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spoiler at min 25:28! since theres no warning in the caption haha, that was so funny😭

Thabit Ayob

It's always so nice to rewatch attack on titan and see the subtle foreshadowing in every little thing; it's worth it to rewatch it after every single season. you alwyas catch new things


As beannieswife already mentioned: THERE IS A SPOILER SAID BY PD, so turn off the video right after the episode ends or at the time 25:28. But beside that I’ll be responding to the spoiler so here as well… stop reading . . . . . The Military Police doesn’t do that much at their work. Like yeah… if they didn’t find out about her in this season, it would have gone complicated for her, but that would have also made the story a bit different… But basically the Military Police’s job is to protect the king and “take care of the life around the place, where he lives”, so it could be easy for her to skip the work for that day


Regarding Reiner. Spoiler: . . . . . It’s questionable whether it was a steam of his healing or of Annie’s blood. But he didn’t die. It just seemed for the viewers like that for the wow effect. She probably just squeezed him, so he got wounded and based on that the steam could have been of him. The better question I had was: “How was he able to “write” with his swords in her palm?” Like there was no space nor light to see what he was writing 😅😅


Spoiler? --- The sweat on reiner's face when arming is figuring it out is so funny😭😭