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Update: I did the pitch and it went OK, but my heart was still beating really fast while I was doing it 😅


Daily vlogs would definitely be dope to watch from both of you guys


Also I feel like PD could do some cool creative / cinematic vlogs


Hi Pd, just a request for another daily drop. You NEED to check out Ichillins La Luna. It’s amazing. There are live stages as well.


hey pd! these podcasts were a healing surprise for me as i just renewed my membership for september after the august break. august was super busy for me as i moved out and i’m now in college. i’m studying to eventually go to med school and it’s been really tiring!! anyways the point is these have been really grounding and healing for me on my walks to class. thank you both!

Marcel Wannieck

The social anxiety thing is interesting to me. I had something like that myself and I was especially afraid of phonecalls. From what I've seen on the internet, a lot of people seem to feel that way. So how did I overcome that? I got a job that forced me to make phonecalls all the time. It was pretty nerve wracking the first week but after that my fear of phonecalls was gone completely. Now I vastly prefer calls over written correspondence because calls get shit done so much faster. I encourage everyone who's afraid of phonecalls to work in a callcenter, just for a month. It'll be very tough at the beginning and you will come to hate everyone you have to talk to but hey, at least your fear of phonecalls will be gone. I guarantee it. I'm still very much an introvert and mega awkward in many situations but I'm at least not afraid to talk to people.