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The biggest hurdle for visiting the spider’s nest was setting up how things would operate while she was there.

Being in the jungle reduced her and Neo’s ability to communicate with the rest of their forces, even when they had relay units ready to breach the wall to carry a message through. Going into the nest, underground, would likely make that even worse.

Talia paced the command center, her brow furrowed as she considered the implications. Before engaging the Blue forces, the communication delay had been an inconvenience, but now, with active combat underway, it posed a significant risk.

Decisions needed to be made in real-time, and being out of the loop for too long could have disastrous consequences.

She glanced at the tactical display, watching the blinking dots representing her units as they continued to scour the desert for traces of the enemy. Leaving them to operate on their own, without her guidance, seemed… dangerous.

Talia sighed, knocking lightly on her helmet as she tried to think of a solution. She couldn’t abandon her responsibilities as commander, but the opportunity to gather valuable data from the spider’s nest was too important to pass up.

[Suggestion: Automation orders can be created to guide unit operations during User’s absence. This unit can generate directives based on current battlefield conditions and projected enemy movements.]

Talia looked up. “You’re right, Neo. If we can create a set of standing orders for the units to follow while I’m gone, it could minimize the risk of things going wrong.”

Within a minute, the main tactical screen lit up with a series of directives and contingency plans, each one carefully crafted to account for various scenarios and outcomes.

Talia pored over the automation orders Neo had drawn up, her brow furrowed in concentration. The AI had done a thorough job, outlining contingency plans for various scenarios and providing clear directives for the units to follow in her absence.

[Assurance: The automation orders have been carefully crafted to ensure optimal performance and decision-making capabilities for all units during your time in the spider nest.]

She nodded, a sense of relief washing over her. “Good work, Neo. This should keep things running smoothly while I’m away.”

Talia turned her attention to the fabrication of the recording device, watching as the machine whirred to life on the monitor. The fabricator finished with a sleek, compact unit designed to withstand the rigors of the jungle environment.

[Update: The recording device has been successfully fabricated. It is equipped with advanced stabilization technology and high-resolution sensors to ensure optimal data capture.]

“Perfect,” Talia murmured, turning the device over in her hands. “This should give us a clear picture of what’s going on inside the nest and more than enough data for Rosetta.”

She made her way to the Zoological module, where Dusky, Dapple, and Hot Pink eagerly awaited her arrival outside the entrance. The spiders bounced with excitement, their legs tapping out a rhythmic pattern.

“Maker-Bring-Gift?” Dapple chirped, her head tilting as she eyed the device in Talia’s hands.

Talia grinned, holding out the recorder for the spiders to inspect. “That’s right. This is a special device that will help us learn more about your home in the jungle. I need you to wear it when we visit the nest and record everything you see and hear.”

Hot Pink scuttled forward, her legs gently probing the device. “Nest-Go-Now-With-Gift!”

Talia nodded, carefully attaching the recorder to Hot Pink’s back. “Remember, it’s important that you act naturally while you’re in the nest. Pretend the device isn’t even there.”

The spiders bobbed their heads in understanding, their excitement palpable. As Talia watched them scuttle off inside to prepare for the trip—the device securely in place—she couldn’t help but feel a sense of anticipation.

A little later, the Pegasus APC’s engines roared as it tore across the desert landscape, kicking up a trail of dust in its wake.

Talia sat in the passenger seat, her eyes fixed on the distant jungle wall that loomed on the horizon. The Slim Girl had stayed behind, its mission to produce military units for the front line taking precedence over their current endeavor.

Hot Pink clung to the side of the APC, her legs trembling as the vehicle’s speed increased. She let out a series of panicked chirps, her eyes wide with terror as the wind whipped past her face. Talia glanced back, a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth as she watched the spider’s dramatic display.

Something told her the spider actually enjoyed it.

Dapple had curled up behind her seat, her body rising and falling with each gentle snore. The spider’s ability to sleep through anything was nothing short of amazing.

And then there was Dusky, perched atop the APC’s roof, her legs stretched out in front of her as she reveled in the rush of the wind. The spider’s joyful chirps carried over the roar of the engines, a stark contrast to Hot Pink’s fearful cries.

