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Hello everyone! Here comes a new big update. This version has the finished Political/Domestic events engine, which means I'll now direct my entire focus on the random slave igenerator. Expect to see some big chunks of content patches later this week and next week.


  • All Domestic, wife, slave and Political events are now completed. More will be added in future updates after 0.8.2 has gone Public.
  • New bandit swarm spawn point in Cole's Canyon.
  • You can now retreat from non-ambush low Control fights.
  • More enemy variation to ambush/low Control raider parties.
  • Added Hamilton Fort to Hamilton Square. Donating weapons to this location increases your Standing and Ikaanos' Control.
  • Lots of bugfixes and many tweaks.


  • Av 107 has now a completed scene archive.
  • Added a couple of additional slave sets to the random generator.
  • Added a couple of scenes for Av112.
  • Added ten new political event scenes.

Head over to Discord and download your specific tier version - or use the earlier archive links. PM me if you have any questions or need help.




need link to tier 5 Nobility link New to patreon and discord how do i add link to download game