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Opinionated Matt

It's 2:30 AM but this is PD reacting to Borderline, I can't wait for me to wake up tomorrow.


I thought this was such a brave move of her to release this. Even without the interview you can tell this is a deeply personal song.


I hadn't heard this song before and I want to thank you for reacting to it. Because... I have BPD. And this made me cry but... in the way you cry when you see yourself. I don't identify as a girl but this hit such a delicate nerve and when you have BPD, you can hear the BPD specific things in there. "Please don't piss me off, I shouldn't have said that, Because I'm a good girl, Don't spill it out." The key features to Borderline is difficulty regulating emotions and extreme sensitivity to rejection. If the average person's emotional baseline is 0/10, then when they start to get emotional, it raises from there, it takes time to get mad or sad or whatever. But those with BPD... our emotional baseline is say... 5/10. So when we start to get emotional, it gets intense much quicker. And... psychologically speaking. When any given emotion goes above 8, the logical part of your brain kinda... turns off. So... BPD folks are known for lashing out. They're known for big tantrums. Followed by a deep crash when we feel guilty for it and scared that people will leave us. And both lyrically and visually, this hit that on the head. So again, thank you.


I totally agree with you about being able to relate more to this song because it wasn’t necessarily portrayed as Sunmi’s message about her specific disorder, rather a broad struggle that we all face. I see elements of myself in it with my depression and anxiety feeling like I have to put of an act of the “good girl”. I also did see the visual hints you pointed out PD but didn’t equate them to BPD I actually attributed them to possibly Bipolar Disorder as I’m much more familiar with it as it runs in my family, the quick switches between happiness, sadness and anger reminded me quite a bit of the sometimes sudden changes between manic and depressive episodes. I didn’t try to “diagnose” Sunmi with anything though and just thought of the song as being representative of any and all mental struggles anyone might go through and offering that she was offering both her sympathy and empathy.


As a fan of Sunmi for a while, I noticed a shift in her generally and I did have some thoughts about maybe there being an underlying condition that would prompt it. Like especially with her recent comeback I feel like she's much more comfortable being herself and I really got to see her shine. As a Wonderful as well, her members are the general public would usually describe as the "4D girl" who had weird up and down mood swings. I can see how being described as that only could take a toll and I'm glad she's gotten treatment and shared her story. I never wanted to self "diagnose" Sunmi so when she released Borderline I didn't try to over-analyze it and was just proud that she could share a piece of herself, even if we didn't know the context of what exactly that piece was.

Mai B

My best friend of 10 years has bpd and I pretty much immediately made the connection.. The way Sunmi visualized her mental state with the choreography combined with the lyrics made me pretty convinced that she was conveying that she has bpd even though she didn’t say it directly at any point. I was surprised to see her say it outright in Running Girls, and I’m proud of her for opening up even more. That takes a lot of guts, especially because bpd is demonized heavily by media and society.