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I've been so frustrated and going through so much shit and it's times like these that makes me extremely grateful to have you guys supporting me. 

Enough with the mushy shit, I'm going to hop in the shower, wash away my sad feelings and pick myself up and start filming for today's releases!


Abby Gora

i hope everything’s alright pd <3


I send you good vibes only, PD! ☺️ Stay healthy.


just do what makes u happy and think abt yourself!


we love you pd 🤍 I hope you get better soon🥺

Opinionated Matt

Love you PD! I'm sorry for the situation, I don't think it's unfair to ask for people to work harder and honestly I really think that your feelings of being neglected or not listened are completely valid. I'm doing my best to not go on a rant about this, it just needs to fucking change man. I'm sorry I'll stop, the most important think is that you don't ruin yourself with work so please listen to your body and your mind... Even from a completely rational standpoint you getting sick will be really detrimental to your work so please, be careful. It's not a Christmas tree but here it is... 🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄


hope things get better, pd! as always thank you for your hard work 🖤

Aixa Reales

we love you pd 💜 I send you good energy from Argentina ✨


Hope you feel better and thank you for your continuous hard work


Get your rest if you're not feeling well PD. Health should always come first. Always


I really hope things get better for you ❤️)): always here for you PD!

terry mwangi

take care of yourself PD:) i adore you


pd🥺🥺 i hope you do feel better. eat healthy and get some much needed rest. i'm sending you all my love and support all the way from the east coast💓

Mai B

we understand pd <3 we are here for the content, but mostly because we want to support you


Hey PD it's ok to take a day off, because we want you healthy. I know you appreciate us and we appreciate you just as much and it's why we will understand when you need time. I'm happy to hear that we help you and I can say your content helped me get through those tough time as well. Take care PD! Love and Support from Canada💕💕


It's too much pressure on you, and they are responsible for it, even though it's your family. I sincerely hope that you can get through this, please hold on, and please do not try to be the only one who does stuff, it's too much for one person. Sending you my best wishes and all the energy I have, it will be okay in the end, I'm sure! As for Christmas, you know, it's a time for miracles, so I'm sure everything will end up cool somehow:)

CRAYON weiwen

Don't feel bad, take it slow, just do it when you really settled down, life is like a slow journey, I'm appreciated what you're doing too, enjoy your channel.


Take ur time, no worries!


Inhale. Exhale. Take a breather :) We're all grateful for YOU!

Gustavo Ramos

Your doing great pd. Things get better. We all appreciate and love you pd. Don’t forget that

grey whalden

okay you gave us some mush so it’s only fair you receive some mush back! thank you for all your hard work pd. this year especially and all the ones since. i’ve been following on youtube for almost three years now (happy anniversary!) and the love and dedication in your work has always, always been apparent. this is true for your reaction videos and kulture studies as much as it is for your beautiful, poignant independent films as well — ones i’ve personally found comfort and acknowledgment through :’) i’ve loved watching you grow and expand into new offices and new people and navigate the wide world for not only what it is but also what it can be. your perspective on so many facets of culture and life over the years has been one i’ve truly come to admire and learn from, as well as find a solace in. trudging back from long days at school and then work to settle into form of therapy with a cup of something warm has been an almost daily routine for awhile now. thank you for being there for me and all of us. it’s only fair we stay there for you too! i know it’s not much every month but i’ll keep pledging what i can since that’s what i can reliably do to help. this was a good reminder i think to keep more active in comments as well (as we all should!) to make it feel like you’re not just throwing content at a silent wall either. thank you for continuing to wake up every day in whatever energy level it’s at. the time and effort you donate to us day in and day out must be immeasurable especially during covid times, but it is seen. it is heard. it is appreciated. thank you for making my day PERSONALLY brighter by sharing content and music that i honestly hope at the end of the day you still enjoy engaging with too. i hope the groups and idols and music itself we all found each other through is still a sort of comfort to you. a form of therapy if you will :’) be strong pd! and if you can’t always be, we’ve got your back. you are not alone in this. we can keep doing this one day at a time <3 (ps. if there’s any way we can help you get that tree, please do not be shy and let us know. you deserve a warm and festive holiday as much as any of us 🌲❤️)


I send you all my love! We appreciate you so so much! ❤️❤️ Stay healthy and please take some time off if you need to!!

Kevin F.

We love you PD and we're all grateful for you and everything you do! I don't say it often enough. I can't count how many times your content has brightened my days when there was some rough going, truly. I hope you feel better soon and that the situation(s) you talk about somehow settle :(

Kate M

Family is the worst when it comes to pressure (self-imposed or not). We want them to love us and value us. Talk to your partner about Christmas and their hopes/expectations of you haven't. It easy to assume someone wants something because they've always had it. They might be fine with some simple decorations like garland on the walls with lights and some ornaments. I've been with my husband for 34 years and talking is fucking key to a relationships. (Still an old who loves k-pop over here) I'm angry at your parents because I would, and have, worked any job to pay the bills for my family. They should be protecting their child not stressing them out. 😡


Take care pd ❤

Rachel Horn

Thank you for everything you give us PD, I truly appreciate it. 🙏 Not only for your reactions, but also when you address some very deep topics as well. Your channel name is exactly how I feel when I get to see your content, it's a form of therapy to me. Again, thank you for everything 🤍🤍


Please put yourself first, we can wait, we want you to be okay! I wish there was something more I could do for you, but know that I will always be here on Patreon supporting you 💚

Dominik Gauk

Im not very good in expresing myself through words, but know, that I will keep supporting you at least financialy :) Good to have you PD!


pd pls take care of yourself 🥺🥺💗

Ivan Castro

We love you PD


Family can really be shit sometimes i gotta admit that too... Even if you can't be as regular as you wish whenever you do upload the quality is never disappointing which imo is the most important. Also, I would like say thank YOU for sharing all of this with us, you're the one who gave us the chance to help you in the first place simply because you trusted us enough to share your pains and struggles with us. So thank you for your hard work and thank you for allowing yourself to be human in front of us. Glad to be helping out and once again : thank you for everything PD!

Sora Laurent

Take your time PD! We understand and support you! We love you


Awww pls get well pd!! We really care about your health more than anything!!

Nico Engels

PD, you are a great person and that is why we support you. Your videos are the ones bringing me joy every day and they distract me from my anxieties. We really appreciate you! Always remember that you are loved by many even though you can't really see us.❤️️


Take your time pd! It’s unfair that your family expects you to take care of everything.. it’s way to much for one person to bear all of that.. I’m sorry that things have been so hard lately. And if you need to take a day off we will understand. Your health is important. If you’re sick make sure you take care of yourself and rest if you need to. We love and we will understand and continue to support you!


I love you PD. I appreciate you! Thank you for being you and making others happy!

Violet Joo

피디님 힘내요~~ In difficult times think about us. We love you and support you!!


take your time and take care of yourself !! we love you pd ❤️


Please rest a lot tonight. And you can take a day or two off if you need to. I’ll wait

Rebecca Le Minh (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-18 05:01:42 We love you and not leaving anytime soon <3
2020-12-17 21:46:12 We love you and not leaving anytime soon <3

We love you and not leaving anytime soon <3