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Right outside my gate is the above image. Do you remember when these were all over? All you have to do to see the hidden image is to unfocus your eyes. Right? What do you see? What happens if you stare so long that you find your self lost in how good it can feel to focus on being unfocused and let your unconscious mind come forward and run you for the next few moments?

I'm off to charmed until Monday night. I hope to post while I'm away, keeping you up to date on all the fun things going on in the world of hypnosis. feel free to reach out to me while I'm away if you have any questions or comments.




I've never gotten those to work! (sometimes I think it's all a big conspiracy against me ;) like every one is just pretending they see the sailboat to make me go crazy) Have a great time at charmed! Wish I could be there :( Can't wait to hear how it was :)


It’s a lion. I have total control over the focal point of my eyes. But this makes it hard to pass depth perception tests:(