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Yo fuck outta here. This is treason and terrorism.



Sure is but are we surprised? Orange head and his cult are delusional. Two weeks left, and if we get Pence to enact the 25th amendment, even better.

Sara Westby Hoel

I honestly dont know how u deal with this when u live there! I’m fucking outraged and I’m on my couch in Oslo, Norway. Just stay safe pd!!

Opinionated Matt

Lol for a second I thought you were talking to me... "but PD I live in Italy" 😢😢


Look at his tweet from a few minutes ago. He starts off “condemning” the violence by falsely declaring again that the election was stolen from him in a “landslide victory”. He knows what he’s doing. He’s purposely inciting more violence. It’s domestic terrorism and I am so scared for all of you in the states right now. Please come to Canada and I will take care of as many of you as I can


I just don't know what to say anymore. I'm done with this bs.


A very important point to note is that they are predominantly WHITE domestic terrorists and if they were visible minorities, they would’ve been shot before stepping a foot on Capitol Hill.


Incredibly saddening that this is what our country has been turned into by this man and his cult.


i’m so tired of living in this country.


I don’t know how America recovers from this. I am so sorry this is happening. It’s so disgusting and wrong.


I feel like I'm living in some sci-fi dystopian movie. I don't even know how to process what's happening in our country anymore. I can't say I'm surprised though. Trump is a dangerous person.


I grew up in a third world country and everyone around me always said America was a superpower. Sorry but as I grew older it's more of a joke now. Disgusted but not surprised.

Kate M

Where the hell are the hundreds of police mobilized during the BLM protests? They knew these chucklefucks were violent. Oh, wait, they're white. Never mind. 🤬


I’m not American and I don’t live there! But holy shit, Trump is literally the WROST, LESS ETHICAL, CLOWN person that America has ever put as a president! You guys are supposed to be ‘the best country’ hope that everything will be okay soon, stay safe

aicrylic (aimee)

these same idiots breaking and entering are the same ppl who ran over peaceful blm protesters with their pickups back in june. i'm not really surprised


Watching this unfold on the news and can’t believe this is real and not a bad movie. Believe they yanked Trump off twitter finally after his tweets to incite violence. He must be removed from office now. This circus has gone on long enough. All those storming the capital with their cell phones need to be arrested and charged, they broadcast the crime. Utter disgrace.


PD I know you're nowhere near but please stay safe


They didn't even get teargassed while literally breaking into the Capitol buildings.


These *terrorists* were literally just "gently shooed away" from the Capitol steps like What the Actual Fuck-- If a BLM protestor BREATHED wrong, they would get a rubber bullet to the FACE. I can't-

Lori Bel

I am so tired of dealing with the selfish idiotic views of trumpdump supporters. This is not patriotic. They just love their fat stupid leader so much they cant realize they are making a laughing stock of our Nation.


There's been consistent rioting in America for roughly half a year at this point. Plenty of shootings, stabbings, and beatings. To add to the arson. Don't lose sleep over people rushing a building maintained by taxpayers, where politicians are beholden to special interests and leaving 99 percent of America out to dry. Will be interesting to see whether or not the right mobilizes and riots like the left has for months now.


this orange caramel disbandment showcase...


I'm all for protest when there's a basis for it. But these supporters are living on Trump's twit and hasn't been listening to anything else. Trump legal team couldn't provide any proof at all. And yet people are acting dumb.


Y'all know if they were Muslim or Black they would all have been shot


If it was people of color out there doing that mess they would’ve been publicly executed pls 🙄

Toan Toan

Let's not forget the Republicans who helped egged this on but hid in the basement when it actually happened


All I can say is to the voting Americans here, remember this come the next election day. Doesn't matter if you vote Democrat, Independent, or Republican, we must vote out the people that enabled this to happen. This show of fervored insanity is a disgusting stain on this country that we can't allow to happen again.