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Talia stood in the heart of Spider-Town, the hum of the control node filling the air. Big Red loomed nearby, his massive form a constant reminder of the delicate alliance they had forged. The map on the screen flickered, showing the locations of both her units and the Blues.

[Priority: Interfacing with the precursor detection machine is critical.]

Talia stared at the web-like connections on the control node’s screen. “No means no, Neo. Big Red won’t allow a cable connection.”

Her fingers traced a potential route among the interconnected lines. “Have you figured out how to use a wireless connection through the nest yet?”

[Notice: High-level interference by Nest passive properties renders wireless connection inoperable unless connected by a physical medium or direct line-of-sight transmitters.]

Exhaling slowly, she glanced at Big Red, his steady gaze meeting hers. “And Big Red ruled out using any physical connections. He won’t let you tamper with their technology, which makes sense. We’re still building trust, and it was a big decision for him to bring us here in the first place.”

She shook her head. “And now you want to run cables or place new machines in the room.”

Big Red rumbled. “No-Change-Maker-Room.”

[Restate: Real-time location information would be instrumental in strategic and tactical measures.]

Talia sighed. “Neo, I get that having real-time data is crucial, but Big Red‘s restrictions are non-negotiable. We can’t just override their decisions. We need to respect their boundaries.”

“And that’s why we equipped Dusky with a communication device,” she continued, her voice firm. “She will report if something big changes.”

[Statement: Such reports would be inherently slow to arrive. The duration of travel for Tch’Llik’yzz’Lrr to surface is considerable.]

Talia’s eyes narrowed. “You’re just complaining to complain instead of adapting to the situation.”

[Clarification: This unit expresses concern for strategic accuracy and timeliness.]

“I understand your concern,” she said, softening her tone. “But diplomatic action is important. Big Red wasn’t supposed to let us see the control chamber.”

[Warning: This could lead to User’s defeat and destruction.]

Talia rolled her eyes. The AI in her head was literally sulking and trying to manipulate her. “Neo, you’re welcome to put Rosetta in a drone and have her try to convince Big Red while we go about our business.”

[Acknowledgment: Construction of drone for transfer of Cortex AI will be queued upon return to operations network.]

“Wait, what? That was a joke!” Talia exclaimed, her eyes widening.

[Clarification: This unit has initiated the construction of a drone for AI transfer.]

Talia groaned, rubbing her temples. “Neo, can you jump out of my head too? Am I going to end up being a gender bent Zeus with children jumping out of my head or something?”

[Response: This unit’s core programming is integral to User’s neural network and cannot be transferred without viable replacement.]

She sighed, shaking her head. “Great. Just great.”

Big Red watched the exchange, his mandibles clicking in a rhythm that Talia had come to recognize as curiosity. She offered him a small smile, hoping to convey that everything was under control, even if it felt like it wasn’t.

Dusky skittered over, her gray legs tapping lightly on the metallic floor. She tilted her head, the communication device glinting under the dim light. Talia reached out, patting Dusky’s head gently.

“We’re relying on you, girl,” she whispered. “Keep us updated.”

Dusky chirped in response, her eyes gleaming with determination. “Watch-Send-Word-Yes!”

Dusky’s legs tapped the communication device with a rhythmic precision. A soft chime echoed through the chamber.

“Snapshot of current strategic map taken,” the device announced.

Dusky tapped it again, and it responded, “Transmitting map information now.”

Talia’s helmet beeped, signaling an update. She glanced at the HUD.

[Notice: Device is functioning within expected parameters.]

[Update: Translation drone ETA: Two hours upon return to contact.]

Talia turned to Big Red. “We will be sending Rosetta to talk with you after we leave, is that okay?”

Big Red’s mandibles clicked in acknowledgment. “Will-wait-for-Rosetta-to-converse-more. Nest-begun-searching-route-to-HEM-area.”

“Right,” Talia said, nodding. “We need to get back to the surface and begin preparations. Plus, I need an update from the base network.”

That seemed to be that and an end to the tour. They moved toward the elevator, the platform letting out a preparatory hiss. Dusky lingered at the control console, her posture drooping.

Talia paused, walking back to Dusky. She reached up to gently pat her head. “Thank you for agreeing to be our lookout.”

Dusky’s eyes brightened slightly. “If-thing-go-Dusky-run-to-top-and-send-message!”

Talia smiled beneath her helmet. “Yep, we’re counting on you.”

Dusky chirped softly, her spirits lifting.

Talia climbed onto Dapple’s back, using the sticky hand holds for balance, and then the elevator began its ascent. The chamber below disappeared as they entered the shaft.

The elevator doors slid open, revealing the bustling activity of Spider-Town. Spiders scurried around, their eyes fixed on the shaft.

The moment Big Red’s head emerged, they scattered in all directions. “Not-Look-For-You!” his voice boomed, mandibles clicking in irritation.

Talia chuckled, giving Big Red a respectful nod. “Thanks for everything, Big Red. We’ll be in touch.”

Big Red’s eyes softened, and he clicked a farewell before climbing back onto the white pyramid.

Dapple and Hot Pink wasted no time hurrying toward the entrance. Talia held onto the sticky hand holds for balance.

The journey through the expansive city was smooth, but as they made their way up through the tunnels, the cave narrowed and Talia dismounted and continued on foot.

They emerged onto the surface, greeted by the sight of the Pegasus APC covered in curious spiders. The vehicle beeped in protest at them and as soon as Hot Pink took in the scene, she rushed forward.

“Not-bother-vehicle!” Hot Pink yelled, her legs waving frantically.

Talia approached the APC as the spiders fled in a chitter. “Is it okay, Neo?”

[Report: Footage indicates spider curiosity presented no exterior or interior damage.]

