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Disclaimer T/W: Due to parts of the episode being heavily LGBTQ+ focused, I'm leaving a trigger warning about my post-episode review because it's pretty depressing. 


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Lavine Lee

did pd just said ju dan tae from the penthouse at the beginning ?


Can I say I love Blaire being more talkative this episode lol EDIT: I'm adding more since I had to split watching this in half. PD I've been a supporter for the last 3 years because your content has been something that brings light to my life. You don't see it but you have greatly helped me through the years where I came out and became accepting of my own identity. I want you to know that you say you're not brave enough but just existing as you are is courage. You putting out your short films was courage and even just being vocal about your values is courage. Thank you for telling us about your story and please know I'm here for you


tw// Wow, i mean , i really felt every word of what you said at the end PD and her bravery truly made me think too ( this is zach from the streams btw the account i use on here is my deadname unfortunately). i'm only 17 at the moment and heavily reliant on my parents for money and a roof over my head ( i literally have £0.00 in my bank account majority of every month) so i'm struggling with whether or not to make a choice similar to the one you made, do i run away and live my life as myself, knowing my family will disown me and the world doesn't like me either and struggle to pay for the surgeries and hormones or do I just stay with my family and find a solid career that will get me somewhere but tbh i don't think i'm strong enough to even last a few years if i take this option so i just don't know, I've been miserable and haven't seen a real future for myself for as long as i can remember and idek wether the first option will give me happiness, my up-bringing, struggling with mental health for the majority of my life, i just don't have any proper ambitions anymore at this point it's just a choice of be miserable with a low chance of happiness or be miserable in a different way with a low chance of happiness really and so i truly envy hyunyi for being able to not only live her life as who she is but also have her dream and go for it and being brave enough to be happy. i've been putting off making my choice for a long time but time and unhappiness are catching up to me. 17 is semi early to figure out i was trans but in a way because of my family it it's 10 years too late, my mum angrily threatened to take me to a doctor once because of the way i was and i just didn't understand then but i understand know it's because she thought i was trans, if i had known that i could be trans back then and had argued with her then she probably would have taken me to a doctor, they probably would have suggested therapy and blockers, even if the doctor had said there was something wrong with me, it would mean they wouldn't have been able to blame me and wouldn't have blamed it on "disobedience and stubbornness" and i probably wouldn't have had to suffer the abuse i did or at least i would have known why

Meruka Hinaru

He did haha Ju Dan Tae be ruining everyones lives, even in different dramas haha


I'm so glad to be part of your journey together with you and contribute at least a little bit every month to help you reach your goal <3


I really feel like the tragedy of the scene at about 00:23:00 is that Soo Ah is genuinely ready to give up the fight and retire with Saeroyi, to forget and make a genuine attempt at joy and happiness. But Saeroyi, who at least originally bore a strong affection for her, carries too much baggage and hurt to accept it. He decided love was worth less than revenge.

Lavine Lee

Now hoping to see PD be truly happy has become one of my dreams. I hope PD will make my dream come true. And I will pay for Patreon every fucking month to make the world a better place!


I'm really happy and proud to get to know your channel. You're a really inspiring person and I hope you'll be as successfull as you want to be. We'll all be here to watch you grow and support your dream.


i don't necessarily think that it was selfish of Soo-Ah when she asked Saeoryi to come to her and forget all the hatred and revenge. Of course it's a big and kinda impossible thing to ask him in that moment, but i really think she just wants him to dedicate his life to a fight that hurts him so much. Sure she doesnt want to be involved with this whole fued between Janga and him anymore, it's a coward think to ask, but i dont think it's purely selfish.


From my part I can say: I love you as the person I got to know through your videos. I love you for your strength, your activism, your work. During the last years I learned that I grew up very priviliged in a family where it was normal to not make a difference between people because of their gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, culture or any other of these factors. Learning that other people not only care about these things, but even form any kind of rejection or hate, was baffeling to me. It makes me so proud to see you being able to stand up for not only yourself, but for all the people who suffer because of our society. Although I share your opinion and belief, I don't have the strength to work towards a better world outside of my own bubble. But inside of my little world I no longer watch these things happen, listen to the jokes or comments, but I stand up against people. I ask questions, make sure to voice that I am not okay with these kind of things. I am not only accepting of everyone, but try to voice my acceptance and love aloud. So although my part is smaller, I just wanted to let you know that there are people here, in your bubble on Patreon, who are with you.


Wow, thank you for sharing that PD. I'm so proud of you and this safe space in this little corner of the internet that you have created for and with us. Although the world may oftentimes feel cruel to no end, know that your presence in it is so valuable. I'll be rooting for you as you realize your dream and I hope you know you're always supported and loved along the way.