In other words, everything was perfectly normal.

As they neared the jungle wall and slowed down, the spiders’ demeanor shifted.

Dusky and Hot Pink began to sing, their voices rising in a haunting melody that seemed to resonate with the very essence of the jungle itself. Talia watched as the dense foliage parted before them, the wall opening like a great maw to grant them passage.

As they passed through, the APC’s escorts stayed behind, moving back toward the desert to find spots to hull down and stay out of view of any Blues that might recon the area.

Their vehicle’s heavy treads churned through the undergrowth. Talia gripped the armrests of her seat, her eyes scanning the foliage for any signs of danger. The vehicle’s sensors pinged, detecting multiple groups of spiders shadowing their progress.

[Alert: Numerous Tch’Llik’yzz’Lrr bio-signatures detected in proximity to the vehicle. Recommend caution upon disembarking.]

As they neared the jungle nest, the spiders’ presence became more apparent. They scuttled alongside the APC, their chittering growing louder. When the vehicle finally came to a stop outside the cave entrance, a sea of spiders swarmed around them, their excitement palpable.

Dusky and Hot Pink leaped from the APC, their legs carrying them into the midst of their sisters. They chirped and clicked, their bodies twisting in a joyful dance as they greeted their kin. Talia watched the reunion with a smile.

She turned to Dapple, who was still trying to sleep. “Come on, sleepyhead,” Talia coaxed, gently pushing on the spider’s furry body. “It’s time to wake up.”

Dapple stirred, her legs uncurling as she stretched. With a yawn, the spider slowly rose to her feet, blinking sleepily in the dim light of the APC’s interior. Together, they made their way to the rear hatch, the metal groaning as it swung open to reveal the waiting spiders.

Dapple scuttled ahead, leading the way to the cave entrance. Talia followed close behind, her mind drifting back to the first time she had set foot in the nest.

She remembered the thief spider, the one who had stolen her survival fabricator, and the chase that had ensued. A twinge of guilt tugged at her as she recalled the survival tool blast she had fired at another.

She hoped they weren’t still holding a grudge.

As they entered the cave, Talia noticed the absence of Big Red, the massive spider who led the tribe. She turned to Dapple. “Where’s Big Red?” she asked, her voice echoing off the rocky walls.

Dapple chirped in response, her legs tapping out a rhythmic pattern on the stone floor. “Nest-Leader-In-Deep.”

The spiders’ excitement grew as they delved deeper into the cave, their chirps and clicks bouncing off the walls. Talia felt a sense of anticipation build, a mix of excitement and trepidation as she followed the spiders into the heart of the nest.

The descent into the cave system felt familiar, yet different. Talia’s steps echoed off the rocky walls. The Durasteel wall she had erected during her first visit came into view, but it had been peeled open, the edges jagged and sharp.

The cave itself had been widened, the walls bearing the marks of countless spider legs carving into the bedrock.

[Analysis: The Tch’Llik’yzz’Lrr possess remarkable abilities to shape their environment, as evidenced by the modifications made to the cave system. The precision and strength required to carve bedrock stone is noteworthy.]

Talia mumbled, “They did worse during the research module battle, so it shouldn’t be a surprise.”

The group continued their journey, venturing into the lower caverns. Talia turned to Dapple, her voice echoing in the confined space. “Can we visit the artifact armory? The one where I found and traded for the rare alloy artifact shield?”

Dapple chirped, her legs tapping out a rhythmic pattern as she communicated with her sisters. After a brief exchange, the spiders agreed, and they led Talia to the chamber in question.

The room was just as she remembered it, filled with an array of archaic weapons and armor.

The mess from their previous encounter had been cleaned up, and the artifacts were neatly arranged, their golden surfaces gleaming in the dim light. Swords, spears, and shields lined the walls, their designs reminiscent of ancient human craftsmanship.

[Informative: The artifacts are composed of rare alloy types, and their age is considerable. Preliminary scans indicate they may predate the Tch’Llik’yzz’Lrr civilization.]

Talia furrowed her brow, her gaze sweeping over the collection. “Do you think these might be artifacts the precursors used, Neo? They definitely don’t fit the spiders.”

