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The Kulture Study: PENTAGON "Basquiat" Performance MV

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The Devil works hard, but PD works harder 👏


I just gasp when I got the notification for this. This song means so much to me 😭😭😭


Ahhh I was so looking forward to this 😭


I think this song is also super meaningful. Going into RTK as someone who ults pentagon I was obviously very excited and optimistic but ultimately a bit weary because pentagon have almost always been extremely unique. I think their debut and first comeback are their most “mainstream” sounding songs, even if I love them. And I think going into this, as monstrously talented as I know they are, I had a feeling they wouldn’t win because they don’t really do mainstream sounding sort of things? Like from the beginning I just had a feeling the BOYZ would win because they have the appeal that does really well on these types of shows. That being said, I’m so proud of them and how they didn’t really change themselves to blend in on the show and I love at the end they really just said, “fuck it, we want to produce music we want to make” and then they made this song talking about the beauty of individuality. And that’s why people love pentagon. Because they are so unique and have such diverse sounds, talents, and range. Anyways, cube did announce they would be having a comeback soon and I’m so so so excited and really hope that this is the right timing for them to FINALLY !!!! get their very first win :) and hopefully for more people to notice them and how amazing they are 🥰🥰🥰


Since I saw their performance on rtk, I thought Basquiat was about Pentagon themselves. I think they said that Basquiat was a man that never got recognition when he was active, but it was after the fact. It reminds me of the interview Hui had in the show when he was talking about an old man saying it only takes 3?4? Years to tell if a group's gonna be successful. Basquiat feels like the essence of Pentagon, it feels like their struggle, passion, and their story to this point. I love that they used Basquiat, it's like you may not be recognized in your time, but you know the value of your creations. I've had this idea for a while now, but I kinda want Pentagon to go down the musical route. I don't see anyone else doing it, they have the volcals, and I think it would be engaging. People love musicals


Basquiat for me not only was the best performance but also the best song from the finale. And now knowing the lyrics I think it was the perfect song for them to do cause it really shows their story, be it for their careers or their journey on RTK. We saw how they were so desperate to show in RTK what they could do and get 1st place and in the end being disappointed and stressed because the results didn't match their expectations. So I think the message of the song is great because they seemed to finally come to understand that is not about getting first place, it's about being true to themselves and being proud of their music and forget about having to make it big right from the start or else be considered a "flop"...there are a lot of groups that didn't do great right out of the gate but with time they got recognized. BTOB is one example of this...so I think if Pentagon keeps doing what they are doing more people will see their value soon.

mohammed alamri

i just couldn't breath at the end oh my god such a masterpiece

Diana Montaño

lets hope the 4 years curse of cube work again...BTOB and CLC had their first win on the fourth year...so lets get them their win in the next comeback.

iam yourangel

thank you so much! for this reaction! Your point of view on "I wanna hear you voice" is very very interesting! I did not think of it this way! Also the way you see it as a victory is is very interesting as well. And you are right but at the same time it feels like a song to release their anger and desperation in order to let go everything that may happened to them in the past and start fresh again. Hui also said that I wanna hear your voice was also kinda of a cheering anthem for all the people/ their fans who are struggling for some reasons. So their fans used the hashtag #Iwannahearyourvoice and opened up about all their personal struggles on twitter. It was really meaningful. Thank you for the reaction

iam yourangel

Danm this makes me go emotional again. I remember just some hours before the final when they knew they were not going to win Yuto and Shinwon posted on SNS saying fans to chill because we should be enjoying it. They said that are the entertainers so we should enjoy it. They just knew how much we were worried and they comforted us. Here now I'm sobbing.


Even as a Fuse (ONF fandom), I really like Pentagon's Basquiat performance! Whenever I need some energy, I always watch their performance again. Thank you PD for reacting to them :)


I find that Hui's part just before the end is especially meaningful. I don't know if the translation is accurate but it goes something like "look at us survive, the moment when something shining doesn't shine". I don't think it is a coincidence to use the verb Shine in this song... thank you so much for this video !!


the lyrics for this song are really so powerful and I think that is what elevates the song even more! I wish this could have been promoted better, because as it is only people who watched RTK or were already fans seem to know about this! I like your take on the lyrics. It definitely is a very personal message that they are conveying here, which is nothing new to universes :) I remember you struggling in the past to understand what Pentagon's style is and I think this song can be an explanation for that: They do whatever they WANT to do and not what others expect them to do. For me personally that's why I like them so much. Their albums are full of surprises and very personal. But I also think that (especially with the choreography and the concept they chose for this) this can be seen as them telling everyone, who is struggling with expectations from others on them, or being oppressed by someone or something to stand up for themselves and let their voices be heard. It's a message of believing in yourself and going your own path even though it might be messy and hard, in the end you will achieve something great. Just like Jean-Michel Basquiat did, who was one of the first african-american artists to gain recognition in the art scene. He pretty much brought graffiti art from the streets into museums, while fighting against racism and oppression. Anyway thanks for reacting to this!


At first I got really sad on they not winning the show, but for those who's been there all the time, watching all the strugle from the beggining until now, i feel very proud of them... i think one week before rtk 1st episode went to air, they made a live on youtube to celebrate they new youtube sign, and how they cried apologizing to universes for not been able to give "us" a win, this is pentagon, this is their legacy, i feel much of theirs sunbaes on this, strugling, and finding a way to obtain more power from the fans, and value themself as a team, as a family... i expect much from this new jp cb they're going to make this month, and hope that we have more relieved and fun pentagon in te end of the year! And yes... hui's such a good songwritter, and productor, everysong has a meaning, every part even of the mvs has a reason to be there, it took me a while to realize that, i think it was in humph, but in dr.bebe the whole analogy calling the metronome bebe, and how this whole world can drive you insane is amazing