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In August, we're focusing on Programming. Programming implies training, conditioning, and control.

Last week your assignment was to imagine ways in which I might use a clicker to program you, and what some of the things I might train you to do would be.

Your first assignment was to think about any ways in which you think you've been programmed, or even ways that you've used to program yourself!

For Week 8, I'd like you to take some time and listen to any files you have of mine where I use a clicker to train you. Try to keep track of how you respond to the clicks you hear, and if you're feeling really attentive, you can try to keep track of how many clicks you hear! Consider these questions: does the number of clicks in a file matter? What about their volume? What about the part of the file they're located in or the words they're used in conjunction with?

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There has always been something about finger snaps/clicking that strongly resonates with me in any kind of power exchange dynamic—the ease in which it is used--its simplicity. Although I’ve never felt the mental states that I consistently (and deepeningly) experience with Lee’s training. She’s allowed me to move from the intellectual concept of this kind of training (which has some power on its own) to the infinitely more profound emotional reality. I didn’t really want to keep track of the number of clicks that I hear. It wasn’t exactly about being resistant (maybe…I dunno, it gets confusing) but I think? I didn’t want counting to distract me from focusing. Except I get this feeling that I’m not making the best choice unless I follow every suggestion Lee makes. It isn’t at all about my disappointing her or for that matter even displeasing her, instead it is a genuine questioning/doubting myself if I haven’t aligned with her. (Hard to explain.) So after some back-and-forth I decided to count the clicks. I didn’t get far! *smiling* I quickly fractionalized and only got to 11 before I had a feeling that I lost track. I tried to continue with “11” once I realized I probably had lost track but only got as far as 13 before I quit counting. It felt too difficult. *soft smile* I think the number of clicks in a file doesn’t matter…not sure about that, just my intuition. I love the clicks. I wait in anticipation for each one and feel a surge/centering (hard to explain) with each one. So from that perspective, the more the better. But at the same time, part of me enjoys the stillness/longing of waiting/hoping for the next one. The same with loudness, I think. In that louder seems better (sort of) but conversely hearing a softer click is also deepening, though in a different way. I didn’t think about the words surrounding the clicks until Lee mentioned it. This time I was very aware of the words. Words about control and obedience resonate the most for me—with clicks intensifying their impact. But words of feeling comfort and serenity/or no-thought or thought-not-as-thought-but-as-action were extremely effective and very important when intensified by clicks.