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I'm going to BRIEFLY explain in the video but I didn't get too into it because it's a public YT video but not really about Patreon. 

I will not be posting anything for the next week. Not just publicly on YouTube but also here on Patreon. If you would like to know WHY, I explain in the video specifically my reasoning for this.

This means the livestream for the 22nd will be cancelled. I know many people were looking forward to KILL IT and I-LAND this week and next week but I will post them WHEN I return.

I know I provide an escapism for most people, and that's great. It's why I do this. But this is not the time for escapism. Asians aka the "model minority" and their problems are so overlooked and trivialized and I'm ashamed that it took me this long to finally call people out on it. This next week when people think of my YouTube or Patreon I want them to think of what happened in Atlanta. Just so that this isn't swept under the rug and forgotten quickly.

I will return to our regularly scheduled programming on the 29th. I will post all the originally scheduled KILL IT and I-LAND episodes you missed on the 29th as well. So do NOT worry, you are not going to miss out on the content you paid for this month. I just want this one video to be at the center of attention for the next week.

I hope you all understand. Be safe. Be strong. And above all else: fuck racists.


#stopasianhate: what we are doing is not enough

As long as another person dies at the hands of racist individuals: what we are doing is not enough PLEASE donate to these families who are victims of Asian hate crime. https://www.gofundme.com/f/in-memory-of-hyunjungkim-to-support-my-brother-i https://www.gofundme.com/f/psbfz-nancys-medical-fund https://www.gofundme.com/f/ngoc-pham-fundraiser https://www.gofundme.com/f/2b8zh292uo https://www.gofundme.com/f/funeral-and-family-financial-support https://www.gofundme.com/f/atlanta-spa-shooting-victim-paul-michels


Khem Otakusan

It's okay PD. Please do not force yourself. We can wait. Thanks! 🙏


It's not a matter of forcing. The content is filmed, ready to publish. But I want to force the spotlight on this. I know it may be frustrating but it's too important.

Carlos Silva

I am mad in a good way if that make sense 🤣☺️


I totally understand and support this decision of yours. You have a nice way of thinking

Emma Ko

That’s completely understandable. These past few weeks have been super eye-opening for me, especially regarding the hate crime towards asians. Like corona, it almost felt like it was happening in a different universe bc I wasn’t looking into it as much as I should’ve. I’ve had so many conversations with my friends and family this past week that’s made me realize just how bad the hate crimes have become. Although nothing has happened where I live, my mother wants to move us all back to Taiwan so badly. And this post makes me realize that my lack of attention towards this is the accessibility of other things that can distract me from what’s going in the “real world” (yt videos, games, movies etc.)


i know this is a really important issue rn that needs to talked about more and things need to change, people in this world are so fucking cruel so i totally understand why your doing this and i’ll see you when you come back PD.


I don't have social media, I only have youtube (is that even considered social media?). But for the past 2 years now, I'm constantly talking to literally everyone I know about the racism that plagues this country. I try my best to educate others and myself. I always listen to podcasts, read books, watch videos, anything I can to learn. Many and I mean MANY of my family members have disowned me over calling them out on how unbelievably racist they are but I don't care. I don't regret it. I'll continue to talk about it and I'll continue to educate myself. I'm currently trying to get a degree in social work to hopefully become an advocate in the future. Especially for minority groups in the LGBTQ community. It's something I want to dedicate my life to.


I work part time at a cafe and I remember at the beginning of the pandemic a few of my customers would make jokes about the Chinese virus as if they're sharing an inside joke with me (I'm Indian so apparently I get a pass cz I'm not 'that type of Asian' smh) I never laughed with them or acknowledged them but I never called them out on their rascism either. I can't tell you how ashamed I am. What you're doing is necessary. For those of us thinking this is just an American problem it's not. It happening everywhere.


I completely understand. Racism towards Asian people is a very prevalent thing and many people often disregard it by saying we don't have it as bad as others or that it just isn't that big of a deal. People in middle school would call me a terrorist, curry muncher etc because I'm South Asian but whenever I would tell an adult what's happening it would be overlooked fast and brushed aside. I would think, "am I wrong for being hurt by this?" and it ended up growing into internalized racism where I would wish so hard I could be a "normal white kid". My literal name is now different as well because of racist jokes I've faced in the past. My full name is Kareena but kids growing up would say Curry Eater, which is a pretty big stretch. I ended up just going by Ena for the rest of my life and very few people actually knew my real full name until I went to university.

Chad Williams

well calling it chinese virus isnt racist though its making fun of the dumbass chinese government for allowing this testing in labs to go on it is the chinese virus bcuz its from and created by china in that lab just like the last pandemic was in the street markets bcuz china has horrible laws you would never see these markets or labs on american soil but hey china has a history of doing dumb and horrible things like breakng their country apart every century since the beginning of time or hong kong or taiwan issue the chinese people are fine but their form of government is proven to not work yet they keep using it just like hitler was evil the chinese leader and government is evil thats not racist thats fact the chinese people are fine theyre just scared to speak out like that chinese doctor who suddenly disappeared after exposing them. So yeah im gonna keep saying chinese virus and making fun of the govmt because they literally hurt themselves bcuz they werent smart enough to keep it in the lab. racist people exist but blaming evrything on racism is honestly getting old people needa quit politicizing everything and acting fake woke and actually come up with actual real world appliable solutions instead of speaking up about it because words dont mean shit action does

Toan Toan

We understand PD. Stay safe.

Rachel G

We understand. #StopAsianHate


I grew up in Atlanta and used to work down the street from where two of the shootings occurred. I’m ashamed to even say that right now. I live in a small town now and one of my coworkers hadn’t heard the news. There is now the debate going on about whether fuckface was going after women, “sex workers” or asians. Does that even matter, it’s still a hate crime no matter what and theres still asians and asian americans being called “coronavirus” from people on the other side of the sidewalk and respectable masseuses and graduated, certified spa owners being called whores and prostitutes because of their race. Theres still asian and asian american women living here and all around the world being fetishized unfairly and so much more that needs to stop. Done with my rant for now but I’m thinking on what to do and how I can help as an ally. Thanks for your video PD


Thank you so much for using your platform PD, I appreciate you!!


We respect you PD take your time!


I really admire this post and your way of expressing this issue. Thank you for sharing, take care!