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I love she hulk!! I think jen might be my fav female character in the MCU


Please check out j-hope's Jack In The Box and his performance at Hobipalooza! It was really such an unexpected album and I know you'll enjoy it!


Interesting thoughts about the different aspects of each generation to life. And I don’t say I don’t agree, but the important thing to keep in mind that the way it’s easier for gen. Z to make money on the internet or by doing any content is sort of privilege of being born in US/big country. In other countries like in mine it’s much harder to get to the level, where you gain money from doin that content. For sure it depends on what content you do, but in general it’s in many cases just a hobby and if you are lucky, then you can get bigger and have money from it

Marcel Wannieck

I think that's exactly it. Gen Z is the most depressed BECAUSE we have the most information. Sure, some things are getting better but we are more informed about all the bad shit happening in the world. The climate crisis, capitalism going berserk, the wealth inequality, etc. I am 24 and I still dress almost the same as I did in high school. Tshirts, hoodies, jeans or chinos. Only difference is I wear more band shirts these days because I've been to more concerts :D