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OK we're starting to be more convinced by the series but not COMPLETELY sold yet. What do you guys think?


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Unfortunately for me, I think the show's peak is around eps 2-4, after that I slowly got less and less interested in continuing because of the inconsistent writing, tone, and pacing. Tbh, I still haven't watched the newest 2(well, now 3 with today's ep) episodes, that's how bored I got. Sad, because I was excited to watch this for some simple cheesy fun with idols before it started! But, where is the *fun*? 😔

Emma Ko

Initially I wasn’t gonna watch it and tbh the first episode was kind of cringe for me. it’s so cheesy and such a typical kdrama BUT I ended watching the rest of releases episodes last night and it’s so chessy I love it. I’m not really much of a kdrama fan but I’m always so down to become emotionally invested in stuff like this. A lot of people have been saying it’s a waste of time and I get it. But sometimes you just need something with not too much substance to get through the day yknow

Emma Ko

The drama def slows down near the middle though. I’m def less excited about the episode that was released today


i think it either gets better or u get used to the tone of it and just enjoy it as it is


Just started the episode but unfortunately I can say that idol's phone numbers get leaked all the time not sure how it happens but there are several idols who have gotten calls from saesangs while on live or have pleaded with people to stop saying they get a hundred calls a day. I also remember at one point there was a Excel file going around that apparently had a bunch of idols personal information addresses and stuff on it I didn't know if it was real or accurate at the time.


I can totally believe some sasaengs get jobs in cell phone provider companies/travel agencies and shit, to potentially get info on where idols are going and their numbers. Because how else do some of them know which flights to board to stalk their idols?


Yess was waiting for this🙌


Wait till u hear sparklings song lol


I just finished episode 8 and rewatch back here. The further the episode gets right the more things that make me "wow, it turns out like this behind the scandal" and other, not wanting to give a spoilers but the more episodes , the more I'm interested in the truth, the more funny and fun it is but also exciting.


It's 12 ep total I think PD


I agree with everything ur saying about the drama pd but I have decided that I'm not gonna compare Imitation to kdramas like itaweon class for example because to me its not supposed to be like that, to be able to enjoy the show I figured I should just take as it is and not treat it to the high standards of great kdramas Yes I'm disappointed in many aspects and think they could've atleast done better in the music department considering its an idol drama but can't do anything about it, anyways I've only started for ateez and now I'm enjoying for the sake of it, yeah it's not great but not trash either I've definitely seen worse


is it me or does the MC LOOK like a mini- Soo-Ah from Itaewon? 😂🤭


for me it gets better or i got use to it but ofc it's not the most amazing kdrama in the world and then u can tell at times where covid kind of fucked them over in terms of stuff they probably could have done and everything but i'm honestly enjoying it, like it's kind of cheesy and has those kdrama tropes but then it has moments where it reminds you that everything isn't all rainbows and sunshine. like how PD said they were feeling something unsettling i think that's what they were going for, like even tho it's bubbly and fun in the back of your mind you remember that a girl offed herself in the first ep, one member of a group disappeared with no explanation, groups like sparkling being close to disbandment and things they show later which i won't say cause of spoilers, but like i get angry and upset when i remember that these are real things that happen, especially with Ryeok, i think he's really interesting in the sense that they mentioned in passing about watching him in case he has a breakdown again and that he went to therapy, i think those little things are meant to make u feel unsettled. the music thing, i get where you're coming from and i wish some of the songs were better but i also get that some of them are shitty on purpose because the group isn't doing as well or the song is cheap etc, so i'm coping lmao and people have been clowning a song that shows later for so long, i think you you should check out the songs later because they have proper releases and stages and don't show the full songs on the show it's self, teaprty's upcoming song stage that they did on music bank kind of blew up inKorea so that gives it more identity I guess and just the fact that they are promoting them as if they are real groups, like they have their own social media accounts and everything is so interesting to me ( though covid ruined it and some haven't been able to perform on music bank because of cases)


Oh PD, there are plenty enough Army/Engene/Moa/Atiny who hate Hybe/KQ as well.. 😅 There's no single beloved company imo, some stans will always have a problem with the company's decisions, valid or not.

Amanda Bernström

The series just gets better and better. Many people says that and I agree 100%


are you uploading penthouse ep 2 today? :)


You talking at the end about a down to earth concept from a small company and a group debuting with a banger of a song kind of reminds me of Pixy. Obviously, their concept is dark fantasy, but behind the scenes, the company makes an effort to really ground the members. They put out a six part docuseries, one episode per member, that highlights the member’s personal hobbies, aspirations and a sneak peek into their day to day lives. Plus Pixy was a redebut for a couple of members, so it really was a second chance. At least at face value the company seems to make an ethical effort.

Emi R.

