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Summer school is now in session!

July is my annual Month of Service, and for 2023 I’m inviting anyone who wants to participate to complete weekly assignments relating to service. Weekly assignments will be posted on Saturdays; on each of the 5 Mondays in July I’ll be sharing links to various service-related files and such, so make sure you check back to see what’s new!

Month of Service Week Three Assignment

In week one I asked you to assess your own skills. Last week, I asked you to choose the one skill off your list that you'd most like to further develop. For week three, your assignment is to take that skill, and determine who you are serving with it. Is it a skill you pursue because it brings you personal fulfillment? Is it a skill you pursue because you know it will be useful to someone else? Is it a little bit of both? What about neither?

If you’re comfortable sharing your responses, reply to this post and let's have a community discussion!



I chose graphic art. It's a skill I first pursued for my own curiosity while in college, and in many ways I continue to explore it and grow as an artist based on my curiosity about what I'm capable of creating. However, the art I produce is usually for the benefit of others, either for entertainment, information/education, or some other enrichment. Taking on projects that are slightly above my skill level allow me to grow as an artist, and I get a lot of satisfaction out of the appreciation that others give me.