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Thank you everyone for the feedback.

I understand that a lot of peoplel don't vibe or trust me anymore because of the inconsistency. After taking your feedback, I won't be taking a break from releasing in March.

I'm at a point where I've responded so poorly to the events in my life that I've alienated too many people and lost all trust.

I know I can't immediately or even ever gain everyone's trust back, but I will continue to film videos regardless not because I have to, but because I want to. 

In March, I was going to prefilm and release everything in April, but as a show of faith, I will be releasing what I prefilm in March for free. All content I film in March will be free and they'll come out as I film them.

This choice is mine and mine alone. I've thought on this deeply, consulted this plan with others, and I'm ultimately making this choice because this is who I am. K-Pop was my source of healing and I'm going to make it so. You can simply witness it. 

I don't like the idea that people think I'm ungrateful for where I am and my position, and I'm angry at myself that my failings have enforced that. So you can witness in real time how I'll be going about my filming, organizing my Patreon, and maintaining healthy boundaries/working on my mental health, so there is reassurance that just because I continue to film, this won't be a repeat matter.

I was going to prefilm anyway, so this isn't a big change for me, it's only a change for you.

Free March content, aka the prefilming, will then be put into the $5 FIRST tier in April as the scheduled content. Then it will get transferred into the $10 backlog groupy tier in May. But for whatever reason I don't film enough or have enough prepared for April? I will not return with a schedule in April and continue to film in April and release it for free.

No, I'm not changing plans, I didn't come to this decision lightly. I'm trying to evolve and adapt. 

So if you wish to support me during this time, that would be lovely because I still have bills to pay, but at the same time, if you wish, take the month off and enjoy my content for free. 

I'm still going to finish all the backlog uploads and fixes first. I will not begin filming until the backlog is done.


I've been going through the worst time in my life the past few months and I'm sorry I didn't just take a break and ran a business while being emotionally and mentally compromised. I don't want my mental health to be an excuse anymore; I don't want excuses anymore.

I appreciate and am grateful for your support. It's no one's fault that I made myself mentally unhealthy. That's on me, I'm fixing it, and I'll do whatever it takes to prove it to myself.



Take my money! Like a said before: primarily I pay to support you


It can’t have been an easy decision. Good luck PD. I hope this month goes well for you and that it serves as a positive turning point in this patreon :)


I can imagine doing taxes has been hard especially with a business like this where you make so much. Honestly estimating how many people are on your Patreon you make way more than the average person on minimum wage — so it really is understandable on both ends why there’s been such a huge misunderstanding of what’s been going on. I really do understand you’ve been through a lot, and I appreciate the month of free content because honestly I love watching your stuff but it felt like we were paying you a free month anyway for content that never showed up. Which is why people got critical in the first place for backed promises. Film what you want, when you want to. As long as you stay honest I think that’s all that people ask for since it feels kind of like you being a pacifist makes us feel bad, then we get no content confused, then anger, and then the cycle never ends. I hope the rest of this year turns around for you PD and you find a flow that finally sticks — we’re rooting for you!

Isabella (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-23 23:19:18 Good luck PD! Consistency is key. I hope everything goes well this month :)
2024-03-23 23:19:18 Good luck PD! Consistency is key. I hope everything goes well this month :)
2024-03-23 23:19:18 Good luck PD! Consistency is key. I hope everything goes well this month :)
2024-03-23 23:19:18 Good luck PD! Consistency is key. I hope everything goes well this month :)
2024-03-23 23:19:18 Good luck PD! Consistency is key. I hope everything goes well this month :)
2024-03-23 23:19:18 Good luck PD! Consistency is key. I hope everything goes well this month :)
2024-03-23 23:19:18 Good luck PD! Consistency is key. I hope everything goes well this month :)
2024-03-23 23:19:18 Good luck PD! Consistency is key. I hope everything goes well this month :)
2024-03-23 23:19:18 Good luck PD! Consistency is key. I hope everything goes well this month :)
2024-03-23 23:19:18 Good luck PD! Consistency is key. I hope everything goes well this month :)
2024-03-23 23:19:18 Good luck PD! Consistency is key. I hope everything goes well this month :)
2024-03-23 23:19:18 Good luck PD! Consistency is key. I hope everything goes well this month :)
2024-03-23 23:19:18 Good luck PD! Consistency is key. I hope everything goes well this month :)
2024-03-23 23:19:18 Good luck PD! Consistency is key. I hope everything goes well this month :)
2024-03-23 23:19:18 Good luck PD! Consistency is key. I hope everything goes well this month :)
2024-03-23 23:19:18 Good luck PD! Consistency is key. I hope everything goes well this month :)
2024-03-23 23:19:18 Good luck PD! Consistency is key. I hope everything goes well this month :)
2024-03-23 23:19:18 Good luck PD! Consistency is key. I hope everything goes well this month :)
2024-03-23 23:19:18 Good luck PD! Consistency is key. I hope everything goes well this month :)
2024-03-23 23:19:18 Good luck PD! Consistency is key. I hope everything goes well this month :)
2024-03-23 23:19:18 Good luck PD! Consistency is key. I hope everything goes well this month :)
2024-03-23 23:19:18 Good luck PD! Consistency is key. I hope everything goes well this month :)
2024-03-23 23:19:18 Good luck PD! Consistency is key. I hope everything goes well this month :)
2024-03-23 23:19:18 Good luck PD! Consistency is key. I hope everything goes well this month :)
2024-03-23 23:19:18 Good luck PD! Consistency is key. I hope everything goes well this month :)
2024-03-23 23:19:18 Good luck PD! Consistency is key. I hope everything goes well this month :)
2024-03-23 23:19:18 Good luck PD! Consistency is key. I hope everything goes well this month :)
2024-03-23 23:19:18 Good luck PD! Consistency is key. I hope everything goes well this month :)
2024-03-23 23:19:18 Good luck PD! Consistency is key. I hope everything goes well this month :)
2024-03-23 23:19:18 Good luck PD! Consistency is key. I hope everything goes well this month :)
2024-03-23 23:19:18 Good luck PD! Consistency is key. I hope everything goes well this month :)
2024-03-23 23:19:18 Good luck PD! Consistency is key. I hope everything goes well this month :)
2024-02-28 18:42:38 Good luck PD! Consistency is key. I hope everything goes well this month :)

Good luck PD! Consistency is key. I hope everything goes well this month :)


Hi PD! I don't typically comment, but just wanted to say I understand what's it's like working/going through life while dealing with mental health issues and feeling burnt out but still needing to pay bills/keep things moving. It's extremely difficult and I appreciate your efforts even though at times maybe things didn't go the way you wanted to or things were not released on time. That being said, I thank you for the accountability of not being able to get content out when promised. I think people would rather see you produce content in a timely matter than trying to do everything all at once. Moving forward I hope this new schedule and flow works best for you. Also as for the extremely rude comments from other people I was seeing... ya'll this is a human being, please be kind. There is enough crap in this world and I see many of ya'll saying how kpop is your form of escape. There is a difference between accountability vs. just being plain rude.


As much as I want to be like “take your time on your mental health I’ll still support you!” I’ve been on the Patreon for years and I’ve never seen it so inconsistent until now. I have so much going on in my own life and I need to pay bills too, this is supposed to be my time to decompress and be my own form of therapy which is why I’ve invested so much in the first place. I feel bad people are being mean/demanding to them for more content but I can see why people are frustrated with the apologist attitude and making promises that don’t pull through. It’s kind of like texting your friend and they don’t text you back but you see them online posting stories etc. and they reply back weeks later saying they’ve been so busy lol This Patreon is supposed to be a safe space because people invest money in watching, I hope it doesn’t lose that essence and their footing gets back on track with everything for the rest of the year. Truly wishing them luck and healing🤍


While I liked your previous idea of only promissing stuff that's pre-filmed I was worried for you that filming alone for an entire month would be super isolating. You being able to interact with comments on your videos right away used to be a big part of the fun. This solution now will be a test-run without the pressure of (justified) expectations. I really hope this gives you some freedom of mind and you will be able to figure out a flow and pace that works for you in the longterm :)

