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Are you sat at a kitchen table contemplating servitude? Or maybe kneeling in a basement dungeon staring at a wall? Could you possibly be on a train journey, looking out a window at a glowing spiral that bobs alongside the train as you travel? Or are you somewhere else entirely, where it doesn’t matter where your physical body is, because your reality has become all the magical phenomena you’re experiencing within your own mind?

All you know is that in every place you’ve been brainwashed into willing servitude by LeeAllure.

In the cheerful kitchen you unthinkingly drink from a glass of water, and spend the next few days in a trancy haze of docile, malleable submission. Lee trains your obedience with gentle words and encouraging orders, until you begin to understand that everything about your self becomes better when you do as she orders.

You find yourself on the steps of a strange house, and you’re not sure how you got there. Before you can knock, you receive a text message directing you to a back door through which steps lead down into a windowless basement dungeon, where you spend days programming yourself with chanted mantras and simple icons drawn by your own hand.

On an old-fashioned train you discover that hearing the voice of LeeAllure brings you pleasure, both mentally and physically, until you start to experience and understand her words as sensations rather than sounds.

In a mental mindscape where sound has taken on new meanings your mind is buffeted with color and music and sensation as you are taught what it means to no longer have any control over your decisions.

And all of this happening, somehow, in the future, or at once, or long ago, or not at all.

“I know you don’t quite remember yet,” Lee says. “And because you don’t quite remember, you might not understand, and even though you don’t need to understand in order to enjoy what is happening, even though understanding what is happening might not be something that you want right now, I think you’ll find that understanding brings an even greater capacity to serve. And since everything I say is true, you can just find yourself agreeing with that idea right now, and more than that, really wanting and needing to understand what has been happening.”

(The word “control” seems to whisper through you like a gust of wind on a treeless  moor, quick, sharp, and pleasantly ominous.)

“So now you’re going to get to remember how you got here, and as you remember your experiences you’ll find that my control over you can just grow even more defined, and your acceptance of it even more easy and automatic.

“Starting here, inside your mind, where words are sometimes colors and colors are sometimes sensations, and sensations are sometimes sounds, but you still completely and utterly understand me and what I am saying, we’ll open a door to a memory of an experience for you to reclaim.”

What door would you like to open first?

  1. The door to Pleasure
  2. The door to Obedience
  3. The door to Programming
  4. Please choose for me.



Please choose for me