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The editing in these episodes were just hilarious. Soeun's eyes, the "Are you interested?" and the lady just looking her up and down like "Who is this kid?" was just so funny These episodes really proved to many (specially those who think Monday should be the leader) why it was the right call that Soojin is the true leader in Weeekly. She may not be as loud or even as naturally talented sometimes as the rest, but you know that she's the only one who can really lead these girls best. It really isn't even that she's the oldest, she just has that about her that you can't help but respect her drive and qualities. For as much as they mess with Soojin, Weeekly always knows they can trust her to do her best. Monday's "what if I see someone I know?" is such a mood Side note, it was so cute seeing how Jihan's barista hobby came into the ep and it was so awesome to see professional Jaehee handling her tasks. Zoa is the ever cute maknae, but I did notice how the rest of the members take into consideration her ideas and apply them Man, I hope they make more of these. The closest we've gotten since is the Daegu tour vlog promo Soojin, Soeun, and Monday did but that one really does cater more towards promoting the city than the girls themselves. Still, it's beautiful how they shot it. It switches between showing what the city has to offer and feeling like we're right there with them on a weekend trip


I had also thought they were going to do more of these fan submitted promotions but we haven't seen more so far. I imagine it would be logistically challenging to produce which is why (and this is just my guess) they had the filler episode to buffer time for this. I thought it was a good idea but planning has to be done way in advance and scheduling will be a challenge. I remember when these episodes came out, some fans were not happy with the production team including the cuts where weeekly were shown rejected/unknown by the random people on the street. While heartbreaking to see as a fan, I think it was good to show those scenes because it demonstrates how challenging it was to complete the task. I mentioned previously that there was one scene that I thought soojin made a big impression and that was when she told monday after being rejected to not dwell on things like this (the rejection) when stuff like this happens and move on, otherwise how are you going to live your life. I thought that was very mature of her and it really shows why she's the leader. I'm almost twice soojin's age and I can safely say even among my peers, a lot would not be able to handle the situation like the way she does.