Winter Rian ~ (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-23 23:19:18 "K-Pop was my source of healing and I'm going to make it so." A sentence that I really like. Because it's been like that for me aswell. For many years now. I usually don't really enjoy keep recommending stuff but Cravity's comeback has been so special for me I really want you to check it out. I don't think you'll skip Twice or other bigger comebacks so I don't bother reminding you because you probably plan on doing a reaction for it anyways. I'm a little worried "smaller" groups will end up getting skipped again, especially since it's been a long time since you last reacted to Cravity music. BUT I would also understand if it's just not possible. Can't expect you to react to everyone and everything, especially in such in such a rapidly growing K-POP world Anyways. This seems like a post where you kinda try to take responsibilty for the first time in ages. But I'm looking rather for actions more than words. Because posts like this existed in the past and look what happened. It doesn't really matter, PD. So while I appreciate this post, I have yet to see whether you are able to stick to your plans and promises. I really wish for a consistent and healthy PD, that loves doing this and really gives us and himself a form of therapy, rather than a form of frustration and disappointment. Don't overload yourself with a schedule you can't stick to, just reduce it. Or embrace it and make it happen. I definitely will resubscribe if I can see that you actually stick to these words. But for the time being I'll plan on watching this patreon from the sidelines. I have been very critical when I needed to be but so far I always stayed hoping for change. Let's see what the future brings
2024-03-23 23:19:18 "K-Pop was my source of healing and I'm going to make it so." A sentence that I really like. Because it's been like that for me aswell. For many years now. I usually don't really enjoy keep recommending stuff but Cravity's comeback has been so special for me I really want you to check it out. I don't think you'll skip Twice or other bigger comebacks so I don't bother reminding you because you probably plan on doing a reaction for it anyways. I'm a little worried "smaller" groups will end up getting skipped again, especially since it's been a long time since you last reacted to Cravity music. BUT I would also understand if it's just not possible. Can't expect you to react to everyone and everything, especially in such in such a rapidly growing K-POP world Anyways. This seems like a post where you kinda try to take responsibilty for the first time in ages. But I'm looking rather for actions more than words. Because posts like this existed in the past and look what happened. It doesn't really matter, PD. So while I appreciate this post, I have yet to see whether you are able to stick to your plans and promises. I really wish for a consistent and healthy PD, that loves doing this and really gives us and himself a form of therapy, rather than a form of frustration and disappointment. Don't overload yourself with a schedule you can't stick to, just reduce it. Or embrace it and make it happen. I definitely will resubscribe if I can see that you actually stick to these words. But for the time being I'll plan on watching this patreon from the sidelines. I have been very critical when I needed to be but so far I always stayed hoping for change. Let's see what the future brings
2024-03-23 23:19:18 "K-Pop was my source of healing and I'm going to make it so." A sentence that I really like. Because it's been like that for me aswell. For many years now. I usually don't really enjoy keep recommending stuff but Cravity's comeback has been so special for me I really want you to check it out. I don't think you'll skip Twice or other bigger comebacks so I don't bother reminding you because you probably plan on doing a reaction for it anyways. I'm a little worried "smaller" groups will end up getting skipped again, especially since it's been a long time since you last reacted to Cravity music. BUT I would also understand if it's just not possible. Can't expect you to react to everyone and everything, especially in such in such a rapidly growing K-POP world Anyways. This seems like a post where you kinda try to take responsibilty for the first time in ages. But I'm looking rather for actions more than words. Because posts like this existed in the past and look what happened. It doesn't really matter, PD. So while I appreciate this post, I have yet to see whether you are able to stick to your plans and promises. I really wish for a consistent and healthy PD, that loves doing this and really gives us and himself a form of therapy, rather than a form of frustration and disappointment. Don't overload yourself with a schedule you can't stick to, just reduce it. Or embrace it and make it happen. I definitely will resubscribe if I can see that you actually stick to these words. But for the time being I'll plan on watching this patreon from the sidelines. I have been very critical when I needed to be but so far I always stayed hoping for change. Let's see what the future brings
2024-03-23 23:19:18 "K-Pop was my source of healing and I'm going to make it so." A sentence that I really like. Because it's been like that for me aswell. For many years now. I usually don't really enjoy keep recommending stuff but Cravity's comeback has been so special for me I really want you to check it out. I don't think you'll skip Twice or other bigger comebacks so I don't bother reminding you because you probably plan on doing a reaction for it anyways. I'm a little worried "smaller" groups will end up getting skipped again, especially since it's been a long time since you last reacted to Cravity music. BUT I would also understand if it's just not possible. Can't expect you to react to everyone and everything, especially in such in such a rapidly growing K-POP world Anyways. This seems like a post where you kinda try to take responsibilty for the first time in ages. But I'm looking rather for actions more than words. Because posts like this existed in the past and look what happened. It doesn't really matter, PD. So while I appreciate this post, I have yet to see whether you are able to stick to your plans and promises. I really wish for a consistent and healthy PD, that loves doing this and really gives us and himself a form of therapy, rather than a form of frustration and disappointment. Don't overload yourself with a schedule you can't stick to, just reduce it. Or embrace it and make it happen. I definitely will resubscribe if I can see that you actually stick to these words. But for the time being I'll plan on watching this patreon from the sidelines. I have been very critical when I needed to be but so far I always stayed hoping for change. Let's see what the future brings
2024-03-23 23:19:18 "K-Pop was my source of healing and I'm going to make it so." A sentence that I really like. Because it's been like that for me aswell. For many years now. I usually don't really enjoy keep recommending stuff but Cravity's comeback has been so special for me I really want you to check it out. I don't think you'll skip Twice or other bigger comebacks so I don't bother reminding you because you probably plan on doing a reaction for it anyways. I'm a little worried "smaller" groups will end up getting skipped again, especially since it's been a long time since you last reacted to Cravity music. BUT I would also understand if it's just not possible. Can't expect you to react to everyone and everything, especially in such in such a rapidly growing K-POP world Anyways. This seems like a post where you kinda try to take responsibilty for the first time in ages. But I'm looking rather for actions more than words. Because posts like this existed in the past and look what happened. It doesn't really matter, PD. So while I appreciate this post, I have yet to see whether you are able to stick to your plans and promises. I really wish for a consistent and healthy PD, that loves doing this and really gives us and himself a form of therapy, rather than a form of frustration and disappointment. Don't overload yourself with a schedule you can't stick to, just reduce it. Or embrace it and make it happen. I definitely will resubscribe if I can see that you actually stick to these words. But for the time being I'll plan on watching this patreon from the sidelines. I have been very critical when I needed to be but so far I always stayed hoping for change. Let's see what the future brings
2024-03-23 23:19:18 "K-Pop was my source of healing and I'm going to make it so." A sentence that I really like. Because it's been like that for me aswell. For many years now. I usually don't really enjoy keep recommending stuff but Cravity's comeback has been so special for me I really want you to check it out. I don't think you'll skip Twice or other bigger comebacks so I don't bother reminding you because you probably plan on doing a reaction for it anyways. I'm a little worried "smaller" groups will end up getting skipped again, especially since it's been a long time since you last reacted to Cravity music. BUT I would also understand if it's just not possible. Can't expect you to react to everyone and everything, especially in such in such a rapidly growing K-POP world Anyways. This seems like a post where you kinda try to take responsibilty for the first time in ages. But I'm looking rather for actions more than words. Because posts like this existed in the past and look what happened. It doesn't really matter, PD. So while I appreciate this post, I have yet to see whether you are able to stick to your plans and promises. I really wish for a consistent and healthy PD, that loves doing this and really gives us and himself a form of therapy, rather than a form of frustration and disappointment. Don't overload yourself with a schedule you can't stick to, just reduce it. Or embrace it and make it happen. I definitely will resubscribe if I can see that you actually stick to these words. But for the time being I'll plan on watching this patreon from the sidelines. I have been very critical when I needed to be but so far I always stayed hoping for change. Let's see what the future brings
2024-03-23 23:19:18 "K-Pop was my source of healing and I'm going to make it so." A sentence that I really like. Because it's been like that for me aswell. For many years now. I usually don't really enjoy keep recommending stuff but Cravity's comeback has been so special for me I really want you to check it out. I don't think you'll skip Twice or other bigger comebacks so I don't bother reminding you because you probably plan on doing a reaction for it anyways. I'm a little worried "smaller" groups will end up getting skipped again, especially since it's been a long time since you last reacted to Cravity music. BUT I would also understand if it's just not possible. Can't expect you to react to everyone and everything, especially in such in such a rapidly growing K-POP world Anyways. This seems like a post where you kinda try to take responsibilty for the first time in ages. But I'm looking rather for actions more than words. Because posts like this existed in the past and look what happened. It doesn't really matter, PD. So while I appreciate this post, I have yet to see whether you are able to stick to your plans and promises. I really wish for a consistent and healthy PD, that loves doing this and really gives us and himself a form of therapy, rather than a form of frustration and disappointment. Don't overload yourself with a schedule you can't stick to, just reduce it. Or embrace it and make it happen. I definitely will resubscribe if I can see that you actually stick to these words. But for the time being I'll plan on watching this patreon from the sidelines. I have been very critical when I needed to be but so far I always stayed hoping for change. Let's see what the future brings
2024-03-23 23:19:18 "K-Pop was my source of healing and I'm going to make it so." A sentence that I really like. Because it's been like that for me aswell. For many years now. I usually don't really enjoy keep recommending stuff but Cravity's comeback has been so special for me I really want you to check it out. I don't think you'll skip Twice or other bigger comebacks so I don't bother reminding you because you probably plan on doing a reaction for it anyways. I'm a little worried "smaller" groups will end up getting skipped again, especially since it's been a long time since you last reacted to Cravity music. BUT I would also understand if it's just not possible. Can't expect you to react to everyone and everything, especially in such in such a rapidly growing K-POP world Anyways. This seems like a post where you kinda try to take responsibilty for the first time in ages. But I'm looking rather for actions more than words. Because posts like this existed in the past and look what happened. It doesn't really matter, PD. So while I appreciate this post, I have yet to see whether you are able to stick to your plans and promises. I really wish for a consistent and healthy PD, that loves doing this and really gives us and himself a form of therapy, rather than a form of frustration and disappointment. Don't overload yourself with a schedule you can't stick to, just reduce it. Or embrace it and make it happen. I definitely will resubscribe if I can see that you actually stick to these words. But for the time being I'll plan on watching this patreon from the sidelines. I have been very critical when I needed to be but so far I always stayed hoping for change. Let's see what the future brings
2024-03-23 23:19:18 "K-Pop was my source of healing and I'm going to make it so." A sentence that I really like. Because it's been like that for me aswell. For many years now. I usually don't really enjoy keep recommending stuff but Cravity's comeback has been so special for me I really want you to check it out. I don't think you'll skip Twice or other bigger comebacks so I don't bother reminding you because you probably plan on doing a reaction for it anyways. I'm a little worried "smaller" groups will end up getting skipped again, especially since it's been a long time since you last reacted to Cravity music. BUT I would also understand if it's just not possible. Can't expect you to react to everyone and everything, especially in such in such a rapidly growing K-POP world Anyways. This seems like a post where you kinda try to take responsibilty for the first time in ages. But I'm looking rather for actions more than words. Because posts like this existed in the past and look what happened. It doesn't really matter, PD. So while I appreciate this post, I have yet to see whether you are able to stick to your plans and promises. I really wish for a consistent and healthy PD, that loves doing this and really gives us and himself a form of therapy, rather than a form of frustration and disappointment. Don't overload yourself with a schedule you can't stick to, just reduce it. Or embrace it and make it happen. I definitely will resubscribe if I can see that you actually stick to these words. But for the time being I'll plan on watching this patreon from the sidelines. I have been very critical when I needed to be but so far I always stayed hoping for change. Let's see what the future brings
2024-03-23 23:19:18 "K-Pop was my source of healing and I'm going to make it so." A sentence that I really like. Because it's been like that for me aswell. For many years now. I usually don't really enjoy keep recommending stuff but Cravity's comeback has been so special for me I really want you to check it out. I don't think you'll skip Twice or other bigger comebacks so I don't bother reminding you because you probably plan on doing a reaction for it anyways. I'm a little worried "smaller" groups will end up getting skipped again, especially since it's been a long time since you last reacted to Cravity music. BUT I would also understand if it's just not possible. Can't expect you to react to everyone and everything, especially in such in such a rapidly growing K-POP world Anyways. This seems like a post where you kinda try to take responsibilty for the first time in ages. But I'm looking rather for actions more than words. Because posts like this existed in the past and look what happened. It doesn't really matter, PD. So while I appreciate this post, I have yet to see whether you are able to stick to your plans and promises. I really wish for a consistent and healthy PD, that loves doing this and really gives us and himself a form of therapy, rather than a form of frustration and disappointment. Don't overload yourself with a schedule you can't stick to, just reduce it. Or embrace it and make it happen. I definitely will resubscribe if I can see that you actually stick to these words. But for the time being I'll plan on watching this patreon from the sidelines. I have been very critical when I needed to be but so far I always stayed hoping for change. Let's see what the future brings
2024-03-23 23:19:18 "K-Pop was my source of healing and I'm going to make it so." A sentence that I really like. Because it's been like that for me aswell. For many years now. I usually don't really enjoy keep recommending stuff but Cravity's comeback has been so special for me I really want you to check it out. I don't think you'll skip Twice or other bigger comebacks so I don't bother reminding you because you probably plan on doing a reaction for it anyways. I'm a little worried "smaller" groups will end up getting skipped again, especially since it's been a long time since you last reacted to Cravity music. BUT I would also understand if it's just not possible. Can't expect you to react to everyone and everything, especially in such in such a rapidly growing K-POP world Anyways. This seems like a post where you kinda try to take responsibilty for the first time in ages. But I'm looking rather for actions more than words. Because posts like this existed in the past and look what happened. It doesn't really matter, PD. So while I appreciate this post, I have yet to see whether you are able to stick to your plans and promises. I really wish for a consistent and healthy PD, that loves doing this and really gives us and himself a form of therapy, rather than a form of frustration and disappointment. Don't overload yourself with a schedule you can't stick to, just reduce it. Or embrace it and make it happen. I definitely will resubscribe if I can see that you actually stick to these words. But for the time being I'll plan on watching this patreon from the sidelines. I have been very critical when I needed to be but so far I always stayed hoping for change. Let's see what the future brings
2024-03-23 23:19:18 "K-Pop was my source of healing and I'm going to make it so." A sentence that I really like. Because it's been like that for me aswell. For many years now. I usually don't really enjoy keep recommending stuff but Cravity's comeback has been so special for me I really want you to check it out. I don't think you'll skip Twice or other bigger comebacks so I don't bother reminding you because you probably plan on doing a reaction for it anyways. I'm a little worried "smaller" groups will end up getting skipped again, especially since it's been a long time since you last reacted to Cravity music. BUT I would also understand if it's just not possible. Can't expect you to react to everyone and everything, especially in such in such a rapidly growing K-POP world Anyways. This seems like a post where you kinda try to take responsibilty for the first time in ages. But I'm looking rather for actions more than words. Because posts like this existed in the past and look what happened. It doesn't really matter, PD. So while I appreciate this post, I have yet to see whether you are able to stick to your plans and promises. I really wish for a consistent and healthy PD, that loves doing this and really gives us and himself a form of therapy, rather than a form of frustration and disappointment. Don't overload yourself with a schedule you can't stick to, just reduce it. Or embrace it and make it happen. I definitely will resubscribe if I can see that you actually stick to these words. But for the time being I'll plan on watching this patreon from the sidelines. I have been very critical when I needed to be but so far I always stayed hoping for change. Let's see what the future brings
2024-03-23 23:19:18 "K-Pop was my source of healing and I'm going to make it so." A sentence that I really like. Because it's been like that for me aswell. For many years now. I usually don't really enjoy keep recommending stuff but Cravity's comeback has been so special for me I really want you to check it out. I don't think you'll skip Twice or other bigger comebacks so I don't bother reminding you because you probably plan on doing a reaction for it anyways. I'm a little worried "smaller" groups will end up getting skipped again, especially since it's been a long time since you last reacted to Cravity music. BUT I would also understand if it's just not possible. Can't expect you to react to everyone and everything, especially in such in such a rapidly growing K-POP world Anyways. This seems like a post where you kinda try to take responsibilty for the first time in ages. But I'm looking rather for actions more than words. Because posts like this existed in the past and look what happened. It doesn't really matter, PD. So while I appreciate this post, I have yet to see whether you are able to stick to your plans and promises. I really wish for a consistent and healthy PD, that loves doing this and really gives us and himself a form of therapy, rather than a form of frustration and disappointment. Don't overload yourself with a schedule you can't stick to, just reduce it. Or embrace it and make it happen. I definitely will resubscribe if I can see that you actually stick to these words. But for the time being I'll plan on watching this patreon from the sidelines. I have been very critical when I needed to be but so far I always stayed hoping for change. Let's see what the future brings
2024-03-23 23:19:18 "K-Pop was my source of healing and I'm going to make it so." A sentence that I really like. Because it's been like that for me aswell. For many years now. I usually don't really enjoy keep recommending stuff but Cravity's comeback has been so special for me I really want you to check it out. I don't think you'll skip Twice or other bigger comebacks so I don't bother reminding you because you probably plan on doing a reaction for it anyways. I'm a little worried "smaller" groups will end up getting skipped again, especially since it's been a long time since you last reacted to Cravity music. BUT I would also understand if it's just not possible. Can't expect you to react to everyone and everything, especially in such in such a rapidly growing K-POP world Anyways. This seems like a post where you kinda try to take responsibilty for the first time in ages. But I'm looking rather for actions more than words. Because posts like this existed in the past and look what happened. It doesn't really matter, PD. So while I appreciate this post, I have yet to see whether you are able to stick to your plans and promises. I really wish for a consistent and healthy PD, that loves doing this and really gives us and himself a form of therapy, rather than a form of frustration and disappointment. Don't overload yourself with a schedule you can't stick to, just reduce it. Or embrace it and make it happen. I definitely will resubscribe if I can see that you actually stick to these words. But for the time being I'll plan on watching this patreon from the sidelines. I have been very critical when I needed to be but so far I always stayed hoping for change. Let's see what the future brings
2024-03-23 23:19:18 "K-Pop was my source of healing and I'm going to make it so." A sentence that I really like. Because it's been like that for me aswell. For many years now. I usually don't really enjoy keep recommending stuff but Cravity's comeback has been so special for me I really want you to check it out. I don't think you'll skip Twice or other bigger comebacks so I don't bother reminding you because you probably plan on doing a reaction for it anyways. I'm a little worried "smaller" groups will end up getting skipped again, especially since it's been a long time since you last reacted to Cravity music. BUT I would also understand if it's just not possible. Can't expect you to react to everyone and everything, especially in such in such a rapidly growing K-POP world Anyways. This seems like a post where you kinda try to take responsibilty for the first time in ages. But I'm looking rather for actions more than words. Because posts like this existed in the past and look what happened. It doesn't really matter, PD. So while I appreciate this post, I have yet to see whether you are able to stick to your plans and promises. I really wish for a consistent and healthy PD, that loves doing this and really gives us and himself a form of therapy, rather than a form of frustration and disappointment. Don't overload yourself with a schedule you can't stick to, just reduce it. Or embrace it and make it happen. I definitely will resubscribe if I can see that you actually stick to these words. But for the time being I'll plan on watching this patreon from the sidelines. I have been very critical when I needed to be but so far I always stayed hoping for change. Let's see what the future brings
2024-03-23 23:19:18 "K-Pop was my source of healing and I'm going to make it so." A sentence that I really like. Because it's been like that for me aswell. For many years now. I usually don't really enjoy keep recommending stuff but Cravity's comeback has been so special for me I really want you to check it out. I don't think you'll skip Twice or other bigger comebacks so I don't bother reminding you because you probably plan on doing a reaction for it anyways. I'm a little worried "smaller" groups will end up getting skipped again, especially since it's been a long time since you last reacted to Cravity music. BUT I would also understand if it's just not possible. Can't expect you to react to everyone and everything, especially in such in such a rapidly growing K-POP world Anyways. This seems like a post where you kinda try to take responsibilty for the first time in ages. But I'm looking rather for actions more than words. Because posts like this existed in the past and look what happened. It doesn't really matter, PD. So while I appreciate this post, I have yet to see whether you are able to stick to your plans and promises. I really wish for a consistent and healthy PD, that loves doing this and really gives us and himself a form of therapy, rather than a form of frustration and disappointment. Don't overload yourself with a schedule you can't stick to, just reduce it. Or embrace it and make it happen. I definitely will resubscribe if I can see that you actually stick to these words. But for the time being I'll plan on watching this patreon from the sidelines. I have been very critical when I needed to be but so far I always stayed hoping for change. Let's see what the future brings
