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Due to some unexpected family matters, I had to shift my focus away from work last week. This has unfortunately caused a slight delay in the Alpha release, which I hope to get out this weekend instead.

My to-do-list for this week:

  • Finish Dockgrave Tavern advanced poker mini game.
  • Finish a large batch of Dockgrave "encounter" renders (including an adult Laika, Enya and three other girls).
  • An Affection/Arousal system for Dockgrave Tavern encounters.
  • More Eliana and Averil renders.

Post-Alpha additions (before Public Release):

  • Fill out missing texts at Dockgrave Tavern.
  • Various tweaks.
  • Even more Eliana and Averil renders!

Alright! It's coding time here. Coffee first, though. ;)



I hope everything is ok with your family.