savage predators and underground monsters, Elania discovers her newfound abilities are both a formidable ally and a haunting burden that threatens to reshape her very soul.

To climb higher towards civilization means she must contend with anti-demon sentiment and those who would use her as a source of arcane power. But Elania is not alone in her struggles.

Yolani, an arcane artificer, battles a sinister plot and finds her fate inexplicably linked to Elania's. Together, they might just be the key to each other's survival.

Only one thing is certain: Elania isn't going to give up who she is without a fight.


Links are here:



I started writing Demoness back in 2020. It was a pretty dark time for me. Those who followed the series that early on, know that it went on Hiatus. It was never my intention back then to do so. Once the things that had ruined my ability to do anything came to a end, I managed to start writing again. I wasn't ready to finish it though, so I started with ShipCore which only had a few chapters out at the time.

After knocking out several books of it, I felt like my writing skills had improved and set out to finishing this thing that I started all the way back before Covid arrived. I'm really, really excited to bring the full book to life and make it available. This was a dream come true, and while I love ShipCore dearly, Demoness was my very first published webseries and really gave me the confidence I needed to realize that I COULD write something that some people at least enjoyed reading. The rest is, as they say, history! Or well, a little slice of it.

I hope that maybe just a little I was able to entertain you with this world I've created as we follow along our two heroines and see what they get up to!


Thanks for supporting!

If you feel like leaving a comment on reddit, the release post is here: https://www.reddit.com/r/litrpg/comments/1d5iu3i/newly_summoned_demoness_is_now_available_on_amazon/



Congrats! I was super happy when this series came back, I'm glad you're doing better

Jim Smith

I dropped a rating on Amazon, I can't believe someone gave this a one star. I will add in a review later. Even the royal road initial draft was good, though not as solid as the rewrite. Thanks again for the great work. I won't say leave a review on amazon, though I will note that if you like the author, and want others to have access to their work, my understanding is that anything under 4.5 stars has reduced visibility, and given how averages work, one bad rating needs several positive reviews to offset it. From a purely selfish perspective, I want more novels, and the wider the base of people supporting the author, the less required from individual contributors for the same outcome. So those of you who wish to provide your perspectives, whether positive or negative please add your opinions for others to make their judgements. I know I did, and further would have regretted it had I failed to do so.


Yeah, they are angry that I used AI to assist writing Demoness Book 3 and are blowing up some private discord conversations with screenshots about me talking about it. They are taking those and painting it as something that it wasn't. 20 thousand words in one day represented an entire day's worth of work--16-18 hours of writing and thinking, the majority of the day at my laptop working on the chapter. Not a click a button and in minutes done. They are claiming that everything I have ever created was written or 'tainted' by AI. I'm not sure how things will go honestly. I think its clear they want the launch to die, and to kill the series permanently. I'm hoping that the story quality, all the people who read it already and know that its not what they are trying to portray it as, and the fans will keep it alive and stop that from happening. But I admit I'm feeling a bit distraught over this, and that something I put so much time and effort in could be ruined by the negative sentiment. I certainly learned my lesson that its better not to try and help other authors with understanding and learning how to use new tools. For the record: I never used AI to 'do all the work' or 'scam people into paying for ai garbage' or anything like that. I used it as an editor, a proofreader, to query the manuscript asking questions on things i had forgotten or needed to know 'did x do y, and was it followed up on?' (anyone who read shipcore and remembers the Wyles incident knows how much help i need there, lol.) and write a codex glossary so i can remember who the heck everyone is. The Ideation of events, the rough drafting, the exact plotting out of what would happen beat-by-beat was done solely by myself. They mention novel-crafter like its an AI that does all the work--it is not, its a writing software suite with integrated tools to help use ai do the above. I like to think that anyone who has read the story knows the amount of effort and work that went into it and they are just shouting outrage because they didn't really read the story, although they claim to have been a patron and read through everything. This has turned into something of an emotionally charged vent piece, sorry for the length. And this I guess serves as my response to the claims by some that the story is generated by AI. (It's not.)