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Hey y’all so for those of you who follow Drama Club, or YG Treasure Box or Good Girl or Queendom or etc. I’d like y’alls feedback.

So one of the hardest things about getting these type of videos out has been, well, the time. These shows are often a grueling hour or hour and a half long sessions, and frankly it’s hard to sit in an uncomfortable chair for even one episode for that long (let alone all day).

And yet I find it so easy to binge shows when you’re in bed and chilling. So that gave me the idea of how about trying to film these in bed or a couch, in a comfortable setting? The trade off would be quality in my face cam, as I’d probably have to film off a laptop and a webcam of some sort but the benefit would be that I can 1) churn these out faster and 2) burn through shows quicker.

So the idea is that I could burn through a show in less than a month rather than the course of several months. So we could find a way to do a new drama or a new reality show every month or every other month!

Let me know what y’all think! It would require some special setup (I’d probably have to go invest in a high powered MacBook as I don’t have a laptop powerful enough to record) and either use a webcam or a go pro but it’s possible!



Yeah. I say go for it. I think its better to get more of these kind of content even if the quality is not the same as your normal reaction videos. So you can watch more series and not be backlogged.


1000% would prefer quantity over quality, in terms of camera quality obviously 😂 Totally happy for you to binge and be comfortable. Binging is the true way to enjoy dramas anyhow 😤


Omg yes i would love that. i dont really mind tge quality so if this is more comfortable for you then yesss

Aeriel Darriana

This sounds good! You could try setting up something like a LieV segment if you're familiar! it's like a more chilling setting, there's definetely a lot of ways you can go about it. it'll just feel like a watch party!


think thats a good idea! we do want you to watch the shows being comfortable ^^

Daniela Hawkins

Sounds good that way you'll be more comfortable!

Chi T.

Maybe you can consider the Logi BRIO webcam if you want 4K quality :) i’m totally fine with lower cam quality though

Nick C

Yeah I totally get it. Watching shows are more fun when you are comfortable. If you want to film in a bed or on a couch go ahead. It’s fine if the video quality isn’t as good as we watch your reactions and input but we also want you to enjoy the show with us.


I don’t mind either way so whatever makes you most comfortable PD.

Kim Chaewon

That sounds great ! I mean the point of u doing this should be for you to enjoy it rather than being inclined to do it just for us. Plus more frequent episodes we cant complain :)


I really like this idea! I think I might even enjoy it more to watch those Shows in a setting that's more comfortable for you. Less like I watch you react to it and more like watching it together with a Friend.


since i watch your videos over my PS4 on the couch anyway....this would be like gathering on your couch and watching the shows together and would, like, totally make it even more fun! so yes, go for it :P


Sure whatever works for you or is comfortable for you I’m in :)👌❤️

CRAYON weiwen

Watch it comfortable, important is enjoy


honestly I care about your reactions and your opinions more than the quality of the video for these longer reactions! I think it would also make it seem more like watching a show casually with friends which would be a really nice vibe :)

Maggie Ross

I really like this idea. I feel like it would create a more cozy feel like we are all just hanging out and watching something together. I feel that it is definitely something that would work well on patreon as its supposed to be a more intimate platform anyway. I'm definitely on board and wouldn't mind the quality change.

Chloe Borley-Evans

It sounds like a really good idea that caters to you're comfort and our enjoyment :) I'd say go ahead!


i think as long as we can hear you clearly, film wherever you're most comfortable! :)


whatever you're comfy with, i think it would be a lot more cozy that way too!!

Violet Joo

Bed sounds good. We love to watch TV on bed so why not. We support your ideas. If they don't work it's never to late to make changes :)


sounds great, you will be more relaxed and maybe will enjoy the shows more - plus it gives some kind of a sense of bond between you and us, as we are mostly watching your videos on the couch I guess;)


Do it in a comfortable setting. Sounds great.


sure, do that, it sounds comfy! :)

Dylan Hall

You should be comfortable when watching such lengthy content. I mean you already sit in an uncomfortable chair for the Kulture Study, Listening Parties, variety content, and livestreams. As for the camera quality I don’t think anyone will mind


Anything that is comfortable for you PD!


I'm totally up for it! Why not get comfy while watching? and as a plus, we get them faster. It's a win-win for me 😅😁

Caro Iine

I signed up to watch YGTB with you and I am fine with whatever is comfortable for you. I also prefer it to be released faster so you can name the members once their next comeback arrives. All the best, PD!

Katrina Montes

Sounds like a good idea! So long as we hear you good, I'm all for it! :D

Alex P

I'd say get comfy. That's what matters the most.


