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You're getting so close! Today, write one page about what you've found most interesting this month. When you're done, rate how submissive you feel, then take a cold shower. After the shower, rate your level of submission again. 

PATREON TRACK: Share both ratings and a picture of what you wrote on your social media, in the #Locktober discord (if you're a member), and on Patreon.



"It feels better to just obey - no need to think - just surrender - comply - give in - feel bliss." That was a quote from Miss Lee earlier today on X, which for me, completely describes this Locktober and what I've learned during it. So today's task appears simple, write a page about this past month.  I doubt that I can do better than her comment, but here goes. Coming into Locktober, my thought was this will be about no orgasms or release with some tasks added in for suspense and her amusement. The no release part sunk in immediately, but at least for me, that became an afterthought. Listening to Miss Lee's files became my pleasure. As her voice and words slipped deeper into my mind, the tasks themselves became part of the pleasure. Follow her instructions...and enjoy. Over time you look forward to the tasks, as you want to complete them, to obey and feel bliss. As I moved later into the month, there really wasn't much , if any, real thought given to the tasks. It just feels good to obey as that feels right. So now... as I'm complying....off to shower. Submissive feeling 10/10. Well that was crazy.. brisk...and quick...and a water saver...lol...as there was no waiting for the water to heat. Never think about a cold shower but never considered not doing it. It was an instruction...at the end of an amazing month, so I complied. A few minutes later, while shivering...I can also feel blissful. Mmmmmm... and conclude these notes. That's the obedience and trust...and the letting go part. That's what makes the feelings special. Maybe this part of the training ends in a day or two...and maybe not. Either way...it feels so good to surrender to Miss Lee. Current submissive feeling..10/10.  So I'll conclude with this thought that I learned from Miss Lee earlier this month, "Obedience to Lee is blissful pleasure."


Took me a bit to get everything in order but i wanted to share my on the past month with you all here ^^ General feeling about the month: As a first time participant, the entire event was a great experience! It was also the first time i actually seriously participated in something like Locktober and my longest general denial period so far. I didnt know what to expect from the daily tasks, but they were an interesting addition, and elevated the whole thing beyond just simple self imposed orgasm denial. The heavy focus on submissiveness fit the theme very well, and I imagine should served as a great jumping off point for future hypnosis content. Due to live circumstance an unfortunate bouts of illness, I wasnt able to entirely keep up with all the tasks, but the ones i did manage to complete gave me some newfound appreciation for these kind of rituals. Especially kneeling, might become something i will practise more often in future. Over all i was surprisingly functional throughout the month. Due to prior experience with edging, I did expect to have some more trouble with the mounting arousal, but i was pleasantly surprised to find it more sustainable then anticipated. Limiting the amount of touch, combined with the calming effects of hypnosis, seems to have made the difference. Though that being said, i did experience a markable uptick of hornyness the last couple of days, perhaps thinking of the prospect of finally getting that orgasm, or perhaps even by the prospect of being denied even longer. Either way, i still have a couple of days to go, after starting the month late on the third, my last day is going to be this Friday and im already looking forward to seeing what the dice have in store for me then. Minor personal Criticism Conceptually the divide between the evil month and the regular track is a good approach, though i have to say, I am not a fan of the overlap in tasks towards the latter days. The evil track does go way beyond submission and denial and dives into topics of humiliation, findom and body control, topics that at times did make me feel a bit uncomfortable, and I assumed would be excluded form the regular Locktober event. Of course, there is no harm in featuring them for those that willingly accept to partake, but especially when hypnosis is involved, I would like to be able to opt out of things like this when deciding which event to join initially. Conflicting feelings about chastity Hypnosis: I do feel like this has been the most effective chastity hypnosis regimen i had the pleasure of experiencing so far. I have yet to actually try to defy the suggestion, mostly because i want to stick with my original goal and complete the full month, though i wonder if i could if i truly wanted to. I always imagined mental chastity to be more of a subconscious thing, were my hands simply didnt do what i wanted them to. Insted it seems like its is more about a change in attitude. Actively choosing to follow the suggestion because obeying is more pleasurable then simply making yourself cum. It truly is an odd thing, were I dont want to actually test if i could, because i like not being able to, but at the same time im reasonably certain that exact attitude is the only thing actually holding me back an i dont want to shatter the illusion. Is that what hypnotic chastity is all about? Would I find that I actually couldnt make myself cum even if i tried? Would it worsen my attitude towards hypnosis in general, if it turns out it was just make believe? Does it even matter? While i ponder these questions i would like to thank Miss Lee for the amazing month of content and i hope to be able to participate in many future events including next years Locktober!


Thank you for your in-depth comments! These can definitely help me shape things for future events, so please do let me know! As always, there will be things that aren't for everyone, or maybe SOME of it is okay for you, but not all. Please never do things which don't make you feel good, (or bad, as you please!) because it's more important that you move in a direction you can enjoy than you do absolutely everything on the list. Adjusting suggestions from one thing to another is also good in my book, if you're the kind of person who needs to check every item off a list! Again, thank you for everything you've shared ;)