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Tipsy Live 2 SEVENTEEN.mp4


maya k

hey pd! on the subject of drunk svt, joshua and dokyeom went on youngji’s no prepare and it just came out today! way way less emotional than this lol but i hope you can check it one day!


Getting ready to bawl my eyes out again.


DK and Joshua were just on youngji's show, it was chaotic to say the least....check it out if you have time would love to see you react. I've also been going through similar things in my life right now, my anxiety/depression hit rock bottom this past month and this seventeen comeback has really saved me and lifted me up, they always deliver on emotions and honesty and help me to smile again


I am literally sobbing rn. Hope you will get better soon PD-nim. Even if you don't that is fine. I really love your contents and reactions thank you for the video. You're my favourite CARAT.

Giulia Arnone

Don’t apologize we understand. I’ve been struggling as well and that much I can relate 🫶🏻 I also cried during this live as a fellow CARAT and I appreciate you


dont worry pd,, i cried for 15 minutes after i first watched this tipsy live as well (still am after watching it with you again) and i hope you find some comfort in knowing we are always here waiting for you to come back stronger!

Cécilia May

Thank you PD because through your channel and patreon I got to know seventeen and they have been a true light in my life just like you have been. You bring so much love and appreciation through your reaction, I don't know how I could truly express the gratitude I feel for you. xxx


PD I relate to not wanting your idols to know you exist so much, I talk about it all the time, and I even struggle with just regular people knowing I exist. The fear of being perceived by others and anxiety has definitely grown since covid but I try to remind myself that I am not alone in this, I have people like you and friends that will be here when I need support or comfort (just like you have this community you've built that will support you when you need us). even when I do feel completely alone groups like seventeen have been a place where I can escape to, where I feel joy and comfort even just for a little. This tipsy live also had me in tears when I watched it, I think it broke most carats' hearts. I'm not sure if this comment had any real purpose but I just want you to always remind yourself how full of worth you are and you don't need to do or accomplish anything to gain that worth, it's yours for just being who you are.


I've seen this for nth time but I always end up sobbing every single time. This is one of those times where I feel like as an idol they do not have to be vulnerable and share this kind of moments with us but the fact that they do means they really trust us and treat us like one of them. I've stan a lot of group by now but Seventeen is that group that I can say with pride and certainty that I will be in this fandom as long as they keep making music and probably even after that. Just like what they always say Seventeen is indeed my youth. I remember you talking about Pledis inviting you to their concert in your an ode listening party and I cried at that time because I can feel your sincerity on how important Seventeen was to you. That's actually what pushed me to subscribe in patreaon because watching you react to them has been one of my healing. I too am experiencing a lot of worries and anxiety in my life right now but I'm trying my best to get through it and Seventeen was one of the biggest reason why. I hope whatever it is you're going through right now will pass and only happiness and healing will be on your side.

Amanda Araujo

im so happy you finally got to watch this and did im the perfect time honestly this video is till this day one of my favorite svt contents because of how fun and emotional it is, like you said i already found circles emotional before but after hearing woozi says that's what he wanted to say to wonwoo and carats the song meant a whole lot more to me since then too and you reacting to it now feels like a reminder of that because of what we've all bern going through with moonbin and im happy you're changing your way of thinking about not wanting to work with them or them to know you, i understand why you would think that but i honestly think if something or someone makes you that happy and you should try as much as you can to experience more things together and enjoy your time together the most you can that's why when i group that i love this much and is this important to me comes to my country i try my hardest to go see their tour and anything else i can to create the most memories with them as possible so i can remember how much happy i was those days and how much they made me happier once again

Sora Laurent

The moment I watched this when it came out I instantly thought of you… because the emotions in this video are so raw and a whole rollercoaster… I laughed and cried. So seeing you reacting to it and felt the exact same way I felt made me feel I wasn’t alone… Woozi is my ult bias since their debut and it’s rare for him to cry so seeing him cry every time he’s singing “Circles” is painful. There’s so many details in this video that made me cry! But listen PD I believe in you and I’m waiting for the day I see a collab! For someone who’s watching your reactions since the beginning I know your love for them! Be strong! I’ll always root for you and them! The day will come 😊


At this time I can’t say much. Lately it’s been hard for me to put into words how I’ve been feeling lately I have to tell you that your content is truly a form of therapy for me. It’s healing. So thank you. Thank you for the work you do. Thank you so much for being vulnerable and honest. Take a break, me and many others will still be here.


Hi PD, thank you so so much for this candid reaction (a big reason why I subscribed). I have just started my journey into becoming a carat and part of that is because of seeing how much they mean to you. I felt this way back when I found BTS and then Stray Kids. It's truly amazing how healing a group of special people can bring you out of your darkness. During you hiatus I truly hope and pray you get the healing and rest you deserve. As someone who deals with anxiety and depression, I can understand how heavy and tiring it gets to carry all those scary feelings around, especially questioning your place in the world.....I quit my job a few months back hoping to find a reason to keep hanging on and find whatever the hell 'happiness' is......I'm wishing for that for you. Thank you


Hey pd, just thought I'd let you know the link isn't working!


same(( is not working...


This is still not working :((


This is not working 😢


Still not working :(


It’s not working :(


Still not working


Hey pd could you fix this? I literally joined patreon to watch this one


PD this video is not working


just joined to watch it and its not working


Direct link incase embedded stops: https://iframe.mediadelivery.net/play/131804/5b6ff1ad-ba88-4572-b8d1-b5b3308ed4f6


They say some things come right when you need them. Seventeen have always been one of those things :3