Ooh this is what I hoped for! Discussions about the actual industry compared to the drama. Obviously it’s a kdrama so it’s not realistic but there’s lots of talking points/scenarios that pop up that are interesting to me and worth comparing to actual real world scandals within the idol industry. Maybe I just like the idea of bursting the pretty bubble that newer kpop fans think the idol industry lives in? Lol I sound like an asshole, I need a cigarette and a raspy voice “You new here? Let me tell you some real shit.”


It only has 12 episodes I think. And I agree, something about the editing and the whole production look amateurish and cheesy. The first episode was a bit of a mess coz they are trying to introduce all the characters all in one episode. I'm not sure if it's because it's an adaptation from a manhwa. But I began to enjoy it more after like a few episodes. When it comes to K-drama, I'm more into crime-thriller, but sometimes it can become too heavy and I got emotionally drained. So at times I do need to watch light hearted cheesy dramas like Imitation just to "cleanse" myself just to get through the week. Haha.


I agree with the company stuff. Hybe seems to be treating their artists quite well. Same for KQ. Ofc we don't know what's going on behind the scenes but KQ hasn't fucked up yet.


I also think KQ Ent. doesn't has the power yet to set the bar but so fas so good. They may overwork ateez sometimes but I think that happens when they're exploting the hype and after that ateez usually has vacation ( honestly, the group with healthier work/vacation ratio I've seen). Also from the beginning ateez had no food expenses limit (seems like other groups do) and the company moved dorms really soon in their career and allowed them to choose their inter decor to make them comfy. When their tour was cancelled because of covid, KQ ASKED ateez what they wanted to learn during those months and got them contemporary dance teachers because this was what ateez wanted to do (They are learning now traditional Korean dance because they wanted to do it after The Real performance). All of ATEEZ members get solo promotions in different fields without a member being forgotten (Yeosng MC, Wooyoung Choom artis of the month, Hongjoon in radio Shows talking about producing, and the rest of ateez acting). Mingi isn't being pressured to comeback and before Fireworks promos KQ talked with Mingi himself, his parents, and a professional who controls his condition to know if he was ready or not. They openly talk about their artist mental health and also take into consideration fan's mental health. Also, they created an email account for fans to directly contact KQ to solve worries and when serious unhealthy behaviors happens in social media towards their artists. If you see ATEEZ bday vlives, kq stuff just puts so much effort in the decorations and even ask the members a theme of favorite thing to make the party about it instead of something generic or overused. It is known KQ CEO makes expensive gift personally to ATEEZ. I really appreciate that after knowing NCT Taeyong cried in a bathroom after Lee Soo Man told him "You must be tired" after SMTown Tokyo recognizing his effort, like... he is the FACE of the future of your company, LEADER of a group with 23 members, possibly the most overwork idol after Mark Lee and the boy breaks down after ONE compliment YEARS after his debut?, ¿why isn't he receiving gifts and compliments every freaking day? Idols need recognition, not only form their fans, but also their superiors for the effort they put into their work and basically to feel like a human being and not a product you are monetizing. What I mean is KQ invest in ateez, making sure they grow as artists with constant learning, making their home as comfy as possible and making them feel appreciated.


I also like how Imitation shows the fact that not always members within a group have a good relationship. I think as time passes they "get used to each other" since you have to live 24/7 with that person. Not sure about it, but I've heard Sistar didn't get along and that played a role in their disbandment. Its known Mark Lee almost left SM because he couldn't stand Haechan at the beginning, look at them now. And Key and Minho didn't get along well, not sure when they become closer. I guess new groups cannot be honest about it nowadays. I appreciate groups like Stray Kids and ATEEZ because they were chosen based on they chemistry and their potential growth together. Companies put the best vocal, the best dancer and the best visual in a group and sometimes they may just want to kill each other. As talented as you may be, when you are not ok with the people around you, you are not motivated to give your 100% and you may loose you passion for your work. In Stray Kids case, I think some members were lacking before debut but Bang Chan faith in them motivated the members to grow as artists and until today you can see how proud he is when they achieve something. During recording sessions, sometimes members are unsure or don't have confident in themselves but the rest is always there to cheer each other. In ATEEZ case, 8 is an odd number for a debuting team since the dance formations are complicated. It seems that KQ strategy for debuting the group was to put people together to see their chemistry together, if they didn't get along well, that person was removed form that group. After adding and taking out people, ATEEZ was the resulting team. So ATEEZ was chosen because of their chemistry as a team and not their talent at that moment, KQ invested in them later to grow as artists, but chemistry cannot be bought.

Chatise Smith

It might be a more impactful experience if you read the webtoon. I know for me while watching the show, I'm constantly reminiscing the scenes and emotions from the webtoon.


