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“Of course you can feel sensations without a body,” Lee says. “You could say that my entire philosophy revolves around that idea that your mind is the most important part of you anyway.  Yes, it’s true that sometimes if I say the right thing in the right way at the right time you might have a very physical response, but that’s only because I’m influencing your mind to make it happen.

“And you like it when I influence your mind, don’t you? You enjoy the notion that the more I talk to you the more in control of your mind I become. You love knowing that everything you’re doing right now you’re doing because I asked you to do it.”

You attempt to nod in agreement, but without a body the most you can do is think agreement as hard as you can in Lee’s direction and hope she notices. And for the tiniest of moments, you feel a connection. The spiral takes on a friendly aura and grows a fraction larger in your perception, and its spin slows so much that you have to really watch closely to see that it is still moving.

(“That’s right, as you concentrate so completely on the spiral, watching it so very closely, you can just start to realize that its spin is starting to slow down, and as that spin slows down, so will your thoughts.”)

You keep watching the spiral, determined to catch the motion of its spin with your eyes, and are rewarded by the sight of it going more and more slowly…

(“And of course if your thoughts are getting slower as the spiral gets slower, then when the spiral stops you might find that your thoughts have stopped along with it.”)

It’s becoming incredibly difficult to see the spiral move, and the harder it gets to see, the harder you’re finding it to think… about the spiral, about Lee’s voice, about being brainwashed…

(“And in a moment you’re going to find that the spiral has completely stopped, and when it stops your mind and body can just stop along with it. In a moment that spiral is going to stop in place, and so are you, right along with it.

“Every part of you is going to freeze, except for your voice, which can continue on just as it has been. When the rest of you, including your mind, freezes, your voice will remain unfrozen and will continue to mindlessly chant the mantra that you chose this morning.”)

What mantra did you choose?

  1. Please choose for me.
  2. I’m a happy toy, happy toys obey.
  3. Serving Lee is blissful pleasure.
  4. Pleasure obedience programming control



Please choose for me


I’m a happy toy, happy toys obey