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I’m having just the most exhausting and tiring week. Computer is down for the week as we are doing major renovations on the house and it’s killing me yo. How’s everyone else doing?



School is killing me atm. I have no motivation to complete any schoolwork


Trying to survive the last week of school before finals. I hate physics Edited to add something positive: I’m grateful my mom makes herself so available for me to call. Even when I’m not particularly stressed, it’s just nice to talk to mom sometimes

Juda Culp

Finals for school are happening so I’m trying to get through those and graduate soon! Hope your able to take some time for yourself during this crazy week!


Finals just started for me so i'm stressed.

Syazraid Aidil

Doing fine!! Eating ramyeon at the moment🤣how’s your family doing PD!! hope they’re healthy and coping well😄

Jadira Pedraza

literally cant finish my missing assignments and i also work most of the days🧍‍♀️


I'm just bored & tired. Unmotivated & listless. I'm not even really excited for my birthday at the end of the week.

Sandy Cai

Really busy at work since its December, a lot of no work holidays, so we're cramming. Excited to go home to my hometown though after 2 years.


A little stressed because I have work AND I have a little kid to teach at home.

Sebastian Reimers

Its 5:25am at my time and i still cant sleep. Im trying it since hours.. beside this everything is fine and i am enjoying Your content. Thx PD!


Pretty good actually! I just moved into a new apartment so I’m getting settled in here and working a lot cause of the holidays. I hope you and your family are doing well other than the no-computer thing!


At work rn lmao

Kiah Elsie

Not great, have to be at the hospital at 7am tomorrow for a short day surgery 😐

Frédérique Nadeau

Not so hot. Lost my job last month and don’t know what to do with myself for now. Canada is heavily confined and everyday feels like the previous one. Your videos really help me get some distraction and even sometimes gets me to genuinely laugh out loud. This community makes me feel connected and gives me my daily dose of human interaction ❤️ Form of Therapy indeed

Katrina Montes

Hectic day at work. Listening to your new podcast episode to survive :)


ummm i'm ok trying to see how i can finish my 3 page essay that's due by tmrw at 11:59pm🚶🏽‍♀️


Good and bad. I got a new job, so that's good. I'm trying to study for a CPA exam next week, so that's bad.


As some people said in these comments already, I’ve also been feeling tired and unmotivated. Having a hard time getting into things both at work and my hobbies, so I feel like I need a rest but at the same time feel like I should be working more. Sorry for venting, lmao. Hope you’re doing well aside from the computer issues. I’m a recent patreon, so catching up on all the content is really making these weird days a little better.

David Nystrom

It’s a tough week, tbh. My job is eating up more time than it’s worth, I haven’t been able to write (my main hobby that I wish were a career) partially because my online class needs my attention, and my daughter has her baby teeth coming in so sleep is... optional. Haha. I’m just ready for a holiday break from something, get some writing done, and find a few moments to relax. I hope the week without recording can offer you a sort of reset. Take that time and devote it to you and something you love, like the woodworking! I loved hearing how excited you got on the podcast talking about it. Everyone else who maybe reads this, keep on keeping on. We’re all in this crazy ride together. Cheers!


Just a lot going on at work, it is only wednesday, but it already feels like I worked for 5 days 😴😵


Work is pretty tiring I miss having your weekly YGTB videos to look forward to 😭

aicrylic (aimee)

work has been really hard and stressful and they sent out that stay at home order again in cali ugh 🤦🏻‍♀️ but i'm surviving


honestly hella exhausting, after being out of work since march my motivation to find a new job is at an all time low and on top of that I'm also looking to start studying again which is a mission just by itself. but eh, life doesn't stop for anybody so kinda just have to keep pushing through day by day :)

Delphine Vdh

It could be better, I'm really anxiu'ous about the exams that are coming and I'm studying most of the time. And also my dad has had some health issues, he had a heart surgery and is now in an artificial coma. But I'm trying to cheer up by taking time to talk to my friends and relaxing.


I am an animation student studying animation in a uni in uk. This week has been quite hectic for me because of assingments, but im doing well! C: just a bit tired and homesick good overrall! Happy days!


Chillin. Majoring in CS, finishing my freshman year on the 16th.

CRAYON weiwen

A week blessed by IZ*ONE comeback and one more day to go AR45 in Genshin Impact, busy streaming week but I'm so enjoy it xD


It's been tough. My shoulder and neck are completely tensed so I've had a constant headache for an entire week

Joshua Fleming

I'm eating bread so I'm okay

Nico Engels

Doing fine. Last week was pretty bad and I am grateful that I am doing better the last few days. I hope you push through it PD!

Kim Chaewon

im hooked on izone

Kate M

Y'know what, I'm okay right now. Things have been up ad down through *waves hands* all this. My son's gf was directly exposed to covid at work 2 weeks ago, but it looks like masks did their job and they've both tested negative every test. Her job (nurse) mandates covid tests every 3 days when exposed and my son did the same since they live together. (Yes, I'm an old. :P) And, frankly, I'm so relieved.


Same same. Waiting for your Treasure Map and BP Documentary reaction.

Mai B

Three of my roommate’s friends got tested positive for covid and thankfully my roommates and I got negative test results. I have cold-like symptoms though, so I’m staying inside in bed. Denmark is having another lockdown which was long overdue tbh. Exhausted, I’ve been filled with anxiety the past week.


exhausting as it is finals week


Work is finishing up end of the year deadlines for projects so I’m trying to get through the next two weeks until my holiday off. 😩


im literally working 5 days a week and my back is giving up on me even tho im 18yo 😩

Alana M.

monday was my birthday, so i feel a bit better and more positive than usual. i turned 25, so the pressure of aging and going into my quarter-life crisis is definitely getting to me. but i feel at peace knowing that i'm on my own path in life and trying not to compare myself to others! hope your computer gets fixed soon and that your week gets better PD!


I work in public health so I live exhausted anymore. Otherwise, life is ok. I hope your computer is back up soon. Hoping your house updates go smoothly.


Im okay, just very stressed out from school, and overwhelmed since im cramming in all my assignments.


Honestly not great. Lost our cat a few weeks ago (our main joy in this lockdown life — I still hear him once in while :'( f*ck cancer) and job has taken over my weekends. In need of a proper offline holiday so now just powering through the next week and a half. Hope renovation goes smoothly and you're keeping your chin up! :)

Réka O.

I had a Korean exam today and I think it went well :) It'll be more than a week until I get the results though. And my job is extremely stressful right now :(

Aubrey Whetten

The most eventful thing that's happened to me is that my cat started acting up at the vet so now I have to give her sleepy drugs before we go so she can have a real exam. I wish I could add a photo.

Réka O.

thank you!! :) I'm also glad, it's so rare that I find another Hungarian in the international K-pop community ^^


Wow, to find Hungarian kpop friends here of all places... :D