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Listen to Dark Side Deep, Dark Side Submission, and Dark Side Chastity. (If you have all of my Dark Side files you may choose to listen to all of them.) While you listen, kneel and find yourself chanting whichever mantra is most appropriate for your state of mind.

Dark Side Deep:  https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/n09fjindhq8shrspr79sn/DSDLOCK23.mp3?rlkey=4p9ka1xux99pkcr3pqtynal9r&dl=0

Dark Side Submission:  https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/rkn6n9tc39g1b67ixdlc5/DSSLOCK23.mp3?rlkey=v5zjxfuijvdarcc882tr7op7c&dl=0

Dark Side Chastity:  https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/fi9rvlrmgbssaurtvwjok/DSCLOCK23.mp3?rlkey=at0rkrlaceh206pa6fwovqugx&dl=0

Note: You can treat this as a separate session for each file, rather than all at once, if you can't kneel for that amount of time.

When you're done, share the mantra(s) you chanted, as well as how submissive you feel, on your social media, in the #Locktober Discord (if you're a member), and on Patreon.



So today I listened to the three Deep files as instructed, kneeling. Wasn't sure if I could accomplish that, but once started it wasn't a thought.  Not certain what the total listening time was..maybe an hour...and just curled up on the floor afterwards.....totally melted. This was not the first listen to any of the files, but the first combining them. They all just felt so good. I've been locked for Locktober but after listening to those files and others....I mean...no orgasms are just fine. As long as I can listen to Miss Lee and go blank for her or drop into trance from her words, snaps or clicks, is really all that matters. That submissive rush feels sooooo good.


Will look for more time to listen to the 2 files I didn't listen to today for another time. It was such a submissive feeling being on knees ready to go deep into a dark side trance. I chose dark side submission. The mantra I submit to Lee Allure, I obey Lee Allure came to be repeated as the trance went. The submissive feeling so powerful. The submission increasing to new heights as the month goes. It feels good to submit deeper. Thank you