2024-03-23 23:19:18 "K-Pop was my source of healing and I'm going to make it so." A sentence that I really like. Because it's been like that for me aswell. For many years now. I usually don't really enjoy keep recommending stuff but Cravity's comeback has been so special for me I really want you to check it out. I don't think you'll skip Twice or other bigger comebacks so I don't bother reminding you because you probably plan on doing a reaction for it anyways. I'm a little worried "smaller" groups will end up getting skipped again, especially since it's been a long time since you last reacted to Cravity music. BUT I would also understand if it's just not possible. Can't expect you to react to everyone and everything, especially in such in such a rapidly growing K-POP world Anyways. This seems like a post where you kinda try to take responsibilty for the first time in ages. But I'm looking rather for actions more than words. Because posts like this existed in the past and look what happened. It doesn't really matter, PD. So while I appreciate this post, I have yet to see whether you are able to stick to your plans and promises. I really wish for a consistent and healthy PD, that loves doing this and really gives us and himself a form of therapy, rather than a form of frustration and disappointment. Don't overload yourself with a schedule you can't stick to, just reduce it. Or embrace it and make it happen. I definitely will resubscribe if I can see that you actually stick to these words. But for the time being I'll plan on watching this patreon from the sidelines. I have been very critical when I needed to be but so far I always stayed hoping for change. Let's see what the future brings
2024-03-23 23:19:18 "K-Pop was my source of healing and I'm going to make it so." A sentence that I really like. Because it's been like that for me aswell. For many years now. I usually don't really enjoy keep recommending stuff but Cravity's comeback has been so special for me I really want you to check it out. I don't think you'll skip Twice or other bigger comebacks so I don't bother reminding you because you probably plan on doing a reaction for it anyways. I'm a little worried "smaller" groups will end up getting skipped again, especially since it's been a long time since you last reacted to Cravity music. BUT I would also understand if it's just not possible. Can't expect you to react to everyone and everything, especially in such in such a rapidly growing K-POP world Anyways. This seems like a post where you kinda try to take responsibilty for the first time in ages. But I'm looking rather for actions more than words. Because posts like this existed in the past and look what happened. It doesn't really matter, PD. So while I appreciate this post, I have yet to see whether you are able to stick to your plans and promises. I really wish for a consistent and healthy PD, that loves doing this and really gives us and himself a form of therapy, rather than a form of frustration and disappointment. Don't overload yourself with a schedule you can't stick to, just reduce it. Or embrace it and make it happen. I definitely will resubscribe if I can see that you actually stick to these words. But for the time being I'll plan on watching this patreon from the sidelines. I have been very critical when I needed to be but so far I always stayed hoping for change. Let's see what the future brings
2024-03-23 23:19:18 "K-Pop was my source of healing and I'm going to make it so." A sentence that I really like. Because it's been like that for me aswell. For many years now. I usually don't really enjoy keep recommending stuff but Cravity's comeback has been so special for me I really want you to check it out. I don't think you'll skip Twice or other bigger comebacks so I don't bother reminding you because you probably plan on doing a reaction for it anyways. I'm a little worried "smaller" groups will end up getting skipped again, especially since it's been a long time since you last reacted to Cravity music. BUT I would also understand if it's just not possible. Can't expect you to react to everyone and everything, especially in such in such a rapidly growing K-POP world Anyways. This seems like a post where you kinda try to take responsibilty for the first time in ages. But I'm looking rather for actions more than words. Because posts like this existed in the past and look what happened. It doesn't really matter, PD. So while I appreciate this post, I have yet to see whether you are able to stick to your plans and promises. I really wish for a consistent and healthy PD, that loves doing this and really gives us and himself a form of therapy, rather than a form of frustration and disappointment. Don't overload yourself with a schedule you can't stick to, just reduce it. Or embrace it and make it happen. I definitely will resubscribe if I can see that you actually stick to these words. But for the time being I'll plan on watching this patreon from the sidelines. I have been very critical when I needed to be but so far I always stayed hoping for change. Let's see what the future brings
2024-03-23 23:19:18 "K-Pop was my source of healing and I'm going to make it so." A sentence that I really like. Because it's been like that for me aswell. For many years now. I usually don't really enjoy keep recommending stuff but Cravity's comeback has been so special for me I really want you to check it out. I don't think you'll skip Twice or other bigger comebacks so I don't bother reminding you because you probably plan on doing a reaction for it anyways. I'm a little worried "smaller" groups will end up getting skipped again, especially since it's been a long time since you last reacted to Cravity music. BUT I would also understand if it's just not possible. Can't expect you to react to everyone and everything, especially in such in such a rapidly growing K-POP world Anyways. This seems like a post where you kinda try to take responsibilty for the first time in ages. But I'm looking rather for actions more than words. Because posts like this existed in the past and look what happened. It doesn't really matter, PD. So while I appreciate this post, I have yet to see whether you are able to stick to your plans and promises. I really wish for a consistent and healthy PD, that loves doing this and really gives us and himself a form of therapy, rather than a form of frustration and disappointment. Don't overload yourself with a schedule you can't stick to, just reduce it. Or embrace it and make it happen. I definitely will resubscribe if I can see that you actually stick to these words. But for the time being I'll plan on watching this patreon from the sidelines. I have been very critical when I needed to be but so far I always stayed hoping for change. Let's see what the future brings
2024-03-23 23:19:18 "K-Pop was my source of healing and I'm going to make it so." A sentence that I really like. Because it's been like that for me aswell. For many years now. I usually don't really enjoy keep recommending stuff but Cravity's comeback has been so special for me I really want you to check it out. I don't think you'll skip Twice or other bigger comebacks so I don't bother reminding you because you probably plan on doing a reaction for it anyways. I'm a little worried "smaller" groups will end up getting skipped again, especially since it's been a long time since you last reacted to Cravity music. BUT I would also understand if it's just not possible. Can't expect you to react to everyone and everything, especially in such in such a rapidly growing K-POP world Anyways. This seems like a post where you kinda try to take responsibilty for the first time in ages. But I'm looking rather for actions more than words. Because posts like this existed in the past and look what happened. It doesn't really matter, PD. So while I appreciate this post, I have yet to see whether you are able to stick to your plans and promises. I really wish for a consistent and healthy PD, that loves doing this and really gives us and himself a form of therapy, rather than a form of frustration and disappointment. Don't overload yourself with a schedule you can't stick to, just reduce it. Or embrace it and make it happen. I definitely will resubscribe if I can see that you actually stick to these words. But for the time being I'll plan on watching this patreon from the sidelines. I have been very critical when I needed to be but so far I always stayed hoping for change. Let's see what the future brings
2024-03-23 23:19:18 "K-Pop was my source of healing and I'm going to make it so." A sentence that I really like. Because it's been like that for me aswell. For many years now. I usually don't really enjoy keep recommending stuff but Cravity's comeback has been so special for me I really want you to check it out. I don't think you'll skip Twice or other bigger comebacks so I don't bother reminding you because you probably plan on doing a reaction for it anyways. I'm a little worried "smaller" groups will end up getting skipped again, especially since it's been a long time since you last reacted to Cravity music. BUT I would also understand if it's just not possible. Can't expect you to react to everyone and everything, especially in such in such a rapidly growing K-POP world Anyways. This seems like a post where you kinda try to take responsibilty for the first time in ages. But I'm looking rather for actions more than words. Because posts like this existed in the past and look what happened. It doesn't really matter, PD. So while I appreciate this post, I have yet to see whether you are able to stick to your plans and promises. I really wish for a consistent and healthy PD, that loves doing this and really gives us and himself a form of therapy, rather than a form of frustration and disappointment. Don't overload yourself with a schedule you can't stick to, just reduce it. Or embrace it and make it happen. I definitely will resubscribe if I can see that you actually stick to these words. But for the time being I'll plan on watching this patreon from the sidelines. I have been very critical when I needed to be but so far I always stayed hoping for change. Let's see what the future brings
2024-03-23 23:19:18 "K-Pop was my source of healing and I'm going to make it so." A sentence that I really like. Because it's been like that for me aswell. For many years now. I usually don't really enjoy keep recommending stuff but Cravity's comeback has been so special for me I really want you to check it out. I don't think you'll skip Twice or other bigger comebacks so I don't bother reminding you because you probably plan on doing a reaction for it anyways. I'm a little worried "smaller" groups will end up getting skipped again, especially since it's been a long time since you last reacted to Cravity music. BUT I would also understand if it's just not possible. Can't expect you to react to everyone and everything, especially in such in such a rapidly growing K-POP world Anyways. This seems like a post where you kinda try to take responsibilty for the first time in ages. But I'm looking rather for actions more than words. Because posts like this existed in the past and look what happened. It doesn't really matter, PD. So while I appreciate this post, I have yet to see whether you are able to stick to your plans and promises. I really wish for a consistent and healthy PD, that loves doing this and really gives us and himself a form of therapy, rather than a form of frustration and disappointment. Don't overload yourself with a schedule you can't stick to, just reduce it. Or embrace it and make it happen. I definitely will resubscribe if I can see that you actually stick to these words. But for the time being I'll plan on watching this patreon from the sidelines. I have been very critical when I needed to be but so far I always stayed hoping for change. Let's see what the future brings
2024-03-23 23:19:18 "K-Pop was my source of healing and I'm going to make it so." A sentence that I really like. Because it's been like that for me aswell. For many years now. I usually don't really enjoy keep recommending stuff but Cravity's comeback has been so special for me I really want you to check it out. I don't think you'll skip Twice or other bigger comebacks so I don't bother reminding you because you probably plan on doing a reaction for it anyways. I'm a little worried "smaller" groups will end up getting skipped again, especially since it's been a long time since you last reacted to Cravity music. BUT I would also understand if it's just not possible. Can't expect you to react to everyone and everything, especially in such in such a rapidly growing K-POP world Anyways. This seems like a post where you kinda try to take responsibilty for the first time in ages. But I'm looking rather for actions more than words. Because posts like this existed in the past and look what happened. It doesn't really matter, PD. So while I appreciate this post, I have yet to see whether you are able to stick to your plans and promises. I really wish for a consistent and healthy PD, that loves doing this and really gives us and himself a form of therapy, rather than a form of frustration and disappointment. Don't overload yourself with a schedule you can't stick to, just reduce it. Or embrace it and make it happen. I definitely will resubscribe if I can see that you actually stick to these words. But for the time being I'll plan on watching this patreon from the sidelines. I have been very critical when I needed to be but so far I always stayed hoping for change. Let's see what the future brings
2024-03-23 23:19:18 "K-Pop was my source of healing and I'm going to make it so." A sentence that I really like. Because it's been like that for me aswell. For many years now. I usually don't really enjoy keep recommending stuff but Cravity's comeback has been so special for me I really want you to check it out. I don't think you'll skip Twice or other bigger comebacks so I don't bother reminding you because you probably plan on doing a reaction for it anyways. I'm a little worried "smaller" groups will end up getting skipped again, especially since it's been a long time since you last reacted to Cravity music. BUT I would also understand if it's just not possible. Can't expect you to react to everyone and everything, especially in such in such a rapidly growing K-POP world Anyways. This seems like a post where you kinda try to take responsibilty for the first time in ages. But I'm looking rather for actions more than words. Because posts like this existed in the past and look what happened. It doesn't really matter, PD. So while I appreciate this post, I have yet to see whether you are able to stick to your plans and promises. I really wish for a consistent and healthy PD, that loves doing this and really gives us and himself a form of therapy, rather than a form of frustration and disappointment. Don't overload yourself with a schedule you can't stick to, just reduce it. Or embrace it and make it happen. I definitely will resubscribe if I can see that you actually stick to these words. But for the time being I'll plan on watching this patreon from the sidelines. I have been very critical when I needed to be but so far I always stayed hoping for change. Let's see what the future brings
2024-03-23 23:19:18 "K-Pop was my source of healing and I'm going to make it so." A sentence that I really like. Because it's been like that for me aswell. For many years now. I usually don't really enjoy keep recommending stuff but Cravity's comeback has been so special for me I really want you to check it out. I don't think you'll skip Twice or other bigger comebacks so I don't bother reminding you because you probably plan on doing a reaction for it anyways. I'm a little worried "smaller" groups will end up getting skipped again, especially since it's been a long time since you last reacted to Cravity music. BUT I would also understand if it's just not possible. Can't expect you to react to everyone and everything, especially in such in such a rapidly growing K-POP world Anyways. This seems like a post where you kinda try to take responsibilty for the first time in ages. But I'm looking rather for actions more than words. Because posts like this existed in the past and look what happened. It doesn't really matter, PD. So while I appreciate this post, I have yet to see whether you are able to stick to your plans and promises. I really wish for a consistent and healthy PD, that loves doing this and really gives us and himself a form of therapy, rather than a form of frustration and disappointment. Don't overload yourself with a schedule you can't stick to, just reduce it. Or embrace it and make it happen. I definitely will resubscribe if I can see that you actually stick to these words. But for the time being I'll plan on watching this patreon from the sidelines. I have been very critical when I needed to be but so far I always stayed hoping for change. Let's see what the future brings
2024-03-23 23:19:18 "K-Pop was my source of healing and I'm going to make it so." A sentence that I really like. Because it's been like that for me aswell. For many years now. I usually don't really enjoy keep recommending stuff but Cravity's comeback has been so special for me I really want you to check it out. I don't think you'll skip Twice or other bigger comebacks so I don't bother reminding you because you probably plan on doing a reaction for it anyways. I'm a little worried "smaller" groups will end up getting skipped again, especially since it's been a long time since you last reacted to Cravity music. BUT I would also understand if it's just not possible. Can't expect you to react to everyone and everything, especially in such in such a rapidly growing K-POP world Anyways. This seems like a post where you kinda try to take responsibilty for the first time in ages. But I'm looking rather for actions more than words. Because posts like this existed in the past and look what happened. It doesn't really matter, PD. So while I appreciate this post, I have yet to see whether you are able to stick to your plans and promises. I really wish for a consistent and healthy PD, that loves doing this and really gives us and himself a form of therapy, rather than a form of frustration and disappointment. Don't overload yourself with a schedule you can't stick to, just reduce it. Or embrace it and make it happen. I definitely will resubscribe if I can see that you actually stick to these words. But for the time being I'll plan on watching this patreon from the sidelines. I have been very critical when I needed to be but so far I always stayed hoping for change. Let's see what the future brings
2024-03-23 23:19:18 "K-Pop was my source of healing and I'm going to make it so." A sentence that I really like. Because it's been like that for me aswell. For many years now. I usually don't really enjoy keep recommending stuff but Cravity's comeback has been so special for me I really want you to check it out. I don't think you'll skip Twice or other bigger comebacks so I don't bother reminding you because you probably plan on doing a reaction for it anyways. I'm a little worried "smaller" groups will end up getting skipped again, especially since it's been a long time since you last reacted to Cravity music. BUT I would also understand if it's just not possible. Can't expect you to react to everyone and everything, especially in such in such a rapidly growing K-POP world Anyways. This seems like a post where you kinda try to take responsibilty for the first time in ages. But I'm looking rather for actions more than words. Because posts like this existed in the past and look what happened. It doesn't really matter, PD. So while I appreciate this post, I have yet to see whether you are able to stick to your plans and promises. I really wish for a consistent and healthy PD, that loves doing this and really gives us and himself a form of therapy, rather than a form of frustration and disappointment. Don't overload yourself with a schedule you can't stick to, just reduce it. Or embrace it and make it happen. I definitely will resubscribe if I can see that you actually stick to these words. But for the time being I'll plan on watching this patreon from the sidelines. I have been very critical when I needed to be but so far I always stayed hoping for change. Let's see what the future brings
2024-03-23 23:19:18 "K-Pop was my source of healing and I'm going to make it so." A sentence that I really like. Because it's been like that for me aswell. For many years now. I usually don't really enjoy keep recommending stuff but Cravity's comeback has been so special for me I really want you to check it out. I don't think you'll skip Twice or other bigger comebacks so I don't bother reminding you because you probably plan on doing a reaction for it anyways. I'm a little worried "smaller" groups will end up getting skipped again, especially since it's been a long time since you last reacted to Cravity music. BUT I would also understand if it's just not possible. Can't expect you to react to everyone and everything, especially in such in such a rapidly growing K-POP world Anyways. This seems like a post where you kinda try to take responsibilty for the first time in ages. But I'm looking rather for actions more than words. Because posts like this existed in the past and look what happened. It doesn't really matter, PD. So while I appreciate this post, I have yet to see whether you are able to stick to your plans and promises. I really wish for a consistent and healthy PD, that loves doing this and really gives us and himself a form of therapy, rather than a form of frustration and disappointment. Don't overload yourself with a schedule you can't stick to, just reduce it. Or embrace it and make it happen. I definitely will resubscribe if I can see that you actually stick to these words. But for the time being I'll plan on watching this patreon from the sidelines. I have been very critical when I needed to be but so far I always stayed hoping for change. Let's see what the future brings
2024-03-23 23:19:18 "K-Pop was my source of healing and I'm going to make it so." A sentence that I really like. Because it's been like that for me aswell. For many years now. I usually don't really enjoy keep recommending stuff but Cravity's comeback has been so special for me I really want you to check it out. I don't think you'll skip Twice or other bigger comebacks so I don't bother reminding you because you probably plan on doing a reaction for it anyways. I'm a little worried "smaller" groups will end up getting skipped again, especially since it's been a long time since you last reacted to Cravity music. BUT I would also understand if it's just not possible. Can't expect you to react to everyone and everything, especially in such in such a rapidly growing K-POP world Anyways. This seems like a post where you kinda try to take responsibilty for the first time in ages. But I'm looking rather for actions more than words. Because posts like this existed in the past and look what happened. It doesn't really matter, PD. So while I appreciate this post, I have yet to see whether you are able to stick to your plans and promises. I really wish for a consistent and healthy PD, that loves doing this and really gives us and himself a form of therapy, rather than a form of frustration and disappointment. Don't overload yourself with a schedule you can't stick to, just reduce it. Or embrace it and make it happen. I definitely will resubscribe if I can see that you actually stick to these words. But for the time being I'll plan on watching this patreon from the sidelines. I have been very critical when I needed to be but so far I always stayed hoping for change. Let's see what the future brings
2024-03-23 23:19:18 "K-Pop was my source of healing and I'm going to make it so." A sentence that I really like. Because it's been like that for me aswell. For many years now. I usually don't really enjoy keep recommending stuff but Cravity's comeback has been so special for me I really want you to check it out. I don't think you'll skip Twice or other bigger comebacks so I don't bother reminding you because you probably plan on doing a reaction for it anyways. I'm a little worried "smaller" groups will end up getting skipped again, especially since it's been a long time since you last reacted to Cravity music. BUT I would also understand if it's just not possible. Can't expect you to react to everyone and everything, especially in such in such a rapidly growing K-POP world Anyways. This seems like a post where you kinda try to take responsibilty for the first time in ages. But I'm looking rather for actions more than words. Because posts like this existed in the past and look what happened. It doesn't really matter, PD. So while I appreciate this post, I have yet to see whether you are able to stick to your plans and promises. I really wish for a consistent and healthy PD, that loves doing this and really gives us and himself a form of therapy, rather than a form of frustration and disappointment. Don't overload yourself with a schedule you can't stick to, just reduce it. Or embrace it and make it happen. I definitely will resubscribe if I can see that you actually stick to these words. But for the time being I'll plan on watching this patreon from the sidelines. I have been very critical when I needed to be but so far I always stayed hoping for change. Let's see what the future brings
2024-03-23 23:19:18 "K-Pop was my source of healing and I'm going to make it so." A sentence that I really like. Because it's been like that for me aswell. For many years now. I usually don't really enjoy keep recommending stuff but Cravity's comeback has been so special for me I really want you to check it out. I don't think you'll skip Twice or other bigger comebacks so I don't bother reminding you because you probably plan on doing a reaction for it anyways. I'm a little worried "smaller" groups will end up getting skipped again, especially since it's been a long time since you last reacted to Cravity music. BUT I would also understand if it's just not possible. Can't expect you to react to everyone and everything, especially in such in such a rapidly growing K-POP world Anyways. This seems like a post where you kinda try to take responsibilty for the first time in ages. But I'm looking rather for actions more than words. Because posts like this existed in the past and look what happened. It doesn't really matter, PD. So while I appreciate this post, I have yet to see whether you are able to stick to your plans and promises. I really wish for a consistent and healthy PD, that loves doing this and really gives us and himself a form of therapy, rather than a form of frustration and disappointment. Don't overload yourself with a schedule you can't stick to, just reduce it. Or embrace it and make it happen. I definitely will resubscribe if I can see that you actually stick to these words. But for the time being I'll plan on watching this patreon from the sidelines. I have been very critical when I needed to be but so far I always stayed hoping for change. Let's see what the future brings
2024-02-28 18:56:04 "K-Pop was my source of healing and I'm going to make it so." A sentence that I really like. Because it's been like that for me aswell. For many years now. I usually don't really enjoy keep recommending stuff but Cravity's comeback has been so special for me I really want you to check it out. I don't think you'll skip Twice or other bigger comebacks so I don't bother reminding you because you probably plan on doing a reaction for it anyways. I'm a little worried "smaller" groups will end up getting skipped again, especially since it's been a long time since you last reacted to Cravity music. BUT I would also understand if it's just not possible. Can't expect you to react to everyone and everything, especially in such in such a rapidly growing K-POP world Anyways. This seems like a post where you kinda try to take responsibilty for the first time in ages. But I'm looking rather for actions more than words. Because posts like this existed in the past and look what happened. It doesn't really matter, PD. So while I appreciate this post, I have yet to see whether you are able to stick to your plans and promises. I really wish for a consistent and healthy PD, that loves doing this and really gives us and himself a form of therapy, rather than a form of frustration and disappointment. Don't overload yourself with a schedule you can't stick to, just reduce it. Or embrace it and make it happen. I definitely will resubscribe if I can see that you actually stick to these words. But for the time being I'll plan on watching this patreon from the sidelines. I have been very critical when I needed to be but so far I always stayed hoping for change. Let's see what the future brings