[Response: The artifacts’ design and composition suggest they may have been created by a technologically advanced civilization, possibly the precursors. However, further investigation is required to confirm this hypothesis.]

Talia nodded, her fingers tracing the intricate patterns etched into a nearby shield. “It’s odd how close the equipment resembles human artifacts from pre-space-flight history.”

Talia stepped out of the chamber, her mind still reeling from the implications of the ancient weapons and armor. As they continued their descent into the depths of the cave system, she pinged Rosetta.

“Is the footage helping with the analysis?” Talia asked.

Rosetta’s wireframe face appeared on Talia’s HUD, her features shifting as she processed the data. “Oh yes! The additional footage is providing valuable insights into the Tch’Llik’yzz’Lrr language and culture. Analysis is ongoing, with real-time updates being generated. Maybe in a few hours we could have new results!”

That was good, but also disappointing. A few hours? It felt like too long and too fast at the same time. Still, she had to keep positive morale intact. “That’s good to hear. Keep me posted on any breakthroughs.”

The group pressed on, venturing deeper into the cave system than Talia had ever gone before. The journey seemed to stretch on forever, the winding tunnels and narrow passages leading them further and further into the earth. Dusky, Dapple, and Hot Pink seemed to relish the descent, scuttling along the walls and ceiling with ease.

As they progressed, other spiders emerged from the shadows, their chirps and clicks echoing through the caverns. Talia watched as they greeted her companions, their bodies twisting in a joyful dance of recognition.

Suddenly, the path narrowed, the walls closing in around them. Talia felt a moment of claustrophobia, her breath catching in her throat as the rocky surface pressed against her suit. But just as quickly as it had begun, the tunnel widened, opening up into a vast chamber that took Talia’s breath away.

A massive metallic city stretched out, its towering spires and gleaming bridges glinting in the dim light. Talia’s eyes widened, her mouth falling open in shock as she took in the sight.

“Uh, Neo, are you seeing this?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. “Why wasn’t this on the scans?”

[Hypothesis: The material composition of the city may be interfering with remote scanning attempts. The unique properties of the metal could be blocking or inhibiting sensor readings.]

Talia shook her head in disbelief, her gaze sweeping over the incredible structures.

They made their way down a set of metal stairs, their footsteps ringing out in the cavernous space. A large bridge stretched out before them, leading directly into the heart of the city.

Everywhere Talia looked, spiders scuttled about, hanging from webs and moving with purpose. Dapple chirped excitedly, her legs tapping out a rhythmic pattern on the metal surface.

“Welcome-Maker-To-Big-Nest!” she exclaimed, her voice filled with pride.

Hot Pink let out a joyful scream, racing ahead of the group. “Maker-Bring-Gifts!” she cried, her legs carrying her towards the city center.

Talia mumbled under her breath, a wry smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. “Maybe I should have brought more than a box of HEM and video recording gear.”



Hmm, this story really needs an "arachnophobia" warning now😅 And saying "nothing can go wrong" is a surefire way to get stuff going wrong and she is from the future!

Jonathan Wint

I just had an idea. Let's say you have the progenitis .. they get into an AI war. The Blues have been told if you ever see Self replicating robots shut down the gate.. which they ignoring now out of greed. But let's say the progenitors had this AI war. What if the spine is in the jungle generate that EMF radiation to shut it down. Maybe crack an interface with the cloud intellect. Perhaps that genetically programmed to be attracted to the AI technology.. so the progenitors get wiped out by the technology. Technology gets wiped out by a bio weapon the jungle which is probably a virus or EMF field that somehow screws up the A.I. and it wipes them out.. now we have our little Earthling digging up said A.I. . And she has technology that could shield it from the RMF field I mean she's literally researching that now. Yeah this could go really badly. Stargate did something really stupid when it had the idea that they could just send one electrical signal out and kill all the replicators because there's like a dozen ways around that the most obvious being more than one communication method. Or even a times capsule. So that's what I had a thought about. Of course the most obvious way it could survive even thrive.. is if it was inside an organic brain sitting in a nice cushy microchip.. or simply create a whole bunch of central nodes that hardwire the communication. Yeah I really really think that storage unit is a progenitor A.I. or a progenitor's mind that's been digitized.