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It's easy to come and go back and forth  into trance, down deeper, more in, more   up, over and over again. It helps your mind realise that all you've done before it  just training. Training to know you can do  it, to know that every time is easier than before. You begin to understand how easy it is to go powerfully and quickly into trance, and how nicely your mind   responds. So now when you go into trance, you're going to new places every time, past all those older levels, and   then, just for fun, your hypnotists pulls you up past them all, so you can see how far you've gone, and then BAM! drops you again and again, until the levels you were at even earlier today, which you felt were really deep, really wonderful places to be in, become places so close to the surface you think if you were there you could almost reach out and touch consciousness, and then you're dropped back into a new, infinite   state of unconsiousness, even deeper, even more wonderful, a place where   you're more responsive. You feel so good as you go deeper after every time   you're pulled up, and some days you just never want that to end. 


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