"K-Pop was my source of healing and I'm going to make it so." A sentence that I really like. Because it's been like that for me aswell. For many years now. I usually don't really enjoy keep recommending stuff but Cravity's comeback has been so special for me I really want you to check it out. I don't think you'll skip Twice or other bigger comebacks so I don't bother reminding you because you probably plan on doing a reaction for it anyways. I'm a little worried "smaller" groups will end up getting skipped again, especially since it's been a long time since you last reacted to Cravity music. BUT I would also understand if it's just not possible. Can't expect you to react to everyone and everything, especially in such in such a rapidly growing K-POP world Anyways. This seems like a post where you kinda try to take responsibilty for the first time in ages. But I'm looking rather for actions more than words. Because posts like this existed in the past and look what happened. It doesn't really matter, PD. So while I appreciate this post, I have yet to see whether you are able to stick to your plans and promises. I really wish for a consistent and healthy PD, that loves doing this and really gives us and himself a form of therapy, rather than a form of frustration and disappointment. Don't overload yourself with a schedule you can't stick to, just reduce it. Or embrace it and make it happen. I definitely will resubscribe if I can see that you actually stick to these words. But for the time being I'll plan on watching this patreon from the sidelines. I have been very critical when I needed to be but so far I always stayed hoping for change. Let's see what the future brings


