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Hello guys!

I thought I'd give you a short preview of what I'm currently working on. 0.8.2 sees a large amount of new content that will fundamentally change the way you're able to play MoR.

The first (A1) 0.8.2 Alpha version goes live next week, focusing on the new Religion framework and Slave hunter profession.

The MC can now choose a religious path and raise his Devotion to gain special benefits.

Become a fierce combat Aesir devotee, a nature-loving cultist, a proud Catholic, a Moon worshipper, a Muslim or maintain your Atheist views and trust in science instead of the old gods.

You'll also be able to incapacitate and capture slaves after combat – both male and female. Either sell, free or add them to your household once you've pulled back to more civilized quarters.

Read more about Religion here.

Read more about the new Slave hunter mechanics here.

You can view a ton of screenshots and more information about both of these features over at our Discord server.

OH! There's also a new Public/Tier2+ version ( coming in roughly 1.5 week's time.

Stay tuned and have a great weekend!



Andrew Haskell

Oh my god!!! I have wanted to capture slaves. Are the amount of slaves going to increas at the house or the refuge (?) Or both? Out of curiosity, all slaves capable of visiting the dungeon or just females?


It seems pretty straightforward. I'd hope for a more household space though. Still, no male slaves for MC. As from the link above: "After the process has been initiated, the MC must choose to either free, sell or add the slave to his household. Currently, male slaves can only be freed or sold. "