The question I asked myself is: do I want to be happy or do I want to be with my family. I’ve had several queer kids ask me about coming out to parents and all that and for me I always say: if you KNOW your parents won’t accept you fuck them. They’re your parents but they’re not your family. I know that’s easier said than done and it’s easier for me because my parents began abusing me at the age of 4 so my love for them was lost a long time ago. I’ve forgiven them but not because I want them in my life but because hatred was making me a worse person. But it’s also why my main personal goal has been building my own family and treating my kids right. I can’t tell you what’s the right thing to do but here’s what I said when I wasn’t going to college and going down this path of art. My mother asked me, “Is it worth losing everything, the possibility of knowing only a few people ever make it?” And I said, “I would rather die than do anything else. I would rather do this over being happy.” So ask yourself: you know how people like us are treated and seen, you know you will lose your parents, you know it’ll be expensive and life will be difficult for a while. But isn’t life already difficult? So ask yourself if you did take the leap would you at least be happier? Even if things are hard—is it worth the struggle?


Was he deciding love was worth less or that he physically could not let himself truly love someone until he was done grieving?


I say it’s selfish because she wasn’t saying “let’s both give up Jangga” I thought she was saying YOU give up your revenge and I’ll continue to work at Jangga. It wasn’t equal IMO.


i normally don’t rly write comments & am a v silent watcher bc i feel like i’m incredibly bad with words but i just rly wanted to thank you for sharing that with us, pd. thank you for opening up like that & sharing your thoughts with us. i hope you can realize your dream & become the happiest version of yourself & make people happy along the way. also, even if this might seem like a small thing, you are making people happy as we speak: your videos, your commentary, the things you decide to share with us. i think i can speak for most of us when i say that you are already realizing your dream a tiny bit by making our days more bearable & happy. you are loved & we support you wholeheartedly.


I think this might be my favorite episode of this series by far, the finesse showed by the directors in managing Soo-ah vs Saeroyi and Geun-Soo vs Ma Hyun-yi is really multifaceted. It's refreshing and powerful to see the lgbt-position as one of strength and perseverance and commitment rather than an empty astroturfed marvel-like wonder. It really showcases Saeroyi vs Yi-seo too, with compassion and patience vs the sentiment 'you signed up for this. I believe in you, will you show us your strength or take the pity-points?'. Hyun-yi must've felt such incredible pressure in that situation.


We love you and we appreciate you. I hope you get so filthy rich it’s not even important who you are your influence is just that big and maybe then you can go through it or not, whatever you decide is right. But damn I hope you reach you goal. It will be worth it by the end.

Amanda Araujo

this is one of my favorite episodes of this series because Hyun-yi's scene is so powerful and specially that final scene i also find her so fucking brave to do that. I think its sad yet so inspiring and altruistic that youre willing to give up on your own happiness to help people and change the world, but i really hope in the future you can be truly happy PD, i want to believe that some day we can help you achieve happiness too and be able to live as your true self


You truly are one of the bravest people I have come across. It's on of the reasons I enjoy your channel. I truly hope one day you will be truly happy and put yourself first. Thank you so much for working so hard for others.

Meruka Hinaru

It's really sad that we can't just live the way we want to in order to be true to ourselves. I still think that your conviction PD, to help people is also another form of bravery. I'm able to slowly come out thanks to the fact that I've watched you through the years and all you've achieved, your stories and your convictions also give me strength to go on. I will sincerely thank you all my life, and I'm forever grateful. But I truly believe that your happiness is also valuable and I hope we can all get there someday.


Hi PD, I just wanted to let you know that ever since I discovered your channel early last year, and became a patreon later last year, your videos have always helped to make me very happy! I know it’s a little silly because it’s just kpop and reactions and what not. But I genuinely appreciate hearing your point of view on things and getting to feel like I’m watching these things with someone with that perspective. I look forward to these videos and also to your livestreams every week! It’s a nice way of retreat from my personal life even if just for a 20 minute video. Everyone here sees how hard you work and I doubt I’m alone in saying it’s kind of awe-inspiring. I’m definitely not as strong as you. Thank you for always working on these videos. And know that even if you’re not yet changing the world like how you dream to one day, you’re already adding positive things into the lives of many! I hope one day you can find the truest happiness within yourself like how you and we all deserve to, and I hope your goals come true and come true with as much ease as possible.

Connor (Cyndr)

I kind of wrote an essay, so I broke it up into a few comments: Yi-seo's growth is so fascinating cause at one point she is very much an awful and selfish person but we really got to see her change as a person. I really still don't like her very much because of her faults and motivations, but I respect her character so much because of how much she has changed. I really think age and proximity to certain influences has contributed a lot to her change, because she and Soo-Ah were very similar in key ways at one point, but Soo-Ah is too entrenched in her current views and relationships and career to change, but Yi-seo changed so much from the environment she found herself in and the people she chose to be around. Geun-soo kind of has the opposite situation, I think he genuinely is a really good kid that began to lie to himself about how the world works and how people in his environment should act because of his motivations and his self image (very much grounded in some sore of self-hate and/or idea that he needs to be someone else), and spending more time with his father made that much worse. In that way Yi-seo kind of went away from being like Soo-Ah and Dae-Hee and Geun-soo became MORE like Soo-Ah and Dae-Hee (even doing things Soo-Ah wouldn't do). This show really has fascinating writing about how people change and grow because of their motivations, morals, and social environments.