“Great,” Talia said, relief washing over her. “Do we have a telemetry update now?”

[Notice: Relay telemetry has been restored. Situation update and reconciliation of new mining goals with Tch’Llik’yzz’lrr cooperation underway. Rosetta drone unit construction initiated.]

Talia nodded, satisfied with the progress. She walked over to the APC and opened the rear hatch. “Want to ride?”

Dapple followed, her eyes blinking slowly. “Sleepy-nap-now,” she murmured.

Hot Pink whined, her voice echoing through the jungle. “Nooo-Not-Zoom!”

Talia laughed, climbing into the APC. “Alright, let’s get going.”

Talia settled into the driver’s seat of the Pegasus APC, her fingers gripping the controls. Dapple curled up behind her, already drifting into a peaceful slumber. Hot Pink wiggled on the roof, her voice rising in a plaintive whine about the speed and danger.

“Too-fast! Scary!” Hot Pink’s voice echoed outside the vehicle.

“We haven’t even started moving yet, you’re incorrigible,” Talia said, shaking her head.

The APC rumbled to life, moving through the dense jungle terrain with practiced ease. A CRD-X9 appeared alongside them, its sensors scanning the surroundings for any activity.

[Report: Blue activity is affecting scouting operations. Locations correspond to Tch’Llik’yzz’Lrr mapping information.]

Talia’s eyes narrowed. “So we can estimate their force projection accurately?”

[Affirmative: Enemy scout units can be eliminated with precision strike missions.]

“With the Raptors?” she asked, her voice steady.

[Confirmation: Raptors with mobile support refueling units would be ideal.]

“Fine, make it so,” Talia ordered. “Any major engagement danger?”

[Notice: No hostile units detected incoming. However, enemy force concentrations could continue to rise and become a frontal assault.]

Talia’s grip tightened on the controls. “How many military units do we have ready?”

[Report: 3% of total estimated forces are active.]

“That’s bad,” she muttered under her breath.

[Clarification: Projection includes estimated Ferroin reinforcement capacity.]

Talia sighed. “Let’s hope the back line auto-bases can speed up things then.”

[Affirmative: If Tch’Llik’yzz’Lrr advanced devices can halt or stall enemy activity, it would lower the requirements to a more manageable number.]

“Let’s hope so,” Talia said, nodding.

The jungle seemed to close in around them, the dense foliage casting long shadows across their path. The CRD-X9 maintained its vigilant escort, its laser at the ready to deal with any threats or obstacles.

Hot Pink’s whining subsided into a low murmur, her legs gripping the roof tightly, and Dapple’s soft snores filled the cabin, a soothing counterpoint to the APC’s steady hum.

Talia’s eyes felt heavy, exhaustion weighing on her suddenly. She leaned back in her seat and closed her eyes. The rhythmic sounds lulled her into a state of drowsiness.

[Notice: Sentry mode engaged. This unit will wake User if any activity occurs.]

Hot Pink bounced around on the roof, her movements creating a gentle rocking motion. Talia’s eyelids fluttered shut, and she drifted into sleep.

When she woke, the jungle edge loomed ahead. Hot Pink’s voice filled the air, a melodic chant of chirps urging the jungle to part. The thick foliage responded, retracting just enough to allow the APC and its escort through.

“Anything change?” Talia asked, cracking an eye open to scan her HUD for messages.

[Report: All clear. No hostile activity detected.]

She nodded, letting herself relax. The APC rumbled forward, transitioning from the dense jungle to the open desert. Talia allowed herself another nap, trusting Neo to keep watch.

The vehicle’s gentle vibrations and Dapple’s continued snores kept her in a light slumber until they reached the bootstrap base. Talia perked up, scanning the surroundings. The base had transformed in their brief absence. Auto-base operations buzzed with activity, drones zipping between structures and vehicles.

New defensive turrets stood sentinel at the perimeter, their blocky forms bristling with weaponry. Automated assembly lines churned out components for various projects, their efficiency impressive. Or at least, it looked impressive. She wouldn’t know unless she asked, and that felt superfluous at the moment.

Resource haulers moved in a steady stream, delivering materials to designated areas. The once barren landscape now teemed with life and purpose.

Several hydroponic towers were already in place. Water pipelines from massive tanks ran to them. She wondered how long it would take for the first crops to be ready for harvest.

Robotic units patrolled the base, their sensors scanning for any signs of intrusion. Talia spotted a group of engineer IRUs working on a new communications array, their efforts focused on enhancing long-range capabilities. The entire operation ran like a well-oiled machine, thanks to Neo’s meticulous planning and execution.

“Take us back to the Desert Crawler,” Talia instructed.

[Acknowledgment: Returning to Desert Crawler.]

The APC shifted direction, heading toward their mobile fortress. Talia’s mind buzzed with thoughts of what they would do when they finally made it back to her ship.

And how they would deal with the gate. Blowing it up seemed like a good idea.



Hmm blowing up something that can make wormholes seems like a bad idea 😅


Was she banned from putting the cable specifically in the control room, the whole city or the entirety of the caverns? Cause if it's one of the first two, she could set up a relay station for Dusky at either the elevator shaft into the control room or the entrance into the city so she doesn't have to run all the way to the surface and cut the time needed for updates. Alternatively, maybe they could recruit more spiders and set up a communication chain. Red said he's willing to assign every spider to the HEM transportation, so if he could be convinced that this is just as crucial to Talia as HEM supply is for him, he should be willing to have more spiders assigned to the job. Then instead of having a single spider running between the control room and the surface, Dusky would only need to ride the elevator out the control room and beam the data to the next spider waiting in her eyeshot, who would send it to the next and so on, all the way to the surface where it'd be finally sent to Talia. And if she could set up a cable connection through the caverns outside of the city at least, they could even combine the two methods 🤔