I applaud you for taking the time to listen to feedback. That's a good thing. Also, thanks for explaining your plan. You're getting better at this, truly. Your efforts will pay off. Btw, if the gout difficulty is too much, idk what your case is but either "uric acid cleanser" supplements or cherry extract supplements have helped me LOTS. I only recommend them because they've helped me and my dad with his too, especially to prevent further gout attacks

kool klipz

Pd hope all is well don't put too much pressure on yourself but just enough can't wait to see the growth over the next few months

Gabrielle Renae

I don't know if this is the best thing to say but you don't need to prove anything to us. I feel like we put a lot of pressure on ourselves to prove that we can do things to others. Accomplishments, if you will. But really, the only people I need to prove myself to is me, my parents and the few close friends I have. Everyone else, it's great when they can see how wonderful I'm doing but it's not necessary. But that's how I view things. Do whatever is best for you snd like I said, we'll be here when you come back. Even if it's just sporadically.


Thanks for the supplement recommendation! I'm looking up reviews on Amazon and I really hope they work for me.


I know. I'm not doing this for others, I'm doing this to prove to myself and prove to the world that even if thing are bad, you can still cut through the darkness and climb up one's personal mountain :)


I do not subscribe because of the amount of content being produced. I subscribe because I've enjoyed your videos on Youtube and that content was enough to stir me into supporting your work via Patreon. No one has the right to demand things of you, except yourself. Do what you need to, knowing that at least some of us are here because what you do is important to us.


I usually don't comment, but I think given the situation this time I should. I really appreciated you regularly updating us this month. For me personally as long as there is no radio silence I don't mind content being late :) I also think the first two weeks this month went pretty smoothly, so lets keep fighting! (Sorry for any mistakes, english is not my first language 😅)


while I think this is a good decision if you’re up for it please make sure this decision is being made for yourself. If you’re only doing this based on feedback and not based on what you can actually handle I think it’ll hurt you more in the long run. I know you feel it’s important to build up trust again and I agree, but trust won’t be built if you do this and can fulfill what you want to do.


This human being has been taking over 25-30k a month from patreons for over 2 years and put out a fraction of what that money paid for and has "mental health issues"? No I am sorry we don't buy it, honestly many of us think that is just excuses because the under 30 year old patreons here will fall for it and continue to pay for nothing. These are rude comments? NOPE They are true comments and if you think the truth is rude that's a you problem. He has no accountability and has not for years.


Hey PD, another member of team "I usually don't comment." Most people live their lives shoving down all the pain we deal with out of mind, out of sight. Lots of respect for you being open about it. I don't have time to always watch or read most of the stuff you post, but I do back you in finding out what works for you. No matter how many times you have to rip up the "plan," I know that you'll figure out the right solution. Keep at it. You have my support. Don't know much about gout, but I do have my own issues with my jaw (physical injury) so I know how much it sucks. There's probably medication and supplements you can take to reduce uric acid. Easier said than done, but best thing you can do is clean up your diet from all the "crap" and inflammation sources. Limit your grains intake, eat more fruit/meats/veggies/etc. and no soda or junk food. Worth a shot at taking seriously, better than just trying to "deal with it." Tim Ferris has a good blog post out there about gout (he has some challenges with high uric acid levels too). I think he talks about what he's doing in one of his recent podcast episodes (#712).


Part of the camp that was thinking a break was a good idea but trust your judgment if you think this is best!


Just a suggestion wouldn’t it be better to just release them as you’re done filming / editing? imo


Thank you PD, I hope watching things with us "in real time" (well, almost lol) can also make it more fun for you


I know I’ve said this already and I am not you so I don’t know you better than you know yourself, but I truly think it would be best to just take the break and then follow a method of releasing content as it finishes filming. You’ve been open about your mental health struggles and while I think it’s a very real struggle, you are also making an estimate of tens of thousands of dollars from Patreon EVERY month and I think most people would be so grateful to be in the position you’re in. Mental health is very real though which is why I think taking a true break is just the best course of action rather than constantly switching up on your plans, then suffering because of it, and then explaining it’s due to mental health. It’s unfair on us to constantly be expected to weather through these roller coaster decisions and plans while we’re paying a good amount of money. On top of that, since Blair is taking a rest and can’t help you manage what she used to, I feel like it’s even more important that you don’t add more than you had planned. I understand though that at the end of the day, people are obviously still paying monthly for the content you put out (which IS good content, i’m not going to pretend it’s not) regardless of how inconsistent you are. But, if your goal truly is to gain back trust of your subscribers, I think less switching up of plans and ideas and just following through with what you announce (including breaks) is what will ultimately gain the trust.


Wow holy moly thank you. I've only heard the name "Tim Ferris" in vague passing but this blog post was super helpful. I'll be sure to check out his podcast too!


I also don’t comment much on stuff but I just want you to know you’re my favorite kpop content creator!! I love watching the listening parties and feeling like I have someone to really get hyped with me 💜 I am a more recent patron but I have decided that I’ll stay for what is to come! Wishing you the best!