Connor (Cyndr)

Hyun-Yi's character is so cool and brave and strong and I really appreciate her and the writing around her. I think they dealt with that shockingly well, especially with how her friends engaged with the situations in their own way. Geun-soo's insane claim that he did it because he was throwing away the people he cared about (Hyun-yi was an important counsel for him) was incredibly frustrating. Seungkwon's moment with Toni was interesting because at first it seemed that he was transphobic and disliked her and was saying it's her fault for defying nature, before basically saying that he respected the hell out of her for defying it and that she can acomplish everything; yet another character with very subtle but noticeable character growth. And of course Saeroyi and Yi-seo's complete opposite ways of comforting Hyun-yi were really cool, and they both inspired me to respect myself more and be confident in who I am. I think that kind of advice and their claims are awesome because they really can apply to anyone and make people think about trans situations in a simpler way (and hopefully sympathize for this character even if they can't relate to her struggle).


PD, you're seriously my greatest role model and I look up to you so much.


Hi PD, I don't often comment on here (in fact this might be my first time), but I just wanted to come here to say thank you. Thank you for sharing parts of yourself, for all the hard work you do. I've been with your channel since like 2017? (back when we were watching you livestream yourself going to the airport to meet Seventeen) and at that time I was lonely, homesick, struggling badly at university and your channel and the community you created helped me through at that time. I hope you do fulfil your dreams and make that money, because I honestly believe you when you say you want to use that money to change the world. I wish you every happiness and peace in life in whatever format is best for you


I hope you achieve everything you want in life and more!


Thank you for all the hard work from drama club to streams to listening parties! I can feel your effort and care in everything you release and I hope you know it is always appreciated. You are someone people can proudly support and lean on as an escape of every day life. Beyond proud of you and I hope you are proud of yourself too!!


Also it’s refreshing to see a LGBTQ character owning up to their identity as a badass heroic thing rather than a tragedy.


I’m not altruistic at all. I’m totally selfish and greedy just as much as anyone else, if not more. I’m just willing to sacrifice one thing in order to get what I want.

Sian Hoy

Thank you so much for this deeper and truly honest side of you PD, I really understand that even mentioning your past cant be easy, so thank you, at the very least, for being brave enough to talk about these things.

Juliana Ferrari

Hi PD! As I clicked to watch this episode with the biggest smile I was thinking, "this is my favorite time of the week, I'm so happy". Thank you for today's guarenteed smile and for sharing more of your story. I wish you all the best as much as I wish for myself 😊

Tony Bian

Thank you for letting us into your life. As little as each Patreon, it’s our investment into your dream!


i really appreciate you opening up to us about your personal life. i really love your channel and i really hope one day you get to be truly happy until then i will continue to support you in order for you to reach your full point of happiness. i love you pd

denise den

You don't sound narcissist, to make other people happy that needs empathy, narcissists don't feel empathy xx it's OK not to be on the normal thin line, I have depression and high level anxiety but I still live a relatively normal life, I've had a great life, two of my children have social anxiety but still have a great life xx try and not see yourself as not perfect, you are doing more than most people! More than the most normal boring people! Us patrons trust and enjoy your content! Tbh your the only reactor I trust! So fk any doubters! We don't care about your sexuality, ethnicity, religion, race, we care about You!


thanks for sharing that with us. the realization was similar to my own. i support you, pd.


we love u pd !!!! we support u n love u so much!!


i really dont like how they changed geunsoo so much, maybe cause he's my favorite character, but it felt so out of nowhere...im probably bias and dont like that my favorite turned so 'evil', but this was so unforgivable. Especially cause geunsoo was so nice and kind to hyunyi, it was weird how he did that to her...

jeon yk

I really appreciate your existence, PD. I truly wish your dream come true and will try my best along to make even a little change to the world. Let's live kindly, respectfully, and happily.

Fay Kittina

I am nowhere close to even knowing you, PD, but I'm really proud of you for coming to this realization about yourself and being so brave as to even share it with other people on the internet. Thank you so much for trusting us enough to do this for us.


I know this episode was posted nearly a month ago, but I still felt as though I wanted to say something. After watching this episode and your post commentary, I realized that your stance on living your truth is very much how I feel. I am trans (ftm), and I've actually come out to both of my parents and a few of my close friends, but I know in my heart...I won't have the guts to move forward in my life to live my truth because of other people's happiness and how society would treat me. My parents treat my truth as a phase which is discouraging and due to pretty severe health issues, I know I'll have to rely on them for a while even tho I'm going to be 18 in a few months. Realistically, I don't have the time, money, and courage to put my happiness first when I know I will be discriminated against and outcasted by my own family if I fully commit to who I am. There's things I want to do in my life if my health issues ever get resolved or even somewhat better and I know transitioning would prevent me from doing those things. I truly do wish the world was more accepting towards people like us not just on an emotional level but a systematic level. This got a bit long, sorry