I will only accept content filmed while you are kneeling on pencils, because it is the pain and discomfort that makes them delicious to me. Nah, man, jk do what you need to do to enjoy your work and be comfortable.


Whatever makes you comfortable. I don’t mind. I am here for ur personality, knowledge and opinions. Not the quality of face cam 😂

Kate M

Be comfy! Get cozy! I'm watching on a laptop myself and, even at full screen, your face is only about 2-3 inches square. I'm trying to keep up with the subtitles and pretty much just listen to your reactions and commentary.


I personally love the idea of watching them in a bed or on a couch. I’m not a huge stickler for video quality so I would still be very content with the content and would still enjoy watching them very much. Getting comfy would make me even more relaxed as well while watching these which I already watch in a comfy setting as well. :) So I definitely say get comfy and enjoy! I just (finally😅) finished Treasure Box so I’m actually super excited to watch more of your videos on them and hear/see your reactions.


Love the idea!! I think you'll even appreciate the shows more if you're watching them in a more comfortable setting. Definitely 100% up for it!!


Do whatever makes you comfortable pd


That sounds perfect as I’m mostly here just for your commentary and the reaction itself so the video quality is never an issue


Sounds like a good idea pd, you could even watch shows like going seventeen in a comfy setting and churn through episodes quicker. Plus we all know we watch these video while comfy you should be able to as well.


i personally wouldnt mind if you recorded in bed or anywhere comfy. i love your content so i'll be happy with anything

Marcela Pereira

Hello, PD! I personally don't mind any type of set up. Do what's best for the recording of these reactions. Honestly, I love them and I'd watch them even if your face is tiny in a corner lol


Watching these shows in the couch or even in bed will give it a more realistic feeling. Let's be honest 90% of people here binges these shows that way as well and i agree that it's easier to watch a long show in the most comfortable way possible.


Sure sounds good if it makes it easier for you to watch different content im all for it

moomoo fighting

That sounds good!! I find it easier to binge watch when I'm in a more comfortable setting as well


yeah be comfortable


The more comfortable the better!

Rain Sparks

Do it where you feel comfortable!!

Julia Hemmingstad

The more comfortable the better the reactions! Do what makes you feel best PD!


Good idea!!

Natalia Kuroś

We can also watch from our coaches. It will be definitely more warm and a friendly experience 🥰


Do it! I watch the videos all snuggled up on my couch & you should be able to, too!


deal! great deal actually, comfort for PD and more/faster content for us~

Cavonne Robinson

You should totally do it. As long as we can hear you, I think people will fine. Also we would like for you to be comfortable watching these episodes ❤


Drama Slumber Party sounds good to me! 💕


i don't mind you filming in a bed or couch as long as you're comfortable and still able to give your thoughts/reaction like you always do!

Evelina Airapetova

oh my gosh, totally! comfortable is better. for me, at least, it's more about the experience of watching these again with another person and getting their reactions. it's not like I'm staring at their face when I watch TV on the couch with a friend irl. :)


comfort comes first! pretty sure a lot of us watch your content on the couch or in bed so we can just vibe together binging shows LOL


Go for it!


Absolutely! Go for it!


These longer shows will be much more enjoyable for you if you watch them comfortably so I don't see why not do it.

aicrylic (aimee)

yes 🙌 watching shows in bed or on a couch is the way to go

Meruka Hinaru

PD, if I enjoy watching shows in pijamas on my bed, so you should. I'm all in. What matters for me is you commentary, so as long as you are confortable!


I'd love that!!!! Makes it more cozy :D


I want you to be comfortable. I normally watch your vids on my comfy couch

Emi R.

Seconded to what everyone else said! I always wondered how you keep yourself from binging. I always get sucked into a show especially when it cuts kind of on a cliffhanger. It would physically pain my soul to stop at just one episode when I know the resolution is just a click away 😂 BUT I’m always sitting on the couch or my bed so GOT FOR IT!


Go for it! honestly really just love rewatching shows with people and I don't mind it it's not HD or a super "professional" setup. Confort is always better lol


Go for it PD :)

Lukáš Glumbik

Oh hellz yeah man, get comfy, comfy-ness is the most important thing!

Mira S

Do whatever makes you comfortable pd◡̈!!!!


I'm all for it! s long as I can hear your opinions i'm good


Yes!! Love this idea!


Get as comfy as you can 👏 I think it will give a nice homey vibe too

Qonita Hayaza

I’m all for it! Can’t wait!


We always want you to do what is best for you! Filming it from bed or a couch, or even eating while you film is fun. It makes the video more casual and it feels like you're relaxing and watching it with a friend!