Dryyym You

«K-Pop was my source of healing and I'm going to make it so» Exactly! So glad to hear that! Because lately it felt like it became a burden for you Really hope to see some changes And seeing what usually happened here, you definitely need some breaks from time to time, PD All we ask is to give us a heads up - that you need your break and that there will be no content for a while For us to not expect anything and unsubscribe for that period Because you have some “on and off” periods when you post a bunch of content for 1-2 months and then suddenly not feel like it in the middle of the schedule and people wait with no avail for the rest of the content that was promised (and for what they paid in the first place seeing the schedule in the beginning of the month) That’s what frustrates everyone( So hoping you will see what’s been bothering us and figure out better ways to handle everything without too much pressure because it might affect your perception of K-pop and make it not enjoyable and healing anymore


I'm confused kpop and filming are supposed to give you solace. If you are going through something I think you should take a break in March. You fixed the back log so anyone who wants to stay can stay and anyone who dosent can wait a month and not pay if they don't want to. You prolonging the rest you need will only cause further problems and damage later on. I just don't understand why you won't take this time to take care of yourself. You have to help yourself before you help others. I think you should focus on healing building a routine within March during your break. I mean why damage yourself even more. You can go live whenever you want during your break, but I honestly think it's essential for you to take a break!!! I hope you feel better. I also hope you were not pressured into not having your break. If people have a problem that's on them all u can do is give refund if need be but March hasn't even hit yet. Then just apologize if you want but u went through something and are still going through something why wont you take this time to heal yourself and come up with a better routine!


A simple suggestion, I think it became muddy because you are trying to do many things at the same time. So wouldn't it be better to have a simpler system. Why don't you finish reuploading all backlogs first before uploading the new ones. Yes, it wouldn't satisfy everyone since some also wants the new contents but then if it's not gonna be prioritized atm, it will only get in the way of the new ones. And regarding the recording and scheduling. Why don't you film like a week content first and then upload it a week after. So that only then can you make a schedule. Like put only the ones you've filmed in the upcoming schedules so that you don't have to make promises that you can't keep. And as for taking a break, why don't you schedule at least a day or two every week where you don't upload anything. Take a breather, take it as your day off. Every person needs one. Have a worry-less day. And for the contents, everyone is requesting a lot of things, but why don't you prioritize the groups and contents you really have interest about or just the contents the majority of people are here for. Don't try to please everyone, it's just gonna be messy. The fact that a lot of people have interest on your reactions is a blessing in itself 'cause c'mon, not everyone cares for someone else's opinion that much. And that's something you shouldn't take for granted. We have a give-and-take relationship here, so let's both give each other a better consideration and understanding. These past weeks, I only read comments and also read your reflections and all and tried to not engage much in the conversations. Both parties have rights and wrongs, some are demanding too many things and some are actually being so mean, while others are just being honest and some are being too understanding. And as I have read your side, you do admit that you did show negligence and even became inconsiderate, right?. But let's not hurt each other anymore. Let's try to have a better environment here by starting with a simpler plan and a more flexible system. And then let us see where it goes. I don't want this platform to stop, for some finds comfort and entertainment in it. Let's just give our best to what we do. And the last one and I think the most important thing for everyone to do here. "Please, let us all choose to be kind to one another."


i think you should take an extended break pd to catch up on everything you need and fix the backlog and to also focus on your health i know you guys are handeling alot of things at once and at some point itll start to get to much. Maybe return back in may? just a suggestion


This is progress, and it's good, but i also I think this backlog problem could've been fixed months ago if PD actually assembled the "street team". All the files/access could've been handed off to them with strict guidelines/information on how to upload, formatting, etc. All that could've been done while PD could react/record. You asked for help months ago, and people reached out.. some would've probably helped out for free even.. what happened to that, why was it never brought up again?


i’ve seen a lot of comments along the lines of “i don’t pay for content, i pay to support” and that’s lovely, but some if not most of us are not able to have that mindset. it’s not that we don’t want to support you, but we have bills to pay, and the money we spend on your patreon is valuable. so when we spend that and get nothing in return, it’s a waste. i’m glad you’re doing some free content and i hope this plan works for you - i can’t help but feel like a lot of these posts are rather guilt trippy and seeking reassurance, but i guess i could be misunderstanding. it’s a shame how disorganized this space has become and i can only hope that the younger people paying you every month have the resources to do so and don’t just feel bad for you or feel pressured to keep paying “to support you”.


It's 5TB worth of footage so it's not easy to hand off (especially to remote workers) and back then, Patreon had NO way of organizing messages. If someone sent a message, we replied, it would become buried. And we received thousands of submissions. It took a week to even get through 100 messages and it became increasingly difficult for us to manage. To be honest, I did not think we would receive that many messages. I'm going to find a team in a much more "work oriented way".


The point of even offering is to assure people not to trip. I'm not trying to guilt trip anyone, I'm just trying to be honest and self facing with my mental struggles because a lot of people have been frustrated that I have not been communicative. Through it all I'm still working on getting my health, life, and everything back on track. My only hope is that people understand that supporting me financially is and has always been a choice. And so that people understand that, don't feel as much "pressure", I am offering to release my prefilming content for free as I go.


That is why I was BAFFLED you told people to *dm* you their applications, which seems to be the most inefficient way to compile applicants. A Google Form would have been dead simple to create and is organizable.

Alison Renaud

While having your main job as something you love is great, it's prob the hardest thing to maintain both professionally and personally. Maintaining a healthy balance between both is gonna be key. While your schedules are great and include a lot of content, it should be within a 9 to 5 work type schedule for you. For us we can watch things whenever and go back to past ones too. But for you having a FILMING schedule rather than a release schedule will make a difference. If that makes sense? Make your filming schedule first (dont release it), film, then release what you have filmed. Making a huge release schedule without even filming first will def make it feel more like a burden. We love your reactions for how genuine and enthusiastic they are. If you get burnt out from filming they won't feel the same, for both of us. I love seeing you get excited over great music and I dont wanna see you lose that passion. As always thank you for being so open and honest with us and allowing us to have input! I hope you can find your balance again.


These comments are ridiculous


Hi! I am a Brazilian follower and i joined here because i always wanted to see more of your ateez content. But they're not availabe :c wanted to know when you are going to upload them again

Harrsh More

Hey Pd, I wanted to ask some things in regards to this post. 1- I saw multiple times you posting about figuring your schedule out, life out and I got that. What did not make sense to me was the amount of times I had to take it in. I understand this business is a challenge and you only have Blaire and yourself doing this, on top blaire is pregnant not like she doesn't need her rest. 2- I think the idea for street team was a good one, I understand the backlog is too much but in the long run it would sustain. Have them line up your schedule and edit videos so you just shoot the video which then would allow you to focus on filming and re-upload. Keep things at minimum ik you want to check alot things out but it'll take time so don't rush and overpromise. That being said I'll stick around for March because I trust you. Let's see how this goes


Hey pls watch the update post where PD explains, that Blaire is going on a break...she sadly isn't pregnant anymore.

Gloccr (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-23 23:19:18 I hope yall react to episodes 13 and 14 of moving soon. I've never judged you for breaks. Sometimes I will unsubscribe then subscribe again 2 months later haha. That way I can support but still get my money's worth with the breaks. Thank you so much for your effort!
2024-03-23 23:19:18 I hope yall react to episodes 13 and 14 of moving soon. I've never judged you for breaks. Sometimes I will unsubscribe then subscribe again 2 months later haha. That way I can support but still get my money's worth with the breaks. Thank you so much for your effort!
2024-03-23 23:19:18 I hope yall react to episodes 13 and 14 of moving soon. I've never judged you for breaks. Sometimes I will unsubscribe then subscribe again 2 months later haha. That way I can support but still get my money's worth with the breaks. Thank you so much for your effort!
2024-03-23 23:19:18 I hope yall react to episodes 13 and 14 of moving soon. I've never judged you for breaks. Sometimes I will unsubscribe then subscribe again 2 months later haha. That way I can support but still get my money's worth with the breaks. Thank you so much for your effort!
2024-03-23 23:19:18 I hope yall react to episodes 13 and 14 of moving soon. I've never judged you for breaks. Sometimes I will unsubscribe then subscribe again 2 months later haha. That way I can support but still get my money's worth with the breaks. Thank you so much for your effort!
2024-03-23 23:19:18 I hope yall react to episodes 13 and 14 of moving soon. I've never judged you for breaks. Sometimes I will unsubscribe then subscribe again 2 months later haha. That way I can support but still get my money's worth with the breaks. Thank you so much for your effort!
2024-03-23 23:19:18 I hope yall react to episodes 13 and 14 of moving soon. I've never judged you for breaks. Sometimes I will unsubscribe then subscribe again 2 months later haha. That way I can support but still get my money's worth with the breaks. Thank you so much for your effort!
2024-03-23 23:19:18 I hope yall react to episodes 13 and 14 of moving soon. I've never judged you for breaks. Sometimes I will unsubscribe then subscribe again 2 months later haha. That way I can support but still get my money's worth with the breaks. Thank you so much for your effort!
2024-03-23 23:19:18 I hope yall react to episodes 13 and 14 of moving soon. I've never judged you for breaks. Sometimes I will unsubscribe then subscribe again 2 months later haha. That way I can support but still get my money's worth with the breaks. Thank you so much for your effort!
2024-03-23 23:19:18 I hope yall react to episodes 13 and 14 of moving soon. I've never judged you for breaks. Sometimes I will unsubscribe then subscribe again 2 months later haha. That way I can support but still get my money's worth with the breaks. Thank you so much for your effort!
2024-03-23 23:19:18 I hope yall react to episodes 13 and 14 of moving soon. I've never judged you for breaks. Sometimes I will unsubscribe then subscribe again 2 months later haha. That way I can support but still get my money's worth with the breaks. Thank you so much for your effort!
2024-03-23 23:19:18 I hope yall react to episodes 13 and 14 of moving soon. I've never judged you for breaks. Sometimes I will unsubscribe then subscribe again 2 months later haha. That way I can support but still get my money's worth with the breaks. Thank you so much for your effort!
2024-03-23 23:19:18 I hope yall react to episodes 13 and 14 of moving soon. I've never judged you for breaks. Sometimes I will unsubscribe then subscribe again 2 months later haha. That way I can support but still get my money's worth with the breaks. Thank you so much for your effort!
2024-03-23 23:19:18 I hope yall react to episodes 13 and 14 of moving soon. I've never judged you for breaks. Sometimes I will unsubscribe then subscribe again 2 months later haha. That way I can support but still get my money's worth with the breaks. Thank you so much for your effort!
2024-03-23 23:19:18 I hope yall react to episodes 13 and 14 of moving soon. I've never judged you for breaks. Sometimes I will unsubscribe then subscribe again 2 months later haha. That way I can support but still get my money's worth with the breaks. Thank you so much for your effort!
2024-03-23 23:19:18 I hope yall react to episodes 13 and 14 of moving soon. I've never judged you for breaks. Sometimes I will unsubscribe then subscribe again 2 months later haha. That way I can support but still get my money's worth with the breaks. Thank you so much for your effort!
2024-03-23 23:19:18 I hope yall react to episodes 13 and 14 of moving soon. I've never judged you for breaks. Sometimes I will unsubscribe then subscribe again 2 months later haha. That way I can support but still get my money's worth with the breaks. Thank you so much for your effort!
2024-03-23 23:19:18 I hope yall react to episodes 13 and 14 of moving soon. I've never judged you for breaks. Sometimes I will unsubscribe then subscribe again 2 months later haha. That way I can support but still get my money's worth with the breaks. Thank you so much for your effort!
2024-03-23 23:19:18 I hope yall react to episodes 13 and 14 of moving soon. I've never judged you for breaks. Sometimes I will unsubscribe then subscribe again 2 months later haha. That way I can support but still get my money's worth with the breaks. Thank you so much for your effort!
2024-03-23 23:19:18 I hope yall react to episodes 13 and 14 of moving soon. I've never judged you for breaks. Sometimes I will unsubscribe then subscribe again 2 months later haha. That way I can support but still get my money's worth with the breaks. Thank you so much for your effort!
2024-03-23 23:19:18 I hope yall react to episodes 13 and 14 of moving soon. I've never judged you for breaks. Sometimes I will unsubscribe then subscribe again 2 months later haha. That way I can support but still get my money's worth with the breaks. Thank you so much for your effort!
2024-03-23 23:19:18 I hope yall react to episodes 13 and 14 of moving soon. I've never judged you for breaks. Sometimes I will unsubscribe then subscribe again 2 months later haha. That way I can support but still get my money's worth with the breaks. Thank you so much for your effort!
2024-03-23 23:19:18 I hope yall react to episodes 13 and 14 of moving soon. I've never judged you for breaks. Sometimes I will unsubscribe then subscribe again 2 months later haha. That way I can support but still get my money's worth with the breaks. Thank you so much for your effort!
2024-03-23 23:19:18 I hope yall react to episodes 13 and 14 of moving soon. I've never judged you for breaks. Sometimes I will unsubscribe then subscribe again 2 months later haha. That way I can support but still get my money's worth with the breaks. Thank you so much for your effort!
2024-03-23 23:19:18 I hope yall react to episodes 13 and 14 of moving soon. I've never judged you for breaks. Sometimes I will unsubscribe then subscribe again 2 months later haha. That way I can support but still get my money's worth with the breaks. Thank you so much for your effort!
2024-03-23 23:19:18 I hope yall react to episodes 13 and 14 of moving soon. I've never judged you for breaks. Sometimes I will unsubscribe then subscribe again 2 months later haha. That way I can support but still get my money's worth with the breaks. Thank you so much for your effort!
2024-03-23 23:19:18 I hope yall react to episodes 13 and 14 of moving soon. I've never judged you for breaks. Sometimes I will unsubscribe then subscribe again 2 months later haha. That way I can support but still get my money's worth with the breaks. Thank you so much for your effort!
2024-03-07 13:00:33 I hope yall react to episodes 13 and 14 of moving soon. I've never judged you for breaks. Sometimes I will unsubscribe then subscribe again 2 months later haha. That way I can support but still get my money's worth with the breaks. Thank you so much for your effort!

