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Saw audio issue messages and will be working on what we can do about it!! Apologies 🥲

We are still filming so we can do it after we finish!




Thank you!


thank YOU blaire for your hard work and updates.


thank you for all your hard work and updates blaire! hope you’re able to take it easy and take care of yourself ❤️

Marcel Wannieck

Blaire, I hope you know that all the recent criticism is not directed at you personally. I really appreciate what you're doing for us!

Jasmine sumner

Thank you Blair for the update. Hope you rest well. Take care. Congratulations on the baby. Hope it goes well

Sandra l.

Thanks for the update Blaire!


Thank you so much for the update. Have a good and productive day 😁👍🏼

Jasmine sumner

Period. Like Blair works really hard to get the update posts and everything sorted, whilst having a baby. Blair deserves a break/rest. She's probably working more than PD at this rate with the little amount of content we've gotten. Blair is so sweet. I hope she's doing ok.

Marcel Wannieck

It's just really unfortunate that Blaire is the one who has to face all the backlash about PD's fuckups.

Winter Rian ~

Blaire doing the heavy lifting here. I hope that variety and more also means we finally are getting some Listening Parties 😅 If not the SM and Ikon/B.I ones at least some of the LPs that were supposed to come out last week. (woodz, ateez, elyz_up, monsta x and idk how many more there were but quite a bit)


thank you! also, speaking of devil's plan - is it possible that episodes 2 and 3 are in the wrong tier currently? from how I understand the schedule(s), I think I should be able to view them


I hope SKZ code comes out soon :(

Jasmine sumner

Exactly. Like pds putting the blame and shifting everything to her while she's working her ass off for PD. He should be greatful he has a wonderful assistant, instead of blaming Blair and making her the villain in the situation. The way pd treats her in videos and everything is wrong. All pds cult following fans will blame Blair while they praise pd. My internet friend that supports n is a silent watcher of pd thinks Blair's in the wrong, when she's clearly not. She's the only one giving us proper update posts, and I thank her for that.


are the award show reactions coming too?


Thanks so much Blaire, appreciate it!


any update on the listening parties that still haven’t been posted? are they the “and more” or?


Thank you Blair, you’re the reason that I’m still paying for the subscription! I’m really glad for your hard work, and thank you for the updates


No apology for being late again, no explanation for why you couldn’t keep the promise again. Not directed at Blaire but at this point we don’t even know if it’s blaire or not.


thank you for keeping us updated blaire, i hope you’re doing well🤍


sending u a big hug blaire🫂


thank you Blaire for your hard work and for updating us anytime you can! I hope PD is doing well and focusing on their mental health. As for the negative comments, I think it’s fair considering it’s not the first time promises about posting content are not kept and the patreons are left in the dark. if PD can’t film or deliver the content promised, you could be more transparent and let us know beforehand, it would make this whole situation a lot better for both parties. Wish you both all the love


Thankyou Blaire for the update - I appreciate your hard work on this patreon. Hoping you are doing better <3

Blaire 🌻

Award shows were moved to next month as I told him they were not physically possible within this month. For some reason my schedule post still isnt pinning. -B


i thought you guys were still doing MAMA this month? or did i read that wrong

Blaire 🌻

Appreciate your words! I’m trying to ease as much as I can and get these sorted and filmed and out for you all! More updates to come to keep you guys up to speed! It’s just a little hard cuz I’m also filming so I do apologize for that! -B


I thought one award show (MAMA) was scheduled for this month


Thank you for these updates Blaire (and like what others are saying, all these criticisms are not towards you). From your comments I understand that variety content and listening parties are going to be posted within this month but all award show reactions (including MAMA) are pushed to next month. Because you guys pushed it, does that mean they’ll be free to the public to see or is PD still putting it behind a pay wall, despite it being his inability to manage time and over promise content that caused people to subscribe for something that won’t be done this month? How is this situation going to be approached fairly?


I feel like at least MAMA should be public cuz even after the revised schedule ,it was promised for THIS month !


Me too. I feel like any content that is promised one month but postponed should automatically be public.

Jasmine sumner

No worries Blair. Thank you for the update. You work so hard to get updates and stuff out to us. Take a break whenever you need. We all support you. Thank you. Have a great day and great 2024.


Appreciate the update Blaire - I hope you guys see and understand the feedback that is flowing in. It's nice to read that the rest of the content is still coming, but at the end of the day, when or if it is released we only have 2-3 days (if that) to watch it before it's behind another paywall. Anyway, thanks for the update - I think there just needs to be a lot more communication.


oh wow i didn't even know mama was going to be pushed next month, thats super disappointing. Thats one of the major reasons why I subbed this month 🥲


I will say, I do prefer these more "straight to the point" updates. Sometimes update posts or videos can be muddied with unrelated stuff.


wasnt MAMA in the updated schedule for this month too though??

Sami Casingal

Is it going to be next month though? I thought PD said in the update vid that they will take 2 months off or force it upon themselves if they have to


Hoping the content I wished for will be out this year 😭😭😭😭😭