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It's still not fixed for me


I have a pitching session at work tomorrow and I'm kinda nervous( it's my first job and ive only been interning there for 2 months now, theyre making us do pitching session to pitch our company as practice and I don't do well with public speaking🙃) any advice ?


It’s nice to hear your guys views on these topics. Other than kpop


What’s your guys take on Asian gangs in LA I know Korean gangs were big back than


Damn I think I might have that IKEA complex 💀 didn't know that feeling was actually a thing


I just wanna say i feel truly inspired everytime I tune in to this podcast

Marcel Wannieck

Oh, you think there haven't been issues with C9? Yeah, you haven't been keeping up with EPEX at all, so obviously you wouldn't know. In their last comeback (Anthem of Teen Spirit), they used straight up Nazi references as a "cool asthetic". Lyrics like "I see them burning raw" and "Crystal Night is coming" are a reference to the November pogroms. The night from 9 - 10 November 1938 in which the Nazis violently attacked Jewish homes, businesses and synagogues. 30,000 Jewish men were arrested and put into concentration camps, many others were killed on the spot. The Night is also referred to as "Kristallnacht" (Crystal Night in English) in reference to the shards of broken glass left behind all over Germany in wake of the attacks. It's one of the earliest events that set the path to the holocaust in motion. Now, why the fuck anyone at C9 thought that this would be a "cool" and "badass" thing to reference in a Kpop MV is beyond me. They released a statement afterwards but it was less of an apology and more gaslighting, basically saying "well it's oBvIoUsLy a reference to Orwell's 1984". WELL GUESS WHAT 1984 IS FUCKING BASED ON YOU ABSOLUTE IMBECILES. They go on about how the term "Crystal Night" is in reference to "the realistic life of teenagers, used as a metaphor for the images of childrem burning in competition in the windows of numerous academies that are lit up brightly like crystal every night" (quoted directly from C9's statement). BULL. SHIT. What the fuck does that even mean? They capitalized the term "Crystal Night" in the lyrics. And there is only one event in all of history that is ever referred to as such. A night in which Nazis massacred thousands of Jews. I can and will not let the excuse of Korean ignorance fly here. A quick Google search tells you everything you need to know about this night. But what actually angers me the most is the audacity of C9 to gaslight us by saying that the references they apparantly intended can "clearly be seen". Basically saying "it's your fault if you interpreted the song that way". They rerecorded the questionable lyrics, changing "Crystal Night is coming" to "Crystal light is coming" and "I see them burning raw" to "I see them running now" among some other lines but it was a pretty shoddy job imo and it still just sounds like the old lyrics to me. It's a shame. The boys themselves aren't really the ones to blame for this but EPEX has been permanently ruined for me and I never want to listen to any of their music ever again. Billionaires buying a city? Do you want to turn the world into an even bigger capitalist hellscape than it already is? Hey, sucking at something is the first step to being sorta good at that thing.