I hope yall react to episodes 13 and 14 of moving soon. I've never judged you for breaks. Sometimes I will unsubscribe then subscribe again 2 months later haha. That way I can support but still get my money's worth with the breaks. Thank you so much for your effort!


are you going to post anything this month??

Liam Green

Will we finally be getting the Twice ready to be concert reaction, been waiting months for it


Hope all is good, man! Work at your own pace and enjoy what you do. I look forward to your reactions and feedback especially for TWICE 👍


Waiting so hard for the reaction and listening party of 'Young Posse'


Can you please do a concert for Shinee and Exo? For Shinee i'd recommend this one (with Eng Subs): https://youtu.be/6TknOLesUc4?si=5ORP6f1a8xz2vNi- And for Exo this one (also with Eng Subs): https://youtu.be/imbfzowPSJQ?si=vZdygKzclSGusPQv


I really tried to give you the benefit of the doubt this month...but this is it. I'm out. NOTHING excuses this behavior. Maybe i'll join again in a few months, IF it gets better. But it is OUTRAGEOUS, that some of the things, that were promised MONTHS ago are still not here.


pd i get you're busy with handling everything yourself but please give us any sort of update

Gloccr (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-23 23:19:18 yeah i subbed again this month cuz i got multiple notifications about new stuff coming this month but it doesnt seem like thats true. so many shows they started could be done by now for my favorite reactors they usually charge $10 for TONS of content. So i have no problem paying $40 for 4 months. The tier on this page that I prefer to sub to is $20 for the kdrama content "Bloodhounds" is on. That is $80 for CRUMBS. this i why i stoped subbing every month a while ago
2024-03-23 23:19:18 yeah i subbed again this month cuz i got multiple notifications about new stuff coming this month but it doesnt seem like thats true. so many shows they started could be done by now for my favorite reactors they usually charge $10 for TONS of content. So i have no problem paying $40 for 4 months. The tier on this page that I prefer to sub to is $20 for the kdrama content "Bloodhounds" is on. That is $80 for CRUMBS. this i why i stoped subbing every month a while ago
2024-03-23 23:19:18 yeah i subbed again this month cuz i got multiple notifications about new stuff coming this month but it doesnt seem like thats true. so many shows they started could be done by now for my favorite reactors they usually charge $10 for TONS of content. So i have no problem paying $40 for 4 months. The tier on this page that I prefer to sub to is $20 for the kdrama content "Bloodhounds" is on. That is $80 for CRUMBS. this i why i stoped subbing every month a while ago
2024-03-23 23:19:18 yeah i subbed again this month cuz i got multiple notifications about new stuff coming this month but it doesnt seem like thats true. so many shows they started could be done by now for my favorite reactors they usually charge $10 for TONS of content. So i have no problem paying $40 for 4 months. The tier on this page that I prefer to sub to is $20 for the kdrama content "Bloodhounds" is on. That is $80 for CRUMBS. this i why i stoped subbing every month a while ago
2024-03-23 23:19:18 yeah i subbed again this month cuz i got multiple notifications about new stuff coming this month but it doesnt seem like thats true. so many shows they started could be done by now for my favorite reactors they usually charge $10 for TONS of content. So i have no problem paying $40 for 4 months. The tier on this page that I prefer to sub to is $20 for the kdrama content "Bloodhounds" is on. That is $80 for CRUMBS. this i why i stoped subbing every month a while ago
2024-03-23 23:19:18 yeah i subbed again this month cuz i got multiple notifications about new stuff coming this month but it doesnt seem like thats true. so many shows they started could be done by now for my favorite reactors they usually charge $10 for TONS of content. So i have no problem paying $40 for 4 months. The tier on this page that I prefer to sub to is $20 for the kdrama content "Bloodhounds" is on. That is $80 for CRUMBS. this i why i stoped subbing every month a while ago
2024-03-23 23:19:18 yeah i subbed again this month cuz i got multiple notifications about new stuff coming this month but it doesnt seem like thats true. so many shows they started could be done by now for my favorite reactors they usually charge $10 for TONS of content. So i have no problem paying $40 for 4 months. The tier on this page that I prefer to sub to is $20 for the kdrama content "Bloodhounds" is on. That is $80 for CRUMBS. this i why i stoped subbing every month a while ago
2024-03-23 23:19:18 yeah i subbed again this month cuz i got multiple notifications about new stuff coming this month but it doesnt seem like thats true. so many shows they started could be done by now for my favorite reactors they usually charge $10 for TONS of content. So i have no problem paying $40 for 4 months. The tier on this page that I prefer to sub to is $20 for the kdrama content "Bloodhounds" is on. That is $80 for CRUMBS. this i why i stoped subbing every month a while ago
2024-03-23 23:19:18 yeah i subbed again this month cuz i got multiple notifications about new stuff coming this month but it doesnt seem like thats true. so many shows they started could be done by now for my favorite reactors they usually charge $10 for TONS of content. So i have no problem paying $40 for 4 months. The tier on this page that I prefer to sub to is $20 for the kdrama content "Bloodhounds" is on. That is $80 for CRUMBS. this i why i stoped subbing every month a while ago
2024-03-23 23:19:18 yeah i subbed again this month cuz i got multiple notifications about new stuff coming this month but it doesnt seem like thats true. so many shows they started could be done by now for my favorite reactors they usually charge $10 for TONS of content. So i have no problem paying $40 for 4 months. The tier on this page that I prefer to sub to is $20 for the kdrama content "Bloodhounds" is on. That is $80 for CRUMBS. this i why i stoped subbing every month a while ago
2024-03-23 23:19:18 yeah i subbed again this month cuz i got multiple notifications about new stuff coming this month but it doesnt seem like thats true. so many shows they started could be done by now for my favorite reactors they usually charge $10 for TONS of content. So i have no problem paying $40 for 4 months. The tier on this page that I prefer to sub to is $20 for the kdrama content "Bloodhounds" is on. That is $80 for CRUMBS. this i why i stoped subbing every month a while ago
2024-03-23 23:19:18 yeah i subbed again this month cuz i got multiple notifications about new stuff coming this month but it doesnt seem like thats true. so many shows they started could be done by now for my favorite reactors they usually charge $10 for TONS of content. So i have no problem paying $40 for 4 months. The tier on this page that I prefer to sub to is $20 for the kdrama content "Bloodhounds" is on. That is $80 for CRUMBS. this i why i stoped subbing every month a while ago
2024-03-23 23:19:18 yeah i subbed again this month cuz i got multiple notifications about new stuff coming this month but it doesnt seem like thats true. so many shows they started could be done by now for my favorite reactors they usually charge $10 for TONS of content. So i have no problem paying $40 for 4 months. The tier on this page that I prefer to sub to is $20 for the kdrama content "Bloodhounds" is on. That is $80 for CRUMBS. this i why i stoped subbing every month a while ago
2024-03-23 23:19:18 yeah i subbed again this month cuz i got multiple notifications about new stuff coming this month but it doesnt seem like thats true. so many shows they started could be done by now for my favorite reactors they usually charge $10 for TONS of content. So i have no problem paying $40 for 4 months. The tier on this page that I prefer to sub to is $20 for the kdrama content "Bloodhounds" is on. That is $80 for CRUMBS. this i why i stoped subbing every month a while ago
2024-03-23 23:19:18 yeah i subbed again this month cuz i got multiple notifications about new stuff coming this month but it doesnt seem like thats true. so many shows they started could be done by now for my favorite reactors they usually charge $10 for TONS of content. So i have no problem paying $40 for 4 months. The tier on this page that I prefer to sub to is $20 for the kdrama content "Bloodhounds" is on. That is $80 for CRUMBS. this i why i stoped subbing every month a while ago
2024-03-23 23:19:18 yeah i subbed again this month cuz i got multiple notifications about new stuff coming this month but it doesnt seem like thats true. so many shows they started could be done by now for my favorite reactors they usually charge $10 for TONS of content. So i have no problem paying $40 for 4 months. The tier on this page that I prefer to sub to is $20 for the kdrama content "Bloodhounds" is on. That is $80 for CRUMBS. this i why i stoped subbing every month a while ago
2024-03-23 23:19:18 yeah i subbed again this month cuz i got multiple notifications about new stuff coming this month but it doesnt seem like thats true. so many shows they started could be done by now for my favorite reactors they usually charge $10 for TONS of content. So i have no problem paying $40 for 4 months. The tier on this page that I prefer to sub to is $20 for the kdrama content "Bloodhounds" is on. That is $80 for CRUMBS. this i why i stoped subbing every month a while ago
2024-03-23 23:19:18 yeah i subbed again this month cuz i got multiple notifications about new stuff coming this month but it doesnt seem like thats true. so many shows they started could be done by now for my favorite reactors they usually charge $10 for TONS of content. So i have no problem paying $40 for 4 months. The tier on this page that I prefer to sub to is $20 for the kdrama content "Bloodhounds" is on. That is $80 for CRUMBS. this i why i stoped subbing every month a while ago
2024-03-23 23:19:18 yeah i subbed again this month cuz i got multiple notifications about new stuff coming this month but it doesnt seem like thats true. so many shows they started could be done by now for my favorite reactors they usually charge $10 for TONS of content. So i have no problem paying $40 for 4 months. The tier on this page that I prefer to sub to is $20 for the kdrama content "Bloodhounds" is on. That is $80 for CRUMBS. this i why i stoped subbing every month a while ago
2024-03-23 23:19:18 yeah i subbed again this month cuz i got multiple notifications about new stuff coming this month but it doesnt seem like thats true. so many shows they started could be done by now for my favorite reactors they usually charge $10 for TONS of content. So i have no problem paying $40 for 4 months. The tier on this page that I prefer to sub to is $20 for the kdrama content "Bloodhounds" is on. That is $80 for CRUMBS. this i why i stoped subbing every month a while ago
2024-03-23 23:19:18 yeah i subbed again this month cuz i got multiple notifications about new stuff coming this month but it doesnt seem like thats true. so many shows they started could be done by now for my favorite reactors they usually charge $10 for TONS of content. So i have no problem paying $40 for 4 months. The tier on this page that I prefer to sub to is $20 for the kdrama content "Bloodhounds" is on. That is $80 for CRUMBS. this i why i stoped subbing every month a while ago
2024-03-23 23:19:18 yeah i subbed again this month cuz i got multiple notifications about new stuff coming this month but it doesnt seem like thats true. so many shows they started could be done by now for my favorite reactors they usually charge $10 for TONS of content. So i have no problem paying $40 for 4 months. The tier on this page that I prefer to sub to is $20 for the kdrama content "Bloodhounds" is on. That is $80 for CRUMBS. this i why i stoped subbing every month a while ago
2024-03-23 23:19:18 yeah i subbed again this month cuz i got multiple notifications about new stuff coming this month but it doesnt seem like thats true. so many shows they started could be done by now for my favorite reactors they usually charge $10 for TONS of content. So i have no problem paying $40 for 4 months. The tier on this page that I prefer to sub to is $20 for the kdrama content "Bloodhounds" is on. That is $80 for CRUMBS. this i why i stoped subbing every month a while ago
2024-03-23 23:19:18 yeah i subbed again this month cuz i got multiple notifications about new stuff coming this month but it doesnt seem like thats true. so many shows they started could be done by now for my favorite reactors they usually charge $10 for TONS of content. So i have no problem paying $40 for 4 months. The tier on this page that I prefer to sub to is $20 for the kdrama content "Bloodhounds" is on. That is $80 for CRUMBS. this i why i stoped subbing every month a while ago
2024-03-23 23:19:18 yeah i subbed again this month cuz i got multiple notifications about new stuff coming this month but it doesnt seem like thats true. so many shows they started could be done by now for my favorite reactors they usually charge $10 for TONS of content. So i have no problem paying $40 for 4 months. The tier on this page that I prefer to sub to is $20 for the kdrama content "Bloodhounds" is on. That is $80 for CRUMBS. this i why i stoped subbing every month a while ago
2024-03-23 23:19:18 yeah i subbed again this month cuz i got multiple notifications about new stuff coming this month but it doesnt seem like thats true. so many shows they started could be done by now for my favorite reactors they usually charge $10 for TONS of content. So i have no problem paying $40 for 4 months. The tier on this page that I prefer to sub to is $20 for the kdrama content "Bloodhounds" is on. That is $80 for CRUMBS. this i why i stoped subbing every month a while ago
2024-03-23 23:19:18 yeah i subbed again this month cuz i got multiple notifications about new stuff coming this month but it doesnt seem like thats true. so many shows they started could be done by now for my favorite reactors they usually charge $10 for TONS of content. So i have no problem paying $40 for 4 months. The tier on this page that I prefer to sub to is $20 for the kdrama content "Bloodhounds" is on. That is $80 for CRUMBS. this i why i stoped subbing every month a while ago
2024-03-19 21:33:00 yeah i subbed again this month cuz i got multiple notifications about new stuff coming this month but it doesnt seem like thats true. so many shows they started could be done by now for my favorite reactors they usually charge $10 for TONS of content. So i have no problem paying $40 for 4 months. The tier on this page that I prefer to sub to is $20 for the kdrama content "Bloodhounds" is on. That is $80 for CRUMBS. this i why i stoped subbing every month a while ago

