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Hey guys I've been trying to film the gg content but it was one of those days where my body won't listen to my mind or heart, after I filmed TWS and had lunch, I've had massive heart palpitations and had an anxiety attack all day.

Blaire used to calm me down and encourage me but now that I'm alone, especially in a dark empty 5 bedroom house, admittedly I've been freaking out and trying to calm down.

I've tried my various calming techniques and they keep me stable for a while but the underlying crippling anxiety won't go away. I can't stop tearing up even though I'm not sad. I've been trying to win over this myself for hours now, but I keep wasting time and have to admit I can't win over my dark thoughts alone.

I'm not tired and would really like to film the gg content so I'm opening up about my struggles and am open to any advice and strategies. The truth is I'm very lonely and scared, and I even considered going live but I don't think it would be healthy to show people this side of me on camera.

I thank you all in advance for your consideration and am open to trying any suggestions, no matter how bizarre, out of the box, or unconventional!

-Jaehyuk PD


Alison Renaud

Sometimes I get these weird out of body moments or feel like Im not in my head, I dont know how to explain it. Ive never had anxiety or panick attacks. Its just these weird very rare moments when everything catches up to me. I usually just have to lie down and breathe. I don't focus on anything else except breathing and eventually my mind and body become one again. But my breathing is usually calm and I feel fine, but just not in my body if that makes sense. It's so weird when it happens and then it clears and I'm fine again, I just have no fucking clue what causes it. I've been listening to rain and Thunder videos on yt to fall asleep. I'm in one of my not sleeping cycles and it's rough when I have to wake up at 4am for work. Maybe just try and watch some Seventeen videos or ones you know make you happy and smile I usually put on one of my fav movies. Sometimes I just lay in the dark light incense and blast dubstep lol. Or I go for a walk or drive. Just anything if I can't focus or need to get out of my own head. Go shopping, get a kpop album, get Starbucks or something you havent in a while. You deserve to treat yourself no matter how small. Or just sleep. We will still be here when you need us. You CAN get through this and be stronger for it.


The cycle continues.