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Hello All! 

First off, if you’re reading this via a link you found on my twitter, tumblr, or bluesky accounts, please take a moment to look around and decide if you are interested in becoming a free subscriber or a pledged patron. There are benefits to both! As a free subscriber, you’ll have access to at least one free file a month, these weekly recaps, and posts related to my monthly (or seasonal!) themes that won’t be obviously available to people who only look at my social media. For example, all subscribers, paid or otherwise, have the opportunity to participate in Sparkling Clean Winter, so free subscribers can look forward to several posts relating to that over the next few months. Pledged patrons receive access to weekly files - the higher you pledge the more files you get! As part of Sparkling Clean Winter each weekly file is part of a series of brainwashing audios, and while you don’t need to hear all of them to enjoy this brainwashing experience, it will definitely be more fulfilling if you do, so please do consider going up a tier if you’re intrigued by the notion of having a Sparkling Clean brain.

I've begun doing livestreams on YouTube again, which you can find here: https://www.youtube.com/@leeallurehypnosis/streams  - enjoy my new series on how I do the famous Elman induction!

Yes, this means that my Whisperroom home recording booth is finally built and usable! Video and audio production has resumed and you should be able to look forward to new things in 2024. If you visit my YouTube page, don't forget to look through all the posted videos - I’ve released 32 of my early Discord Chats in video form, and it’s a great way of getting an idea of what my style is like before you commit to pledging my Patreon.

Want to catch up on Sparkling Clean Winter releases? Here's what I've released so far:

24 November 2023: “Go Blank” released for $100 Patrons - the introductory file for Sparkling Clean Winter, introduces the trigger “go blank”. This file adds spice to the Sparkling Clean Winter experience, but can be skipped without worry.

1 December 2023: “Octopus” and “Instant Sleep” released to everyone for the first of the month and to celebrate a five Friday month. These files help the listener gain an affinity for my style of hypnosis and put them in the right frame of mind for my brainwashing.

8 December 2023: “Remember to be Brainwashed” released for all pledged Patrons - alters the “go blank” trigger to “blank now” and reinforces it while also conditioning listeners to be happy and compliant about being brainwashed.

15 December 2024 -- “Coopted Corruption” (released for Patrons pledging $10 or higher) - What is it like to be completely unaware that you are being brainwashed by me while simultaneously being obsessed with my brainwashing?

Week Three's offering, for Patrons pledging $20 or higher, is #350 "Embedded Obedience". Discover that your brainwashing is farther along than you realized...

Next Sunday will be here before you know it, why not spend the week reviewing the brainwashing files available to you so you'll be ready for whatever happens in Week Four?


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