yeah i subbed again this month cuz i got multiple notifications about new stuff coming this month but it doesnt seem like thats true. so many shows they started could be done by now for my favorite reactors they usually charge $10 for TONS of content. So i have no problem paying $40 for 4 months. The tier on this page that I prefer to sub to is $20 for the kdrama content "Bloodhounds" is on. That is $80 for CRUMBS. this i why i stoped subbing every month a while ago


PD I hope you get around to reacting to Young Posse MACARONI CHEESE & XXL. Some of the trippiest MVs in kpop. I think you may like them.


I get so excited when I get an influx of notifications on my email from this Patreon only for them to be masterlists 😭


some1 kemono pls

Sven Lenders

PD, update on some of the boys planet contestants. Jay debuted 3 times now in the time span of 4 months. after already joining ONEPACT and debuing solo, he also ended up winning "Build Up" and debuing under B.D.U. with the other members being MONT's Bitsaeon, CIX's Seunghun and Kim Minseo. Wumuti lost the show “Build Up” but will form a team with other contestants on the show. They will be called Waterfire and the members are like i said Wumuti, former UP10TION’s Sunyoul, Kang Hayoon and Choi Suhwan. While Choi Suhwan might not sound familiar to you, you actually heard him sing in one of the TikTok edits of Sung Hanbin (they are close friends and he probably inspired Hanbin joining Boys Planet since Suhwan was on PDX101). BTW, I remember you an Blaire really liked his voice. The group TIOT will soon debut which contains former participants Kim Minseoung, Kum Junhyeon, Choi Woojin and Hong Keonhee. There is one person who will also join the group, his name is Shin Yechan Han Yuseop left Jellyfish to compete in Makemate1, which is a show produced by the same people that did “the UNIT” years ago. The catch with this program is that there are only trainees without a label (that’s probably why he left) Ollie and Chen Liang (goes by Felix now) debuted in the Hong-Kongese group LOONG9 after Felix finished 9th and Ollie WINNING the show in 1st place. Jeon Wooseok will debut in a group called 3WAY


And Choi Jiho, Na Kamden and Ho Brian debuted in Ampers&One under FNC entertainment


For some ZB1 content you have missed, consider checking out their Japanese Debut, Yura Yura! Also they had performed on Immortal Songs as well (and won!!) to which I believe you make be interested in and enjoy without the stress.


PD, you have got to react to Kiss Of Life's newest comeback. You're gonna be gagged


Hi, PD! Now that Onew is finally back from his health hiatus, maybe it would be a great time to check his Circle album? It's named the best kpop album of 2023 by Billboard for a reason. Also, I would like to recommend Minho's Chase EP - it's honestly pretty amazing and his honey vocals that you liked on Hard are in full display

Sven Lenders

PD, as another bonus drop, could you maybe check out the OT16 version of rising from Triple S? Besides that, they also did an amazing job covering Call Me Baby by EXO.


Hope you check out J-Hope's new album 'Hope on the Street' sometime!

Sven Lenders

PD, update on a Girls Planet member: Ruan will debut in the winning group of Chuang Asia "Gen1es". The group is under Jackson Wang's label

Jenni Tran

PD can you please check out Ateez and LeSserafim's Coachella performance?

John Hooker

<3 don't let the laters get you down. love your work and hope you keep it up!


It would have been nice to know there was backlog issues before subscribing to this Patreon yesterday but this post is behind a paywall and the old content I was looking for is no longer there/was never backlogged. Messaged you about a refund hoping I can get it back.


I just joined your Patreon but I’ve been a supporter on YT for a while now and just wanted to say that focusing on yourself is never anything to apologise for. I like to think we all think the same; we would rather you happy and healthy than miserable and living a life you don’t want. Glad to hear you’re doing better and don’t forget, we’re here for you! Recover well and take care PD<3


Totally out of topic but please you have to react to Aespa’s Armageddon before this month ends🥹 IT WILL BLOW YOUR MIND IT’S ONE OF THE BEST MUSIC VIDEOS EVER IT IS ART!!!!

Gustavo Ramos

PD please react to mimiirose last comeback. and their documentary. They have changed labels and need more recognition. Please consider. even listening to their singles would help them. This is Yoon Jias group from gp999.


Aespa Armageddon pleaseee🥹🙏🏻


PD you should react to BADVILLAIN's pre-debut stuff. They are going to have their debut on June 3 and Emma Song, a contestant of Street Woman Fighter is in this gg. They have teased some choreo & some of their music with 2 choreo videos. +82 & Hurricane!


Hi PD! When you can, I think you would enjoy Rocket Punch's comeback that you missed "Boom", it's bright and fun. It is a single album, it's sadly been a while since it came out. You've said in the past that you really liked them, so I think you would like to check it out! Also, this was their last release with Juri, maybe you already know, but just in case you don't, Juri is no longer a Rocket Punch member 💔 In my heart, she is still a member.. Hope you are feeling great! :'D


PD I'd love to see you react to EVNNE's newest comeback "Badder Love". It is by far their best release and also their best EP. SO good!


hi pd! hope you can react to enha's wvs con performance and their cover of she was pretty 🥹


hi! just wanted to mention that the boyz have had two comebacks ("Watch it" and "Nectar" - as well as some music videos for a couple unit songs) that I think you would really like and I hope you can check out! Watch it is so iconic and the vocals in nectar r so good


hi PD please do a listening party for gidles second full album '2' if you haven't listened to it in your own time already !! you've already reacted to three MVs from this album (a long time ago) but you'd be missing out if you didn't listen to minnie's songs on this album + 'fate' which got super popular in korea despite only being a b-side


Hi, PD! Still hoping you'll have Listening Party for Onew's Circle and Minho's Chase albums. Both albums are really great - I've been waiting for a year for you to listen to them and I'm absolutely sure you'll like both of them. Also, Key released a new Japanese single "Tongue Tied" with MV - it's super groovy and catchy, it would be cool if you checked it out.


hi pd wanting to let you know that The Boyz just released their MV for their Japanese comeback "Gibberish" if you were interested in checking that out or even the album, ik you haven't seen "Nectar" or "Watch it" yet so maybe afterwards? Wishing you the best


PD you gotta watch Hanbin, Sohee, and Jaehyun (BND)'s cover of Fighting by BSS its so insanely good


yes omg it was so good! Hanbin and Jaehyun had collab stages with Miyeon from Idle and young ji respectively! I think riize did something too? I forget maybe not


hanbin aotm pleaseee!!


New jeans first time since their debut on show! musiccore reaction plz ETA+OMG+Hype boy -https://youtu.be/YxjRLPGC7wU?si=3EhjLEECp5mCY8zV Right now - https://youtu.be/PjZ677elYN8?si=JtOhDW7dzEcEreYQ Super natural -https://youtu.be/PjZ677elYN8?si=JtOhDW7dzEcEreYQ


Hi, PD! Very much waiting for Onew's Circle LP - every time I listen to the album, I can't stop wishing for you to listen to it. Please do the Listening Party - I know it's been several months since you've wanted to do it, and you probably have a lot to check out, but I really truly hope you'll do it. The album was named the best K-pop album of 2023 by Billboard for a reason. At the very least, check out Circle MV - it's a masterpiece of it's own, and I would love to hear your opinion and insight on it.