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Elania strode back into the Celestial Engine room, Yolani at her side, only to be greeted by a scene of escalating chaos.

Unknown soldiers clad in resplendent silver armor, their heads adorned with flat round hats, poured into the chamber through a pair of massive gates. They brandished large shields and short spears, their movements precise and coordinated.

High above, on the balconies overlooking the room, men with crossbows took up positions, their weapons aimed menacingly at the crowd below.

Gaston’s voice rose above the din as he barked orders to the city guard, his words sharp and commanding.

The guards moved with practiced efficiency, forming a defensive line to protect the civilians. Harlock rallied the Ironfist company at Captain Montlas’ side, his gruff voice cutting through the confusion as he organized their ranks.

Elania’s eyes narrowed as she assessed the unfolding situation.

The unknown soldiers’ arrival had effectively sealed everyone within the confines of the Celestial Engine room, leaving no avenue for escape.

As the soldiers tightened their formation, their spears glinting under the ethereal light of the Celestial Engine, Elania stepped forward, her demeanor calm and collected.

As the last of the silver soldiers filed into the chamber, a figure clad in purple leathers descended the steps, her movements fluid and purposeful.

Elania’s eyes narrowed as she took in the woman’s appearance, noting the sickle she wielded with practiced ease.

Elania focused her senses and activated [System Analysis].

The results flashed before her eyes, revealing the woman’s true nature.

[Demi-Divine - Human - Lvl 1233]

Well, that wasn’t great. Elania looked to Eziel, who hovered near her but remained silent.

The woman’s level far surpassed her own. That wasn’t a direct correlation to power, but it meant she had a lot more chances to pick good perks.

And perks were the biggest game-changers, even if she had found that [Divinity] could replicate their effects if you were willing to spend enough of it and could force it with your will.

Yolani’s breath hitched, her hand tightening its grip on Elania’s. The artificer’s keen eyes darted between the woman and the soldiers, her mind no doubt whirring with calculations and contingencies.

As the woman reached the bottom of the steps, her gaze locked with Elania’s, a flicker of recognition dancing across her features. A scowl started to form.

The air crackled with tension; the room falling silent as everyone waited with bated breath for the next move.

Elania’s eyes narrowed as the Demi-Divine’s scowl deepened, her gaze sweeping over the crowd with undisguised disdain.

The woman’s attention snapped back to Elania, her voice dripping with contempt as she spoke.

“Has the sun-emperor fallen so low as to attempt invasions with slaves now?” the Demi-Divine sneered, her grip tightening on her sickle.

Elania’s brow furrowed. She spread her wings and rose into the air, her body levitating until she was level with the other Demi-Divine, their eyes locked.

“I have no idea who or what the sun-emperor is,” Elania stated, her voice calm and measured. “And this isn’t an invasion. We’ve come seeking refuge, nothing more.”

The Demi-Divine scoffed, her lips curling into a mocking smile. With a sharp gesture, she barked an order to her soldiers. “Shoot them down!”

Crossbow bolts rained down upon the Neftasu people. Elania’s eyes widened, her hand thrusting out instinctively. A wave of golden light erupted from her palm, incinerating the projectiles before they could find their marks. The smell of charred wood and singed feathers filled the chamber.

The purple-clad Demi-Divine’s eyes flashed with fury, raven-like wings bursting from her back as she lunged at Elania with incredible speed. Her sickle sliced through the air, its blade gleaming with deadly intent.

Elania twisted, her body contorting as she narrowly dodged the vicious strike whistling past her ear, the rush sending a chill down her spine.

A blur of gold streaked through the air, slamming into the Demi-Divine from behind and knocking her away before returning to Elania’s hand.

Below, the city guard raised their muskets, their fingers poised on the triggers, ready to defend their people.

The Ironfist mercenaries moved with practiced efficiency, their shields forming a wall.

“Stop!” Elania shouted, her heart pounding as the Demi-Divine launched herself forward again. The purple clad woman didn’t listen, and they clashed in a dizzying dance of slice and slash.

It was clear who had the upper hand. Despite her best efforts, Elania felt the sting of the sickle as it found her skin, slicing thin lines across her flesh. Her [Regeneration] kicked in, but slower than usual. Something about the other Divine’s magic was interfering with her regenerative abilities.

The two combatants broke apart, hovering in the air as they caught their breath. Elania’s chest heaved. Her eyes narrowed as she studied her opponent. The Demi-Divine’s face was a mask of fury, her lips curled into a snarl.

“Stop this!” Elania shouted, her voice cutting through the chaos. “We’re not here to fight! We seek only refuge!”

The Demi-Divine hissed, her wings beating the air as she prepared to launch another attack. But before she could strike, a shimmering barrier erupted from below, enveloping the guards and civilians in a protective cocoon.

Elania’s gaze snapped to the source of the magic, her eyes widening as she spotted Yolani.

The artificer stood tall, her hands outstretched, a large contraption pulsing with energy at her feet.

Elania blinked. What the heck.

The Demi-Divine’s attention shifted, her eyes blazing with fury as she took in the sight of Yolani’s handiwork. With a snarl, she dove towards the artificer, her sickle poised to strike.

Elania’s heart leaped into her throat, a surge of protective instinct flooding her veins.

Her hand dipped into a pocket, her fingers closing around a shock crystal.

With a deft flick of her wrist, she sent the crystal hurtling through the air, her [Demonic Aura] compressing it. The crystal detonated in a blinding flash of light and a deafening boom, the shockwave rippling through the chamber.

The Demi-Divine’s head snapped towards the explosion; her attention momentarily diverted.

Elania seized the opportunity, her eyes blazing with a cold, calculated fury as she leveled her hand at the Celestial Engine.

“You might be stronger than me,” Elania declared, her voice echoing through the room, “and maybe you could win in a fight. But there is nothing, absolutely nothing, you could do in time to stop me from destroying the Celestial Engine right now.”

[The destruction of another Celestial Engine so soon could destroy the world.]

The Demi-Divine’s eyes widened, shock etched across her features as she took in Elania’s threat and Eziel’s warning.

Elania pressed on, her gaze unwavering, her voice laced with a bitter edge.

“So what if it does?” she answered him. “We barely escaped with our lives, and now this one is ready to murder us all. If that’s the case, then I might as well take her down with us.”

The Demi-Divine’s gaze darted between Elania, the Neftasu civilians huddled beneath Yolani’s protective barrier, and the Celestial Engine. She met Elania’s gaze, a flicker of understanding passing between them.

“Truce,” the Demi-Divine said, the single word carrying the weight of a thousand unspoken emotions.




Honestly I didn't like this fight scene: it's gratuitous -- following a climactic fight scene, why have another? It makes the new demigod look like a complete idiot -- I mean, her soldiers walk in and don't immediately attack, but she won't even talk? And it establishes her faction as completely untrustworthy since the only thing that stops her is holding the Engine hostage. If they can't be trusted (because they're insane), how can there be any sort of treaty or agreement later? Elania needs to live in the Engine room now just sitting there looking bored with a sign that says "be nice or I blow up the planet."


I agree, the [Demi-Divine] has either very low IQ or cannot be trusted at all.