A few thoughts I have about this show so far kind of as a whole (WITHOUT SPOILERS I promise!) since I've been keeping up with it consistently for my boys Ateez. It's a grower. Basically, I'll admit it, I truly do not care about the main characters because they are purely stereotypes of character tropes. They are somehow making them even more one dimensional than even I, someone who grew up on CW shows, can stand lmaooooo. Like tbh in my opinion as both a viewer and an actor I haven't seen any real growth/development yet. And it's supposed to be taking place over weeks and even months at a time and yet I don't really see anything changing since roughly episode 3 for Ryeok and MaHa. Now, maybe I'm just biased because of Ateez but I watch my fair share of idol led dramas at this point and I am definitely someone who gets pulled in by other actors if their plotlines are good and if their acting is good. For Ryeok and MaHa I'm like.......bored with their individual storylines to a degree. But when other characters enter the scene/story line I get way more invested and to me that screams of bad writing, like they were counting on the actors to carry the scene rather than the writing. My tldr; for Imitation is stay for the side characters and the intertwined storylines, not the lead characters and the individual storylines. Then on to what y'all talked about at the end of the episode: About the whole knowing about really dark stuff in the industry, I always have the feeling for me that like yeah don't spill that stuff because it's not your story to tell. The person who should be making that call should be the idol involved in it because at the end of the day they will be the one facing the most trauma, backlash, hate, or whatever comes down on them because of that information being out there. I know that there are so many instances of really triggering and honestly hideously evil things happening in every level of the entertainment industry no matter what country you're working in or what level of the business you work at. And then you pull in the fact that yes, 99% of idol trainees are literal children and that darkness just gets even fucking darker. I cannot explain enough to people who don't work with children that no matter what they do or say or have already been through, you need to remember the truth of the matter which is that they are vulnerable. I think so often we also forget that idols really never had a childhood and sometimes that can show up in really minor ways and sometimes it shows up in really major ways. (My brain always brings up that saying about how LGBT+ kids/teens don't really get to have the same developmental years as straight kids/teens because of the need to rediscover ourselves in our 20's and 30's while straight ppl get to just move in to each of those typical stages of life at the "right" time. I'd literally never compare being an idol to being LGBT+ because that would be an insult to myself and other LGBT+ people, but to me it does hit a few of the same pressure points.) Then on the points about the companies, I think it was until either their Wave/Illusion era or the Wonderland era that Ateez had a total of 10 staff in the entire company working with them. Like that included managers, makeup, stylists, you name it, that was it. So I know Jongho used to do the members hair if they were running behind schedule and some of the members learned how to do their own makeup (Yeosang stands out the most because the man can do eyebrows like no one else i swear!) for stages. Not to mention we've all heard/seen the conditions that BTS used to work and live under back in 2013 until 2017/2018. I think the small companies that actually break into the spotlight learn to make idols that not only can do anything they need to on stage, but also do everything they need to behind the scenes as well. Then on to respecting companies; I will never fully trust a company until the day I die. Not just in Kpop but in literally anything ever that exists in this world. You don't make obscene amounts of money without crushing people beneath you to whatever degree. Only KQ and HYBE really come close to earning my respect because yes at the end of the day I do get that we live in the world we live so like we gotta make money and work and push ourselves a little too far every so often. However, doesn't mean I gotta like it lol. I often make the statement that the reason Seventeen are so in sync with each other both in dance and in their everyday lives it because of the literal trauma because they survived being abused and mistreated by their early managers and Pledis. The fact that to this day Seungcheol still goes to every meeting involving Seventeen even if it has nothing to do with a comeback or an album, something as minor as the possibility of a new merch line or talking about new trainees coming in under the Pledis name he is there because of the shit the company pulled on them all as trainees and as rookies. Now, I do desperately WANT to trust in KQ and HYBE because I want to have faith in someone in the kpop industry but also I'm an adult now. I work in the entertainment industry myself, granted in America and as a white woman but still. I know the truths of the working world. Also, your comments on TVXQ's "scandal" (because I'm pretty sure it's still labeled as such, what absolute fuckery) remind me so much of GOT7 leaving JYPE. We didn't get the clear lines drawn in the sand like SM did, but still there were a lot of warning signs in the last year/year and a half or so of the company not liking how GOT7 were speaking up for themselves. Idk, I just find it interesting to see history lowkey repeating itself there. Did I have a point in all of this word vomit??? Probably not lmaoooo, but whether it's PD who reads this or anyone else in the comments lurking, I'm always up for being a fandom grandma and talking about stuff like this, along with bursting ppl's bubbles about the bullshit that is working in the job field that you also are a fan of!


just curious what stuff did Pledis do to seventeen


This show is so confusing and cringy. Perfect for relaxing after work 🥲