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Did you roll an even number on the last day of Locktober, and have been suffering without release ever since? What a terrible conundrum! I wouldn't want you to suffer though, so a chance to roll an odd number with a D6 for the chance to be released! If you roll an even number, though, you'll be continuing in chastity at least until the next time I give you the chance to roll again.  If you're really lucky and only roll even numbers throughout November, then you can look forward to celebrating Release Day on Thursday, November 30th! May the odds be ever in your favour...



Alright, I'll admit, I was unsure how to interpret the last Locktober post. While my memory is a bit hazy, I'm pretty sure the Chastity file makes mention of two ways to define when the restriction applies. Either via the use of the trigger / release or by implicit understanding of certain time periods, like last months Locktober event. (Unfortunately) I am a fairly analytical person, so the orgasms permission on the 31st. came as a surprise to me. Did that mean the event ended early at the last day of the month? If I rolled an even number, does that simply mean I have to wait another day till the month is officially over? Does getting permission once work as a release trigger? Guess this answers some of those questions ^^ My full month would have been over tomorrow by the way, and I did roll even for the original post onnthe 31st, so the timing couldn't have been better, or more devious... On a related note, I was also curious how people without a play partner usually interact with your chastity content outside of things like Locktober, given the file itself instructs chastity.